Show acoman rand a burglar mf baure of efin wi wn awakened one night nol long agaby the of the anil got out of ixil thinking it was cat giitl om but upon looking 1110 the front room alie wag gome want at beholding a n borgo char hiie i lid awny as would have been alip anse with lidie ut and caubit hold otlee llimet A lively encounter en sued to aft away but mrs B clung to ins tt alio alnet ii afi der to ica dri driad pd lie lie had ji hit and mid arrn roil lot mg boltl witch and 74 it tn thony ony after tie abot free from lir he her ft blow and knocked on tup of her he then onule lait by unlocking un lockin the front door in time too lor mr who slept in alie bick room caine to the viavin han by the an wai and it nia found that the annl to pet away with 40 MM entitled to credit for the plucky manner in which hf fought iho thief he whytt do you know of tho conrao er of nna ivita hiked of a wit ami at a colico court tho other day what do know of hia I kno it to bi your he replied with much em pili pil i five benr ohl having fiat of prins in the laking nt n jilji arco w floorn dav eliy I jint awl t ahn tree ita nil cotard with popped corn art pay h A corn pliant plin nt n I inar you lifite rt yary wife beit rM pond lio friend with tsih idla behe ai siviya wroe thins for ni to do 10 cwi |