Show CONGRESS by W C to th SENATE W jan IS submitted a resolution instructing on indian to inquire into alie circumstances which led to the recent escape of cheyenne indiana from fort neb and their slaughter by V S forces agreed to allison from tho conference committee on the military academy ap bill a report which was agreed to alio house having to tho report yesterday the bill now goes to the aresi dent billalon the calendar not objected to wore considered under the five minute rule the house bill for the payment to the officers and soldiers of the mexican war of three months extra pay provided for by theace of july 1838 led to a long edmunds submitted on amendment to make the act apply to those who served in alio late war for the preservation of the union tho bill was laid aside without action the bill to amend the patent lawn was taken up pending discussion the senate went into executive session and when tho doors reopened it adjourned HOUSE A bill was reported from the committee on ways and means for the issue of certificates of deposit of the denomination of ten dollars bearing interest at the rate of three per cent and convertible at any A long debate ensued which ha mg closed offered an that in lieu of the certificates provided for the secretary of the Treasury shall if desired enter on the books of the treasury to the credit of any one presenting or forwarding it to the treasury any sum not lass alian ono dollar and hall allow interest thereon ac the previous question was seconded and the main question ordered yeas nays 99 the first vote was taken on kellena Kel leya amendment that certificates shall be convertible after six months into lawful money and at any time into four per cent bonda tho amendment was rejected 81 to the next vote was taken on burchards substitute and it waa defeated yeas 67 nays springer moved to lay alie bill on the table till |