Show FIAT LUX let there bo tor and there WM light the glorious beams of the the day jiing th re fractions thereof radiated by the moon for latter if a fickle dependence durina tho period when its brightness might enlighten us only for i lew evenings at a timo it S often and then unlike alio sun it completely troy ed it order that mankind might be perpetually ahat have ats written experimented so completely opposed to even temporary darkness except at rare intervals is the homo that alio suggestiveness and inventive skill of explorer into the realms of has boan constantly taxed to alio utmost to contrive borne plan of um by means of the brightness of day would boi nearly or quite sinuous commodity we thought we were hovering upon the verge of complete achen edison proclaimed to iio world that an leatric lep light so powerful M to bo at least an inen oua counterfeit god of day illuminations and so to be within the reach of all had been discovered hope blossomed into belief when wo read that eastern buies had adopted alie invention with such satisfactory results w to and cheapness that gas stocks were steadily falling and woi had commenced to urge the introduction thi new into taci metropolis of utah sometimes known as ogdan just at this interesting point comes an authority real or pret ended alio deposes and says that eanon is a humbug eliat out inventions patented by him about a bakers dozen and no more have merit and that of chii insignificant number all are not perfect by any manner of means novy we want light in another direction I edison alie man whose name wo have learned to revere because of his alleged ceniu ge niu or is he a baiso deceiver and hn claim to greatness without substantial basis does alio phonograph really poses that faculty which iia i caused its admirers to call i she because of its assumed ability not Is the back action system of ele graphy to lias been ed lie euphonious designation duplex ft duplicity instead or aliat and so on alt it is the electric light m which interested we might got along without the phonograph the telephone tho megaphone tho ero phone tha duplex the etc etc but save anlo us the magnetic illuminator iet edison be a raving the public so elect but may the invention which we expected to sec knock poor lights and highe prices finto havo concoction of ono of liis lucid intervals let us h light tho diore powerful tori a given sum and alio tai alie ietter wo can wait for kc eloys motor indefinitely if need be but we aro heartily tired of coal oil is dirty to handle and dangerous to have in llie house is well as of glass chi inn ays eys which have but little alien the object of their creation is sought to be accomplished |