Show GENERAL NEWS by W to tb birj dd NEW jan 14 jaa cronin a guest of the stevens house ragis from san francisco was found dead today to day in ii room having taken a largo doe of morphine ho left a letter for hi brother in brooklyn about the disposition of hia effects crat NEW YOKE jan 14 beraldi Her aldi ram aliis city on saturday for marseilles to sail chenco for india the following thursday in the regular french steamer leaving on that date lie does not wait for the united states steamship richmond t fut NEW jan 13 wm II 11 fast driving proclivities have caused him another accident this afternoon he was out central avenue in a beigh with two fast trotting horses when he collided with another sleigh driven bv patrick a liquor dealer of second avenue and street completely wrecking the lattera latt erg vehicle and throwing out five occupants one of whom miss herman was seriously injured having been struck hy one of horses wm II 11 sustained no injury A arlig the brooklyn aldermen today to day passed a resolution directing the comptroller not to pay any more woney toward completing the east riat bridge so long as new york contribute her share of alie bostl Carr craBl beyril Boy ril NEW YORK jan 13 the Suns iya capt bogardus Bogar dua and dr have made arrangements for a shooting match and arato break glass balls within the space of six dysthe ni itch to berliot between sept and dec 31 of this year for not ions than a side bogardus to use a shot gun and carver has the choice of either shot gun or rifle but is to continue to use throughout the match the weapon he begina witha tho balls to be sprung from two bogardus traps fifteen yards rise both barrels of the shot gun may balls may be sprung in the air at the choice of the marksmen if carver chooses a shot gun heis to under alie same conditions if he macca a choice of the rifles the balls are to be thrown in the air either by hand or trap each marksman te load ins own gun aa he shoots the winner to take the stakes and pate money the datcu is open to all comers under the above conditions but I will bet bo gadu said that there will be no comers carver s backed by W II 11 of england who has him under a contract to exhibit in vari ou parts of europe thin carver explained is the reason why the content in deferred until next fall bogardus is ln own backer bogli men are confident of winning to kinilau alie brooklyn chri union sent a commini sat ion to the mayor today to day protesting against the desecration of the sabbath day hy madame anderaon An derBon walking in mozart garden on that lay they ay such exhibitions are in open violation of the sunday laws and should be prohibited twi fc your jan 14 the briefly reviews ito own and other washington thus kei port of controller enoi on national ia again of conversation owing to comments on it abroad republicans aro awaiting with great confidence the coining democratic attack on iho national bank an effort ha been made to prove corruption on the part of senator ingall in order to defeat his re elec tion but alie attack in shown to have been without justification delegates the indian territory tory complicated about what they will do if the attaint of territory are taken out of their control erf alrid tr aay NEW YORK jan 14 an old man morning appealed to au peri nten denic jackson of cantlo garden for to reach hi home in hungary his name i paul ostrich sixty bearg old he arrived at castlo garden ho i ayon the f last march with WO in money haying ln en told by immigrant agents in that he would boon become wealthy roan in america he wa a fermor and finlly hired a of ground in washington territory lut on account of he backof rain liw failed and lie loit he then wandered to san francisco and to the gorman society wag with a ticket aft omalia and eight dollar in money jet were given liim by railroad agent in sin francsco Francl co to those in omalia apking them to help him on but at omalia all al albance tance wan refused to liim ostrich then started on foot kept 17 for new york inquiry ing am way a ho went along with the exception of two nighta when be wu entertained by german cami lie he slept either in fields or in birn he walked the entire distance to new york barefooted and scantily clothed in food ted of bread and pork which lie wa able to buy with ha emall pittance and which lasted him until a few day ago sometime ho picked up i few apple he could not describe des the route by he came but reme through chicago ulon hi arrival here hw swollen and hi feet and ioro dr pave liim food and doctored docto rod hia woun dg and gave him two dollerd rd alie dr also took him t wha him a pair of nancg and supply of cloth n and then directed him to cantle girdon Gird cn is a man of more linn ordinary and will brt wit by the of emigration and agents of alia state anif sw tort bollt the number of arresta made by hie ioli o city during tho lai quarter acro alio iro portion wa three mon o anan tho chief WM intoxication two turk and ten china men were among choca arrested arrer ted also 11 caorsi ct orsi 31 87 lawyers clergymen 17 ant I inventor detectives phy new boya and 77 ft graaff uc wi the to hold about 1000 persona comfortably but double that number and perhaps more wore packed into it like sardines last night and wedged BO closely together that any movement save of head and arms was impossible many women seemed to faint in the dense crowd tina crowd was gathered in spite of the fact of admission having been doubled and was one collat for standing room and tw dollard for reserved seats at nine alie police peremptorily forbade the sale of any more tickets and after that the crowd that gathered in the streets outside the building and patiently awaited the result was twice AS large as that inside half the crowd in the garden was corn posed of women alio stood through bours of terrible crushing complaint wagers on this performance have been many and heavy those made within eliat last few days having been for very considerable sid erable turns and fears were enter tailed during alie closing hours of the walk by her frienda frien dg the foul play might be attempted to prevent the mandame from accomplish ingher task t that is one reason why one of her intimates walked every quarter with her for the past two daya yesterday afternoon this anxiety waa redoubled by a senseless canard published in brooklyn paper to the effect that boquete drugged with chloroform ro form had been presented to the madama when the bell calling her to the track for thelast time sounded she darted from the little doorway babore its sound had ceased and started off at a terrific pace determined to beat the best record of time made one of her male friends some day since mike henry a well known brooklyn sporting man who trod the tanbark ahead of ier was obliged to run to keep out of her way and close behind her walked her faithful trainer waving small english and american flags the band tried to play Dont go weary but its loudest discords were drowned by deafening cheera and yells that were kep up during the next three minutes women yelled with the men and became frantic in their the air was white with the fluttering of handkerchiefs and the scene presented has seldom been equaled in brooklyn As the bell was rung for the lat time announcing that but one more lap remained to be walked the plucky woman increased her speed with tremendous effort and came flying down over the home stretch with her face absolutely devoid of color lier eyes fixed and her teeth clinched the pace ws run rather than a walk and as she finished the wa lifted into a chair on the platform in the last stages of exhaustion the frenzied cheering was hushed the crier announced that the was the of the entire walk and had been niada in and it was renewed louder if po grible than before TOL mah ca drop has just fallen and it is thought the been broken A telegraphic reprieve has just arrived but about one minute too late the reprieve wan received in mauch chunk by telegraph nt 1037 and alie manager of the office rushed to the jail with it he rang the bell violently about half a minute before alie drop fell and started for the doorkeeper mr macdonneil Mc DonneIl and her children were abc the door weeping loudly but the doorkeeper did not seem to understand that the dispatch was reprieve it war fram governor and granted a reprieve until monday governor reprieve ar riveted at the jail this morning of intense excitement occurred but although the culprits had only been hanging a few moments there was no movement towards cutting them down alie telegraph messenger readied alie jail door before the drop fell but no heed was taken to his knocking and of the culprits having previously been extremely violent outside when the the knocking and ringing continued and the sheriff sent out a man to arrest the parties whom he imagined to be creating a disturbance tur bance it was than found to be the telegraph messenger with a reprieve A brother of mcdonnel who had been kneeling by the scaffold arose and excitedly charged the sheriff and bystander with the murder of his brother alie excitement spread appealed to one of the priests who him blameless amidst this excitement the reproach ex of the maddened brother of mo donnel and the gaitings wai tings of the bereaved families outside the culprits eo nied to have been forgotten and they remained hanging for thirty minutes after the drop fell there is no ahat they were both dead however when the reprieve came the bodies were cut down placed in coffins and given to their families eliose cries i could be heard for several blocks adding to the prevailing excitements excite ments tco jan athe nevada today to day elected john P joemi senator by the following vote sen ta jones nineteen dem ohe eight SAS jan 14 the standard and bulwer mining corn of bodie district hava corn with parties who recently title to the ground on re nerved but understood to bo mutually cippola Cip lola the pant powder work of band innon neilen co about artile southwest west of golden gatet park blew up this afternoon four white men and an unknown number of were works completely destroyed and many buildings buil dinge in the neighborhood occupied by i employed include ing the superintendents residence warn wrecked wrecK cd alie explosion oe carml in tha altro house tk trill jan 14 tho military bourt of inquiry into miu or conduct nt tho cutter re rumold ta bedion this morning neno appeared in full uniform by hia counselor lyman D wilbort Oil bort it wt decided that tho recorder of tho court should hi and present the caad to be followed bythe accused with rebutting mony thin is the order which major reno desired should ol the nw called was edwin maguire of the engineering corps which on tho ground the day succeeding the massacre lie simply gave a dati crip tion of the topography of the scene tk washington jan 14 the potter committee today to day examined J barch presidential elector louisiana ills testimony WAS to the that he signed the second set of having been advised that there was an informality in the first get lie knew nothing of forgery of signatures except what he reamed from newspapers and con kally a witness on saturday was recalled and after much pressure stated positively flie name ons was forged but waa not quite so no ture ai to lotice |