Show by E ADDRESS in societies and mutual improve meni associations of the weber slake on the anniversary feht birth li snow smith to ELIM R SNOW SMITH we have met this evening to celebrate abo anniversary of your birthday to us you are a bright and efarin kioa and we feel injustice to the neble work you have done among the sisters of israel and in par ticul arly that it is but befitting for ua to show you in this feeble way our appreciation of your services your wise counsels have been given without money and without price yet they are sacred and of far more value than the riches the world can afford how often when overtaken with trials and bowed down with grief has your timely advice and words of comfort brought pece and heavenly solace to the aching it is your good fortune to carry the balm that heals the wound the ano dyne that soothes the pain the clear and beautiful light to guide tho obedient virtuous faithful and true the secret of all is this you have in rich abundance the spirit and influence of father in heaven who never fails to reward his obedient children ho has you for as it well known to us all that you have been obedient to nil the requirements quire ments made of you and there lore you are now in your old age beloved and cherished by your sister honored and respected by your brethren esteemed and highly favored by god our eternal father like your honored husband you imaye done a noble work among your sex and you are therefore truly worthy to stand with him side by the faithful of cods chosen few beloved tibler thou art dear to all the pilots here honored cherished anro and bright to all mankind hinl DS hobt lay connel diee coth teach the heart and light and truth and peace impart we do delight to fotr thy for well we know choice thy BUD in prose and echoed forth in clime street anthems to the lord and king till old and Us ansee jt ne then thit aged haind that hath ench blea engs at conti nind and fondly our fitter dear another true to all here and way her year ret numbered bo till standard wafts as freo As mountain breeze that the or boundless bound lees waree that breo tho main aud all mankind bow ice knee to trinity |