Show fought four bears EDITOR I received to day a letter from my son thomas Fur ruBs who now lives at st charles bear lake formerly of ogdan city informing me that recently a parly himself included went out on a deer hunt taking different routes ho himself went out all alone and encountered four grizzly baaba to put and o be point I will cay that he threso them and wounded tho fourth feeling t unsafe to follow ibo wounded beast in tho brush alone he went in search of bin party finding them they ill went back to the seal of war one of the party was more anxious than wise though cautioned by tom not to rush into the bouab for fear tho wounded bear was not yet dead and cure enough the bear met him tom creek which was close by ilio fellow calling for help at tho top of his voice at the bear by time had tom come up within a w alepa of the contending parties took aim bred and killed the boar and released tho man from a perilous aaion ono of the bruins weighed SOO pounds tho other three freoa to where arc your nim rods now that you have occasionally mentioned in the yours etc ISAAC CITY r in |