Show DOMESTIC NOTES silling bull surrenders to the canadian police tins W luear tho actor great ovation field belter acos dry goods cirni dissolving tha P E K dilu culty D of the alin central KH ST lon jan 25 colonel II 11 C nutt of chicago representative oi the mexico central railway of which taomas nickerson of boston is president has returned from el peso on the rio grande whither he went to determine where the road should cross that river this ho decided and also secured over acres of land at el paso for a depot shops etc for the road col null says engineer are row in the field surveying the lino to chihuahua thence to the city of mexico and the track laying south of el paso will probably commence by april ast 1st or as soon the atchison topeka and santa fe roads reach that point for life EDi RAJan 25 simmons aaris oner in the reformatory who killed alie keeper mckelvey has been found guilty of murder in the second degree and has been sentenced to auburn prison for life A alamin I ani NE WATib jan 25 A revolting cise of brutality occurred near here john Cam ming a laborer forbade his eon aged can coasting on an adjacent hill last saturday the boy disobeyed the inhuman faher took him to the barn procured a hickory and split it put the boys thumbs inside nailed the capling tight where it was split and then with it lifted the boy upon the side of the barn and nailed him keeping him thus in a crucified stale and mercifully beating him all the while from four in the afternoon till ten at night when passers by hearing the lads groans released him the neighbors today to day went to newark for an officer to arrest the father bitted 11 VILLE pa jan 25 A boy at the areton colliery carelessly threw a can of lubricating oil into a stove around which several miners were seated two were killed and two were burned act in CHICAGO jan 25 A horrible case of neglect and disease canie under the observation of the health department part ment today to day mr and mrs beide and five chilgren living in a squalid tenement bouse on the north side were recently stricken down with smallpox small pox the parents recovered quickly but the children were more seriously illand last night one of them died niter two weeks suf lerine without medical attend ance the other four are in a critical condition the facts were fint made known to the officials through the lived above them making wange ments with the un interment the smallpox diphtheria and diseases which in summer would probably become asiatic choler rf je increasing ma this hiott aUty seeing to be no well established cause for the unusual amount of sickness and physicians are puzzle d by it vail 81 ST PAUI 26 ahe pioneer press has just received from ita fort buford special correspondent ad vices from a runner who reports that ho learned at woody mountain that sitting bull has surrendered to the canadian mounted police and proposes to go to buford under their cs cort for fear of bodily harm the report lacks official confirmation but looks reasonable in the light of he late advises advices ad vices tarl reli KOTOS jan 20 the ant nominated stanley matthews justice of the supreme bouat the today opposed before iho senate fi nance Commit teethe fifth section of the funding bill on account of the provisions concerning the surrender of circulating notes and deposits ho also gave some general points regarding the costs and profits of circulation cu lation etc the report of the postoffice Post office corn ivillee to the house today to day on springers postal telegraph is evident public demands of protection in lele graph communication from tho exactions of the great telegraph mono ly that absorbs its competitors and compel a tariff whish pays dividends on the stock believed to be watered therefore official inquiry should be made into tha acts and legislation proposed in accordance therewith tt NEW jan ag abe london say general grants ar the canal question attracts a great deal of at lention the rail mall gasent says of de leaps scheme it is cerrati that if the scheme involved the control over any portion of the isthmus the feeling against it would be overwhelming for on this point the americans are of one mind their manifest destiny would swamp all discussion for rant is only a mouthpiece of the nation in repeating with emphasis the old monroe doctrine of hands on bj sir ST jan 20 archibald gibson sod of the ath U S caa airy and of a prominent lawyer died here dodty of inflammation of the brain cabied by a singular event occurring while he was a west point student one day while on parade a spider got in his ear the rules pro habited hie removing it and ho stood the creature worked lie way into the ear and when he was dismissed bis ear was full of blood ahw caused corro aion of the lono next to the brain and he has never been completely com petely well tinco ni though baring done hard service in dakota SAK jan gal a joint of tho board of trade and the chamber of commerce yes a wa adopted re to urge con kregg to grant the application of the nicaragua agui canal company for a charier ahe hapli tribune edi the of ficere of tho con company of the union telegraph compana Com panr in their efforts at mr have made some indiscreet admix xilon they have eaid for instance abt he liada bare in the con tt ruction company and thai hi profit on liidi investment could not have cen lew than in other horde tho construction Conet ruction company paid dividends amounting to per on its original capital in tho course of one year of course all the stock represented in the construction company had to bo taken care of in tho construction proof of clufus early knowledge of tho intended deal is contained in tho despatch sent by hica to J K fisher of chicago as long ago as lait october Oc toler in which h ea id there would bo no permanent per manen opposition of he telegraph r panics and that the western L would absorb tho other lines jan the ninth ballot gives oliver 85 drew 57 aal yal lace SG scattering 12 then the legislature adjourned the NEW YORK jan 26 the badre in the pedestrian match flood at noon hughea cox albert howard krohne vint the rest are following at intervals NEW jan howard of fers to bet that ho will boat rowells record of mile is a favorite haven already boalen hia own best record being now miles at pm had aso albert itse CHICAGO jan as abe following received from cincinnati corresponds with alio reports received from nearly every city visited by keene since ho started out in this city last fall thomas W keone the trago dian met with a grand ovation to night at pikes opera bouso in tho crowded house called him repeatedly before the curtain after each act after the curtain fell at the close of the piece the audience refused to leave till he again came before the curtain then ho was received with cheers and the waving of hats and handkerchiefs no greater stage success was ever witnessed in this city thi conett Cont tt NASHVILLE jan ac tho twenty ninth ballot gave bite 33 muzo geo W jones maynard 40 barri son james W N smith john P murray dorsey thomas i L E wright necessary to a choice ax on the thirtieth ballot biowell E jackson alato credit democrat was elected to tha V S senate the rill be ald washington jan 20 it been decided to permit the throe per cent dividend recently declared the central pacific railroad to be paid subject to certain conditions A recess waa taken at pai aud ho government ciale aad officers of the road retired secy schurz says the matte is not yet in a to be published the following statement was made public by attorney general devenot there is a dispute between the central pacific IL K and the united states as to whether certain sums which are claimed by the railroad to ie applicable to the payment of dayi bends are properly so applicable it s understood the united states will file a bill in order to test the question whether such sums of money can properly iro perly be udd for tint purpose utitia also understood that the persons interested in railroad shall ive bond tha in it is finally decided such sums should not be used for payment of dividend will restore them to the treasury of he company tint on immediate in unction will not be pressed for but hat aiji await final du casion upon the which it i un be in suma of under these circumstances the dividend will of course bo paid as the gentlemen interested in the matter ire amply able to furnish the additional security which is required CHICAGO ana 20 the buning journal learns from trustworthy source that the long firm of field leiter co who ere the leading wholesale end retail dry goods merchants of the city is about to dissolve L ai leiter boing out and a new arm being marshal field co the di dillu ilu tion will be perfectly ie and only through business rea bons eons the members of alie firm will neither affirm nor deny the statement nor give tho particulars fiill vox the journals dea home special say Smallpox lias broken out at the madison iowa penitentiary creating great and panic benr wis jan ac philetha Phil sawyer was oday elected united states senator 81 CHICAGO jan ag lefand stani fords letter op etc newspapers and nearly every one which comes to hand has a long on the subject of which he ao exhaustively hau treated aal the greater the editor jil men batora tatora take a ground hostile tobit toi it of mr stanford claiming tha he betarte from a wrong basis and argues on aue hypothesis NEW YOUK jan 25 blockade began in the lowe pirt of the city which continues froni early morning till late att night tho block ado extends alon canal street from broadway to west and is caused by a large number of truck with goods for shipment anthe raold roads it has now bitof two and seem to grow worse daily |