Show bo old mans ghost several alays ago a celebrated camo lo 10 little dockan stated hat before giving ft public entertainment he would give a geande where any member of a beall invited circle could call up the spirits of their friends and converge with them by roi stake a man from dotan the river was admitted a man whose reputation for deeds of vio lanco would not place hi cirit above par in ilia about market after intoning to tapping horn blowing and gimzo vail materialization the bad ann arose and say abara the old mans shoot what old mab asked the medium my old ian the governor call him up whang hh harop call him cupl I dont think ve are in comeau motion with him lo night the matter wire down no the old gentleman is off on a visit now here fel shut up your wardrobe and turn out your light you dont give tho old man ghost a low tho thing shant run wait ill seo if betl come baid the if he raps three bitnes he is willing if only once he has bihr engagements A sharp rap sounded he is unwilling continued the now here imald abo bad man that want my ole nans knock why ef hed hit that table hed it call him up and drawing ft revolver the son cut bere look on the medium to tell the truth cant call him tell turn thai I want see him fetch chiai o he wont come but I beg of you o bo patient wait ah he will cewe presently lie i and desires to talk with yew je bays that lio i bary and that ne longs for the tinie when you will be with him iia is one of the rul ergin the spirit land caan you are the liar in rk anaM because Be causo the old roan in the city prison drunk as a foot |