Show Q CANNON iho scat of A U JE yesterday tho telegraph brought information too lain for tuesdays issue that of an interview held by a N Y reporter wilh lion geo Q cannon washington mr cannon said when hi HH was contested by baskin in he forty fourth correaa aa a part of alx ground of contest wai aliat lio was not a naturalized en ian mr cannon showed the correspondent in the report of the election committee upon the case tho record which appears to chow that he wr duly naturalized on december ali 1854 lie having lived in tho states three yeam and having come to this countey when he was under IS years of uee iho election at abo tiido mentioned waa composed of seven democrats and four republicans and canon says they were unanimously of tho op pinion that ho was entitled to the seat seat which be was allo ed to retain one of abo members ol 01 that committee was townsend ol 01 new york and another was tentative senta tive barker of indians now a prominent member of the committee on appropriations our readers that those carlies already seeing AG cin the delegates scat in the hall of representatives senta tives are malting their bill without the lie who laughs last laughs best ia an old and tol drably true adage |