Show wednesdays dalla jan 11 eliat murdered man yesterday we published from the herald a list of notes paper alc found near the remains of n man a few miles from deveret Dea eret the of last evening has the following letter which may be of interest and which throws further light on the matter it is as follows SATT LAKE jan 11 essl L J cropper awret in lh salt lake herald of sunday morning january jtb account of the finding of the skeleton of a man also some papers upon which my name appear and hat the owner can have them by applying to you I do not claim to be the owner of them but as my appears prominently in them I will explain my connection with the fame at the time alio promissory note was given I was employed as deputy she rift of sill lake county and had just resumed from heaver county having in my custody A band ol 01 horses which I had levied upon under a writ of attachment from tha third district court in tho case of mary jane cotton vs john F taa ker at that time mary jane cotton and her agent daniel mcguire claimed to have no money with which to pay the expenses of serving the attachment feeding abo horses etc but in lieu thereof gave me a note for signed by each of them which note I hold today to day hence the note found with the body is evidently a copy of the note in my poss the other note to D mcquire signed by myself is a note undoubtedly which I wrote requesting him to deliver to my brother frederick jones lour head of horses lie had sold me in part payment of the note before mentioned the last ever beard of D maguiro was that he left here in company with ben tasker and that he was afterwards killed you are at liberty to draw your own conclusions clu irom what have stated and for any further in my possession address y v joe salt lake city |