Show yi sy GERMANY IN 1880 t wo have reviewed england and france during their course last year and no i have to take ft re glance at germany the land of ideal liberty and oppre aion philosophical free thought and political autocracy the land of extremes the beginning of the decade jat ended aw germany crowned with the blood stained laurels of war and the incoming decade behold the spectacle of germany bound feet and hands and prostrated before the moloch of prussian militarism ten years ago and myriad of victorious soldiers sol diera returned to fatherland from tho conquered fields of france full of bobea and aspirations and today to day they inwardly the victory which forged their fetters more firmly and changed their comforts to poverty germany in the last year has re the deadly boon of protective tariff which has failed to bring its promised advantages but has on the oiher hand exercised its baneful in luence by a painful re of he price of the commonest commodities A country which hag almost nothing to export and all its food to import surely acts by levying an embargo on its imports but bia marck wanted it will have it and all germany from the lake of con stance to the baltic from tte baine to the oder has to say amen the military expenses were in creased by an annual extra con tribu tion of marks and an extra expenditure of marks it is true there will be eleven new regiments of infantry two new regimen osof artillery and pioneers and the peace force has been raised to men for seven years how happy can germany feel now it is true it cost the government eeme tall reichstag lackeys and press doodles poodles les to make the poor ignorant people believe there was an imminent danger of war threatening from france france the land of peace industry commerce and progress under republican aad popular self government and then the wicked the awfully wicked social democrats those poor bookbinder shoemakers joiners and carpenters aliey scared the of blood and ron in his beola of u Caira wier general at fink the government wanted to have the exceptional law against the social extend ed to april lt lao buttee keiths liberal I reduced tin terms of oppression lo 10 oct ast 1st for american to bear thing and then to be told that germany is the land of education yur excellence it sound like blache my at leaah like no then again vre have the so called kultar campt that means tho conflict between and ancient church buco launched himself into hi with juvenile vigor and ardor after the little country had intrepidly thrown the guint let to the roman pope big were the bragg ings of then he wore he would not go to candaso Cano aso which meant he would not submit state law to the will and plea ee e of the pope alws were Catho luh bishops were det bron ed and even imprisoned and after all bismarck had to knuckly down and compromise wih the catholic clergy to gaiu their lapport in the reichstag after all bis tricka had been teen through by his former supporter of the anti jowah agitation the latest blot on tho onca bright cheon of germany we peak cite where hence we cai dismiss the german empire which can pride stielf for having produced a goethe which will regret having raised a bismarck and which will be ed of having court cap lain |