Show J B U S thomaa nat hm A cartoon in for jan with the avi ring out the old ring in the nw the how u john bull on new atari ei au ting in his nug armchair the krisht foot wollen and bandaged band aced jtb the iiara of crib indicative of arlah laud trouble to hi left beanda a waste baket into he haa re fretfully conti good hii menti of idt year each as the berlin treaty zulu war afghan war irith riola and matter of recollection the table however on which an american electric lamp throws light laden with american england IT S bond american american copyright for erit rh author oil for troubled water american magazine an call bell american wise ac ac even the walla of john balli apartment arc likewise adorned with american im american weather chart clock american telegraph etem american latin dictionary american bories american beef butler cleee and bat for au ch rinnia rit nia din ner american and home rule nd even sam all thi ii tery funny for americans and correspondingly for our contini the sea ut it frechea pr echea ermo more eloquent thun any of beechert Bee cherf and reads aa an editorial more ing than any of the london ames especially at the turning not only of two ye arbut of two decad it furnire furni he interesting inter eiting food for reflection it is the conflict between an olde fiet decrepit culture aad the abw vigorous youthful tn of modern it is a para the poet line th atar of ansi |