Show DOMESTIC NEWS tho new chinese treaties in outline A crazy kankeo wants men ot war to stop lesseps A woman in baltimore is burled alive is making IOTO to a chilian woman VT U telegraph to the jan ina street brawl year ago frank demou lin wai blabbed by win who bar tender of ft bakloon near eighth and de iben dwore vengeance early alii morning patrick frank dewitt fnnnk fox and john oray entered the aaroon demoulin Ie moulin threw a at knocking blown his four corn anione anio nj n held revell until des insulin cut igini in the neck head and body the party then up and soon met a party of yung men now balling A row wa raed and desmoulin in u frigli in the atom ach of wro chaiben Cham ben thu man will aitio li A police officer almost captured demoulin A figlia and the win thrown down and beaten ond ihn escaped ec aped dew lit fox and gray hare ince beao captured th part si lot loti i jan george M cue of the oklahoma col ony leader returned thia morning lie any when be left there were hundred egtill in cani nani a new plan bad been adopted to b put in force a abon a the made it practicable the idea of go bog en has been abandoned am bo col aint irple ir poe to break u in chai siuila ii uila and move in by i cora or awra if route reach public landd ihly tio trouble coloni are to strike in and be bavo been forced to plit up a detachment having just gone to city to intercept a party he think caldrell Cald nell parly will wait a reno length ft time to effir from washington gain I bortl YORK jan alie world diina a letter from cornell dewelt formerly of california and aiom pah to president beys da probably a from giarre on abe chih of january with ineil etc o at ew borc mr rr dent now opportunity to follow up abe bold and itai efman liaf policy by noi only aba demol on its but patching det men to the to prevent any work doua mor pvn jn alie tribunes new boik pedal n the motey telegraphed aai ciglio layf your can lay ilist when dushu alie detect ive decides to lell LM abere wiil bo a shaking up ucb as haj not if ot in connection lie baj chosen to alent until jalynn hould arnle dri iasie uli arge and now fitial un baa been thrown out it is quite probable that there will b un airing of tle curtion that duay nul bo to abe liking of om who liuro to feiten the guilt oil outside pt irtie arbr jana alie peculiar pt culiar cade of mi barbara altfeld la inai a ami ik al she wag chunil dead in her bed lit lav was loid out and placed iu a hu un sunday the KT tini t ini of lian aud abe fun bial to tuesday the aid life waa extinct and ho body ws placed in ft cemetery aull abe coffin wag nag found abt color id lo 10 her cheeks and warmth ond o her hand A guard of been placed in the vault to await further develop menta an C thi morning an explosion of occurred in evler brewery brew try on first avenue cauca by abe workmen a lamp too near a barrel containing Tini fili the result wa terrific bo ap onion atrean sn of fire the room aind barning in o terrible a manner buur workmen eliut liven are of their are john bardl john flinder anton cintr brack and win brown trl kair YORK jan abe leral dt of creati tre ati recently concluded lb account lowi they ro ry sili ort bat pertinent one baling lv from lb the her the former my be accurately resumed in the word abl it authorize the american it coledia rolion rf lion to or upend the of chineo lalor ert lico the welfare requires abe enforcement a mcA ture alo leeard the the aa ft re it if triumph the e concluded within forty fc bt hour after the first in the key to their in tanin tl nin tle in the biral in alio agree hl of the made S ali opium trade the minor ion the autom earitt afao MJ A uw aminy officer been n iter country aid to your tobay it took ten year to ly ano trick for the the nd the fault WM defte men bone enough to pave the rod end botho oth now long will t lake to dig bb ditch and bow my lives it coat no iain can nghi in that wintry in the wet without getting bick ive en and know another boint look out for the lya conquered peru and bolivia nd long before pe beup bat hi canal dug will have all chait up to the ithma Ith mu these objection do not exist at either nicaragua kr EW J an mr frank lammer par amouri of the murder ot ber hui W Meer hoffer at we orange oct 1879 waa la the county jail this morning she was acry ale and deeply affected but walked to the gillogg without and met her fate without confessing or uttering a word she died in about nine minutes about thirty person were present including the officer a jury selected by the court under the recent law lammers wu banged from the same gallows immediately afterwards he made no confession when tue sheriff knocked at mr meer honors cell she stopped out with her arcaba pinioned and the noose adjusted about her neck as time wai lot in pinioning pinio ning her lower limb the booie was booked on to the rope that dangled from the cross beam the black cap was drawn over her lace and the fatal signal gien aber was a beaty thud as the weight lall and the body spun around beveral times and then became an inert mass by thief va jan ben lumpkin colored was killed last night while m beitin a chicken thief ladeau jan the senate failed to organize thi morning owing to the dead lock and adjourned t tomorrow to morrow the democrats and itei publicans public ans prevented preen ted candidates for all the offices to be filled the lines were closely drawn two nationals voting with the democrats one with the republicans horDi iolj bobr jan james K keene refus hatch and others made a quick and highly successful deal on shares of western union telegraph stock which has already gone into the bands of greenhorne greenhorns green horns J T armour a smoer of the famous pork packing firm of died hotel of bright disease with his wife and mother in law he bad started for his winter residence in florida P D armour bis brother was to reace chicago this morning with the remains th ship nl lwy CHICAGO jan the following confirms heretofore rent new orleans capt james B eads returned from vera cruz on board a mexican steamer the mexican gives capt eds company a right to build a ship rail way the isthmus of techuan tepee grants it acres of land on iho shore of the pacific on which to build the terminus of the rail way and establish a harbor empowers ii to charge and collect a toll of per ton on the freight of a ship and cargo passing over the road A right is also given for a railway and telegraph line on which only customary rates can be charged la return for this capt bids premise to carry on his railway all ships of war munitions mails etc free of charge the building of the road must be corn fenced within two year and corn pitted in ten years from may ast 1st 1881 mra christiancy said yesterday to a reporter it it was wrong for me and I know it was to write letters to giro is it not wrong for christiancy to ba making lore to a chilian woman interjected the interviewer mrs with a said A mr delgardo of perucho Peru who recently arrived speaks in anything but complimentary beinas christa doings in south bayn hi li e is on coarse carousal that one spanish chilian woman ot wealth came to the legation for pro lection and is there yet and it is generally understood that christian cy is making love tol berand itis it is thereupon important for his auit to lie brought to a successful close on his behalf mr oliver mrs als gorncy had assured au inter ocean reporter that the letters were genuine before her denial was made known jan G daniel F sullivan and patrick bayes were hanged in Moya mensing prison at 1037 alus morning jl stat datil jan GUB makers are doing an enormous business pally in revolvers john ray a fellow prisoner with daniel oconnell and a member of OCon nells guard is dead leir LONDOM jan the limes baasi the rumor that additional reinforcements for cements are to be sent to ireland are unfounded the government are convinced that the forces there are ample to meet any emergency the proposed land league meeting at tulley county galway where cabon fleming was to be present baa been prohibited |