Show which Is alie tho following written at spring lake utah and sent to and published by the A lies will be of interest to many of our readers in the semiweekly semi weekly A woof tho dinst is an article headed another lake monster in which you give an account as narrated by two boys of proto who claimed to have been a huge animal in utah lake As is well known tho monitor moni tir sensation ran pretty high a few years ago especially in the vicinity of bear lake it was alleged to bare baen seen by those choso whoso veracity was unimpeachable in viewed ter some who saw with their own eyes that mighty monarch of the deep sloughing ploughing hing the water at railroad speed apparently seeking whom it might devour the alleged monster alluded to on the is not tua first espied in utah lake he was seen years ago at different timea and in different places also by individuals whose word waa as good as the bank to accuse any of cheso cartiea of wilful or deliberate misrepresentation would be unjust indeed but it seems time that this imaginative monster should be laid upon the shelf I have been on and around rutih lake hundreds of times during the last 25 years have seen animals of almost every imaginable eize and shape also carpe vessels floating logs etc but they always turned out to be rushes bunches of moss pelicans else some kind of ordinary animal or which being magnified upon the water multiply their proportion to a great degree at times a rush not larger than a mans finger drifting at a distance looks ako a mammoth saw log and any one at fir seeing it would declare it ba such plenty of testimony can bo produced to substantiate these facts now I would fiak why it is that fishermen and those who ara constantly on or near these bodies of water never get a glimpse of his majesty whilst if per chance a stranger ne who haa sought an interview happens to pasi by he has the advantage of a free exhibition if thera i anybody who resides near the haunts of these creatures who will assert having seen one why not give such information at once but let said person hiew whereof he speaks yours respectfully D T LEB Asoy JE hut the man that acknowledges that a reed has seemed at times to be log hardly we think the proper person to take up so much newspaper space ahat he would baye thought had he seen t monster |