Show tabernacle TAKER NACLE SERVICES june r M alie congregation was called to order by bp Critchlow and the choir opened the services by the hymn glorious things are sung of zion after which elder E strat ford offered up prayer the hymn jesus mighty king in zion was bung by the choir and the sacrament administered ELDER WILLIAM drivell then addressed the congregation he rejoiced in the privilege of being here amongst his friends and fellow saints again lie had felt proud and had been blessed chile discharging the duties of a in engs land knowing that he was engaged in the work of god he had felt joy in his mission and had been privileged to see fruits of hi labors lie realized that god had spoken from the heavens in these latter days and restored the ancient gospel this testimony he had joyfully borne all along on his way in far oft conn tries all ho had met had to acknowledge that the latter day saints had the true gospel and pure doctrine although objections object iona were raised against the people and the character of the latter day saints and vilified the people yonder are crushed and downtrodden and all religious principles seem to be OB the wane the places of public are empty people are their time rather ii the indulgence of pleasures than in listening to the gospel the latter day saints have no friends but those who have embraced the principles of the gospel and obeyed its requirements therefore we us a people should be thoroughly united in roi ling forward the destinies of the kingdom the speaker hemsell would always assist in the great and glorious work ELDEK C V followed with an eloquent and in address he referred to the increase of infidelity and skepticism in the world at thep giving a definition of the terms del and skeptic the former meaning one that explicitly denies the exist while the latter only designates a person that doubts the truth of religious principles this disintegration of faith and beliet has been predicted fey the ancient servants of god our age is mostly an age of doubt how does it stand with ourselves do we never doubt any of the truths revealed to us we are privileged that to us a good many principles are not matters of blind faith put of solid knowledge admitting of no doubt it is impossible r us to doubt the thing which ave beeri revealed to us our knowledge of the truth of eternal thing can only be obtained by that spiritual agency called faith which i inherent in all men although it is dormant in many then it may be i aroused and brought into activity it is good for us to think over this and frequently meet as we are doing doiy p our spiritual life is kept alive and nourished there ar mapy people who are I with very quick intelligence but lack the keenness of spiritual nature this nature is possessed by all children of men as tacy are nil the offspring of god and hippee yippee hayo inherited of the divine t M attlio ugh they bo latent nd ineffectual in many je sus said the light i honeth in the and the darkness compre it not light is latent in and aund ayery thing ao in and around the carthone ear thone ay it will come out in its as the glory of god to fill the immensity of apace goa has made all tribes of men of one blood and alc sli and has designed a great plan for all mankind there is a veil between u and our father on account of the transgression gres sion of our first parent we are shutout horn tha pee ii e fit pod and those beings of the spiritual spheres we are liero to pass throng an ord eitl to be tested and found out in our true value if we could cee eternal worlds as they arc our existence would be no trial for us we cannot get near god without the fixer cire of faith thi is sometimes easy pe hard faith js a spiritual forc just as is a force I tx strength cap be accumulated by united o is to he tl i he tick it does n t come by the cimolo wih and will of maji but by sincere unrestricted cooper co oper aaion Mi racks as i corded in the scriptures are not reversions of the klaips of nature but actions ol 01 fulth upon the element burro us chwe powers are in us albl tough dormant and ahey will be brought oyt some day the principle of faith is kept kiive ana barning by the performance of the duties of the church if we are wise we will avail ourselves of all he of to us to do n he church let us keep our I crops nna provided avith oil to meet ihal headen ly bridegroom thus we ought to attend tho of the bainte and thither we should bring each one a live coal of faith wherewith to sustain those who address us and to partake of the sacrament in he hue spirit wo need the spirit which i ha liap af pf 10 gospel light abst ereth to light and truth cleateth clea veth to truth we must not be blind to the heavenly licht sinco we have received the glad tidings of the ig gospel to be carnally minded is death to be spiritually minded is life and peace we have a mission on earth while roa eans his merciful hand over all mankind tho sol botlon cfall of them nu choosing us ai his in this the speaker then gave a lucid and convincing for the exis tence of a supreme boin gand showed hosy ye that ater nal nature u lias an insatiable longing and craving for immortality our very own nature carries with it the proof and con vic tin of the existence of a higher sphere perfect infinite and never ending wo oan that pod lives and that we live in the presence of his apera peace and comfort to our souls it is a aoud and glorious thing for u to enow that the providence of the lord adey nil ochi cpr nil things shall work together to the of them who love the lord the lord i accomplishing the purposes ochia work in tho time and he us to sustain one un other in B and charlly cn arlly we are placed here for life for ourselves and all mankind |