Show BE IT KNOWN NOTICE timaton ATon the day of may AD A D asso james M ferrin and filed the selectmen and ex water com missioners ners in and for weber county utah territory his claim for to a portion of the water of the nor tb dorkof a stream having its in said anty also of spring creek erd bouso creek which are also in said county to the extent of and euson abl necessity for dome ue for the watering of idock and for the irrigation of acres of land situated in eden precinct in said weber county and described in aid claim and application and a certificate is asked notice is hereby given that saturday the twelfth day of juna 1880 10 am at the county nause in ogden city in said county have been appointed aa the time place forbearing for hearing aid claim and o adduced tb abron ron and where any and all penona in terea ted may appear and contest paid claim to eaid water by order of the laid board of wo ter lt clerk of ald board by F J cannon deputy clerk ja |