Show painful accident yesterday afternoon mr john of this city met with a severe and painful accident ue was engaged in moving his frame house from the front oatha lot upon which it had used to stand to the back part A number of men were engaged with liim and at of the accident one end of the building was poised on a jackscrew jack screw and mr with a lever bad lifted opposite side while ani other party was engaged in placing a roller underneath at this juncture the building suddenly swayed to ono side and mr slipping forward fell and the weight ot the entire structure came down upon his left hand pinning it to the grounds mr called for assistance and after a few minutes ho WAS released from his painful position ue displayed considerable sid erable nerve while laying on the ground giving orders to the men as to how they should proceed to raise the building so as not injure the band any further or break he arm the flesh of tho palm is badly smashed and bruised but as he managed to work all his fingers just after he was released it is not thought that any bones ara broken though it will be sometime before he will have the use of the hand it is a miracle that his arm was not broken in several places |