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Show London Observer I Denounces the Peace Treaty LONDON. May 11. The Sunday Observer, Ob-server, which after the armistice denounced de-nounced the blockade us promoting Bolshevism today prints a strong denunciation de-nunciation of the peace treaty written writ-ten by J. L. Garvin, its editor. I "These terms," Bays 'he ..rt:i le, ' give no fundamental solution to any European problem. They revolve In the vicious virulence ui the old diplomacy, di-plomacy, they repeat tho fatal precedents preced-ents which have always led back to war and made the end of one Btrug-gl Btrug-gl the direel cause of another. j "There will be quarrels, conspira- Ides, agitations, assassinations, revolutions revo-lutions and collapses. The motley 'patch work winch ha.- b . n '-'itch 'l i together will have to be picked tip I throughout thread by thread, The English speaking democracies, above all, never will mobilize and fight again I for the arrangements which are pro . ) posed. If the contrary' is imagined in i Paris, then Paris is grievously nils-led." nils-led." Mr Garvin contends that the treaty can only be enforced by continuing militarism He says it creates impos sible boundaries for Russia making i' to the joint interest of the Germans jnd Russians to combine against the Poles and creates a vendetta of the German Austrians against Italy. The I only solution, the writer adds, will be In revision of the treaty by the league of nations. oo |