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Show PASSPORT RULES ; BETWEEN MEXICO : AND II. S. CHANGE WASHINGTON, May i2--To facilitate facili-tate intercourse between the T'nited States and Mexico, passport rcjrula- lions have been modified by the state (department. The modifications provide pro-vide that residents of cither country ma"j obtain permit cards which will not ; only allow the holder to cross the border, bor-der, but to visit the interior of the other oth-er country in emergency cases. j WASHINGTON May 12 Five bridg-I bridg-I es on the branch of the National rail -I ways of Mexico between Torreon and j Chihuahua City have been destroyed ' h Yillista forces, according to advices received here from Mexico City quot ing "a high official of the Mexican government " Thr dispatches - lid that when traffic is restored again, every train will be preceded by an exploring ex-ploring tr.iin carrying a guard of federal fed-eral troops large enough to repulse any rebel raid. Troops are being moved from Torreon Tor-reon to protect workmen engaged in rebuilding the wrecked bridges, the patches add. |