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Show I MAKING PLANS I , FOR LABOR DAY Big Splurge to Be Made by Unions of Orjcien, Featured Fea-tured by Parade Bl I making the LasSOf j. lj observance one E 1 of the biggest eer lull !n the city, B I William A. rio:t Announced today. B He said that about 2000 men from g- B den union were to march B In the parade, while a nunilcr of busl- B neu concerns, together with farmer PBB throughout the county, nn'l rcprcnen- Bj . i of th l.r;i farm bureau, bad BBJ Imo been nskl to participate BBJ l Invitations to farm bur-.tiw to hnv BH 1 floats In th parade. upon which BBJ j choice produce of various localities BBJ I will 99 exhibited, hairs been extended BBj , nd It Is expt-ctrd that there will b as BBJ All unions. business ronrcrns. and BBJ I others who take ln In the parade BBJ I will prepare floats wherever tMo pnp- BBJ 1 urstlon of a float la feasible. BHJ I John (julnn h.is been named chair- BBl 1 nan In charge of the committee, and B I the day's program n i ' nsjuni- 1 During the morning and (tfternoon. n BBs I program will be held nt Lorln Farr HBJ Ji l irk Which will he devoted, for the BBb I1 greater part, to the youngsters of the H&fA city. Athletic events will be featured H&fB I and the big celebration at the park Hftfa j will follow th parmd BA HL Qounced In full, It a repc led tha Bm BA BA BA i 1 HAfAfATI Bvary union man In the city, who Is HAfBAwl Oble to be released from hie work on BA J BBBBI the parade, it la stated, of the 400o BHAfAV union men In the city. It Is estimated BHAfAfl that 2000 will be In the line of march. HAfAfAfAV The entertainment will be conelud- BHAfAw td In the evening with dunce at HAfAfAfA the Ixrln Farr pavilion. BBBBBBr oo |