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Show FIND WATER RIGHTS WERE NOT ASSESSED SALT IJVKE. July 80. It has been ! dls. ova red at meetings between the ' atate board of equalisation snd the 1 county . ommlsalonera of Ball l-ake nnd luvla untles thnt in the-, t m counties at least the water right have not been assessed. eiept here , actually reflerted In th- Increased I values of the landa. Thia la a sltua-i sltua-i tlon for which rertlfli atlon la prom-; prom-; laed unotheT .'Mr, although It Is now too late this year to Djaea the values on the aaaeajiment rolla. The state ronatlt ut Inn exempts propert ..f Prigatlon companies that are formed merely to distribute water wa-ter to their own membera from assessment. as-sessment. Thia, however, la not tak-1 tak-1 en to mean that the water rights es- cape taxation It la .admitted thai where irrigated landa are aaaeaaeil nt their full xaltie the value of the water 1 rlghta la uaually Included However, ownera of land whose water mn In-under In-under a canal, but who hav no actual ac-tual ahare In the water of the rmn I nel. or onlv partial wster rlshr. may find that their land la .aaeaaed ar aa high a figure as tha' of their nrlgh-lor nrlgh-lor who b.i.a a full water right. Thia g hardh regarded equitable |