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Show LEGAL NOTICES AN ORDINANCE Conaolldatlnc and ronihlrlnc the offices of o.int Clerk and County Auditor In Weber County. 8lM" .f t Tlu lioartl of Co nt 1 'I'.Knlaaloners of the Count, of V.YI-er. in tho State of t'tah. ordaina n - follow . Section 1. That tha of fl ra of Co intj Clerk and County Auditor f '-t.. r County. In th Stale of t lah. he, and the I an me nr htrel.y. COClSolldatad end com I hlned aa provlde'l undr and bl VtrttM iof flection 1C3 of the Compllsd Uws of t'tah 1917. and the raspscUva duties of 1 th '"ounty Clerk nd ' ' Vudttor in ; Weber County. Stete of t'tah. for ihe vcars t'Jll end 1322 ahall te rrformed b the pcrnon who xlu.ll ba ted County i . :k of Weber Count) State of Ctah. at the s;enfrul election to he held on No ram bar 2. i92o. nmi th- psrsbn who hnii( , bo so elected shall be n Officio Auditor iof Weber County. In the State of Utah, i for the yenr 1031 and 1931 Section ?. This ordinance iihall tw In effect on and aftrr the first Monday In January. A. I. 1921. nald date b. Ing not I teas thnn thra mrnths after the paasago P:iaa'ed thin 12th day of July. A. P 1920 fnmmlMinn.T John M Chil l votme aye Commlaaloncr Patua II Kn.ilim vottne c. MARTIN P nnowN. Chairman vf the Board of County Commissioners In nnd for Weber County, State of I tah. (SKA t.) Attest . WAl.Tm N FARR. County Clerk and ex Offlrlo Clerk of the Roan' of County Com mlsstoncrs n and for Wcbcr Count). Slate of t'tvh Vff.7 OTiC E OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OF DON SOLDAT MINING COMPANY Notice l herob) givn lhal a iper meetlnir of the rtockh lj re of the Ron KoluHt Mining Company will h hi Id n: Ihe .li. r I'mihti Court lion:'. In the court room of lMiartment No I thereof, in Ogden City, t'tah, on Monday, the 2nd day of AuguaL 193'. at 8 o'clock p. m.. for tho purroae of ele.-tlng new director and considering; and acllnc upon a )ropoltl-n to aell ihe pntvnted mlnlne cllm of aald company and reorpnnlxlnc Ihe anruc. Tills notice la given b rtrtse of fhorlty vetel In me aa the own r ami holder of onf third of the capital etock of tho mid Bon Sold-vt Mlnlnft Company. (i: Itii: W Mil LIT. Pate of first puhliraiion. July It. 1330. Uaat PMbllcatiOO. Auruat 2. 1930 NOTICfc TO CONTRACTORS Notice la hereby given that Og-d-n City propoea to mk ihe following public Improvement, Im-provement, to wit: Conalrurt pavtn,. n( In Paving Plstrlct No. 123. together win work Incldentsl thereto, acrordlna to plana, specific itlona and profiles on file In the office of the Cltv Rnetneer And rated blda are Invited for aald work arvd Will be rcet at th- office of the CttJ Recorder In the City Hail t Ogden. t tah until tn o'clock, a. m. . on the 29th da of Joly. 1930. lntrurtkna to hldders. plana and peciflrationa for aald Imuro.. ment can ba aeen nnd examlncl at the of flea of tha City Engineer in tho City Ha. I of aald city The rtarht la reeerved to reject anr and all blda and to WalV an defeat B order of th Boaru of Commlaalon-ers Commlaalon-ers of Ofden City, t'tah. thli. the Ith day of Jul;. l20. C T MOrKS. City Recorder. Plrat publication, July 9. 1:" 1 j.i publication, July 31. 1320 Pui'lhd In Ihe Ofden Standard llxair. nr - I ' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. dea City Board ol Eduiatlon at 131 Two tr fifth street. (aden I tah, until clock Friday. July 30. 1930. for the are tloti of a manual trainina building In con nellon with tha Osden High School. by Uealle S llodgaon and M.r' M-Ciena M-Ciena han. A rr bit -eta at 1X ICccloa build The Board rcaarras tha right to reject By order of the Board of Education atf Ogafan. t Lah COWARD 1 RICH PrssMsM VIOLA M. CU.Ni'T Pubtiahed July 30, 130, to July 3. IffO. I rw-tualv r f NOTlCC FOR PUBLICATION Piianinint of the laterta 1 f ljan-1 OrtV at Salt Laha City, t'tah. July 33. its Hrown. of Ogdke. t tah who rm Juae 2T Kana I Kaat SaJt UaSe M'rVdkaa haa Tear proof to aJ-,'lah ami I t"S laml jTr-yiL4! r - sTo5 .a t'tah. eav the Slat Say av Aasasv. flaiaaaat aatnev aa l O Px-avbar Use gtasw Robert Weet guiaan. Uxn hawBoluwry. I tah alia HiMsaOMt te the Ptearvt Caain of WWbbj Cousm I asses II wasaav Wamnff. ra. Oanw at ollaa iimmona upon imi. If aerved within .the county In which this -action la bnoustit: othcrwbie within thi rt da niti r eorvlea; and defend the shore en. t'tlcd action; and In case of your failure SO to do. Jidgrrnt will he rendered against you acconllng to the demand of tt. complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of court This action Is r rought to obtain a Judc mont and dfcree dissolving the l.ndi of! matrlnionv now oi hitherto existing t-r tween plaintiff and defopdanl HARRIS a JKNSON. Ptalntlfrs Attomeya. P. O. addreas- Suite 313 Col. Hudson Buil.tmtr tgdl ii " l Utah ALIAS SUMMONS. In th District Court rf th- Secon. .ludl eJai Platrlct. m ar.d for tho Count) of Weber, ."ttate of I'tsh. Douaoia iiooper. Ilalntiff. v. Fmnca T I Romrcll and hia wife. Janr Doe Rem rell. whose other nnd t-ue name la un 1 known, and the unknown hclra at laa-. 1 deviser md legateea of Krancea T 1 I Ronirell .id Jans iKe Rnmreil hia wife whore ..th, r and Inn' tame la unknown. ! Ivtrr Nlclaon am hie Wife, Jane Poo ' Mlotaon, vvhoae other and true name l, imknovvn. uti.i :t,o unknown heirs M Ivi. devl.vea ..nd l.'.rnteca d TH-r Nlel i n and hia wife Jane I'o-- NleUnn. "hose other and true name i unknown: John Stmiter and his wife. Jane Do' Btnnger, who other i rtd true name I unknown, and the mit-no-.-n hetrv at I lew. devise a and l -atira of John Stsn ger and r.ine I.'oo Stsnrrcr. his wife. whose othi t i n l true noma la unknown. I John Hooper end hia wife. Jano Doe Hooper, whoae other and true mime H unknown, and th' unknown heln I law, devlsoes nnd limtc Of .h.'.rv Hooter nnd Jnne !Ve Hooiv r. hi wifs whoae other and true name la unknor John W Hoop r nnd hia wife. FllriU ll A. Hooper, snd the unknown helra at , Inw. dcvlacej and legnteej ol John V Hooprr unl Kllxah.th A Hoope, h1 wife: Frank Hooper und hia wife SJai garet ,nn'- Hoopar, and the urknown helra at law. !evleoa and legwtop of Prank Hooper and hia wife. Margaret Anna Hooper: and all the creditor of t Francea T. ftont-t II. Peter Nlclaon John Stinger. John Hooper. John W Hooper' and Fran!: Hooper, whoae namea rr ' unlcnown. nn1 nit oth r t-rrotia whoae names are unknown, who nave, or claim I to have. an right, tll'e. Int.r-tt n and to th" real property lirrvln d ' scrlbej. Defendants. The State of I lah to the Said IWrnd rii. Yot:. nnd each of vou. nre herehv aum moncl to apoear within twenty days eftc-service eftc-service of this aumn-ona upon j ou. If, aerved within the county la which this action Is brought: otherwU' within th'r ; ty dava aftfr aerv Ire. and defend the' nlove entitled action, and In cane of your failure ao to do. Judgment will he i sj derwil at;nlnat you according to the de I mand of the complaint which haa been ' filed w ith the rlerk of paid ourt. logclh Thin action l brought to obtain a Jtd" mrnl ami decree, adjudging plaintiff to be the owner and ouletlng his title agwtnat an) and all claim of defendant In and to all Ihe following deacrlbed real eatate: altuated In Wetxr County, t'tah. to w.l I Part of the aoutheaat oiiM,-r ( 14 ) 0f Section Eighteen fl l! Toe -h,t K.ve (.') North. Ranee Two ffl) Vet of the Salt Ijihe Meridian and Raae. 1'nlled States Survr) Reglnnlng at a joint ,12 73 chalna North from tVe Souths..-corner Souths..-corner of aald quarter aectlon. running thence fl t degraea H mtnutea Bast 1 19.M chains: then., tj U degree Eaat ing 40.SI acres more or lea Also Part of th Southeast uuartrr (t) of Section Eighteen (II) In Townahlp Five thence N ', degrre F-aat l chalna I thence Wast 13.33 chalna to the place nf l-eginnlng. containing 11 11 rr. more or NsM Atao lart of the Soiithweat quarter of Sac tton It :n Townahlp J North Range 3 Weat. SaJt Laka Meridian 1' S Burret plaintiff uaksaswa claim an Intarwat m aaat his wife Tttitaheth Hooper 1'rana Hoopar anal hia Margaret Ana H o saw. 3 n Addreaa 41 403 SM flrai Na tkvosl Basth tmiMmg OajdWa. I tah |