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Show TROOPS GO OVER THE BORDER. When the bandits delivered the Americans at the border this morn ing, the United States army had instructions to proceed on a "hot trail" in search of the outlaws, and at an early hour the third expedition expedi-tion of a similar mission was on its way into the northern part of Mexico. These repeated crimes against Americans are proving an irritation which is having a cumulative effect on the people of the United States, and the friction will continue until a break comes which will mean war. No country is to be held strictly accountable for its bandits, which are to be classed with mobs and other uncontrollable forces, but there must be diligence shown in hunting down the marauders and deep concern con-cern manifested in ending the lawlessness, otherwise the responsible country offends through an act of omission. Has Mexico been honest in attempting to control the bandits? The answer must be yes, because the very existence of stable government in Mexico depends on running down the bandits, yet the lack of energy ener-gy and resourcefulness has been evident, but that is a weakness inherent in-herent in Mexican affairs. To what extent then is America justified in proceeding against a country so deficient and so helpless? Our course is plain. Mexico, having forfeited the right to claim a mastery over northern Mexico, the United States is free to proceed to establish order by moral force, or by actual warfare on the unrestrained unre-strained population, and the stay of the troops on Mexican soil should be of sufficient duration to convey a lesson of deep significance to the Mexicans directly involved and to the people of Mexico as a whole And furthermore, .whenever the government of Mexico, by affronts, af-fronts, indicates an unfriendly spirit, the United States should begin to insist on orderly government on our border, regardless of how inadequate in-adequate is the military establishment of Carranza, and persist in demanding de-manding results until Carranza either confesses incompetency or attempts at-tempts to resent our interference. We hope our cavalry overtakes the bandits. With the aid of airplanes, air-planes, the troopers should be able to hunt down the murderers. If they are caught, a swift method of dealing with the outlaws should be applied. |