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Show VABS UMO VEARS OLD. I Beautiful Specimen of Anolent Msxlcan Art. Among Ihe itraug and valunhln ob-Jecta ob-Jecta which have been rocrnlly In-tailed In-tailed In ths Mexican hall of the American Museum of Natural History la a wonderful terra rolta Jug or Jar, designed and decorated In Imitation of a turkey. Thla 1b considered the most rnsxniflcent apoclmen of ancient Amerlran crramlce ao far discoverer! Ilesldea th artistic turkey bend han-dlo, han-dlo, the moat extraordinary (nature of th Jar la Us ornamentation of solid -) Msalcan Turkey Jug, gold leaf, with whlrh It waa profusely Hocoratcd in former time, many layer lay-er of which ailll remain on th jar. II I considered to b a priceless example. ex-ample. Illustrating th culture and workmanship of that mysterious civilisation civil-isation which flourished a thousand vvars ago In Mexico. Th Jar I thought to have been a funeral or votive offorlng, whlrh waa on of the essential mortuary rllea of th people of thai lime. Ita aao cannot bo ac curately stated, but It probably roichra back for a thousand yeara or moro. It waa found by Carl I.umholti during one of his exploring expeditions. It came to light while dinging In a prl vate garden In the rlty of Teplc, which hsd evidently been In remote times Ihe site of some temple or wealthy hurlnl place. Two akeletonB wero unearthed Around the neck of one were found twenty halls of eolld gold, alao a large hreasrnlatn ornament of gold. Coral of Our Own Coast H is a common notion that coral grow only In tropical and ub troplcal watsrs and that no coral reefa ar to h found along our own familiar russts. A a matter of fact, coral for-matloua for-matloua atretrh all along th Atlantic roaat of Ihe United Blatee. although the rrf do not rlaa bo high that they project (rora the water.. Borne of th moat beautiful of th living corala now ou eihlbltlon In th New York quar. urn waa drndsed on from the Atln'le oraan almost within tight of th elty of New York, and ther are many coral patohe atlll cloaer to tie ahorea. tlecnrally th northern coral la snow-white, snow-white, although. sometime It haa a tidiest brown tint. I'lnk coral Is fmir.d occaalonall. but It I rare. J. a.- '. t. i t |