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Show THE OLD RELIABLE POVSER Absolutel Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE TO l l lllt A lol l) IN (IMC II A V Tike Laxative Rioiuo (Juiiilne Tahleta. Ail tlrtigg!t reluio I the money if it laila to cure. K W. l.iove't aiguatme ia on each box. -V. Subscribe for THE TIMES. i Wuhi Wut llrr Tirror. "I would c nh nearly all night long," wrltet Mn. tin, i gme ol Alex-amliia, Alex-amliia, lud., 1 and mulil hardly get any eleep. I had fc.n.ttmpt'on to bad that i if I walked a block t would cough I frightfully tn i Mot hloi il, but, when all other medi. tuei failed, three (1.00 bolt lee of t'r.., King- Sew Mtcovery wholle cured 3 and I gained (W pounilt. It 'a abaolute'. " anarantet.l tnrnrw cough t coldt, la gtiife, Imucl.it'a and all throat and h tf trnuhlet. Piice ndc and . II. Trial boi Va tree at lloyden't drug I tore. Your return card printed on too em dupes f()e- 71 cents at THE TIMES oflice. Ilritliill) Torliirrtl. A etie cauit to light that for peraiatent and unnieniful t..rlure haa perhapt neter heeu eitialed. Joe (Jnlohlck of Coliita, Cah. writea: "j.-0( jij ,rart j entltired inniireriilile pain from Rheu-iiiati.m Rheu-iiiati.m and in. thing relieved me thuugh I tried evervtlilng kn.iwn. I raii.eacruit Kleciric llitte.a and it's the grea'.ett liieillilic on earth for lint trouble. A few bottleaof it completely relieved and cured me." Jnat at good for liver and kidney trotillea and general debility. Only SO.-, "jiiafarihin I'tiaranteed b John Itoy.ien.v a. 1 1 . .Iiuvgmtt. ll I'liy wiiowii. ' Fol yet I te aaa .fter na eon-lii.H eon-lii.H .11 -c." atllea K. .1. lMllle,le. Vci-la-na. Ala. "I had a terrible cn.e of pi a..-it. U ttiii.ora. When a t tilled III, K.ciiV Arnca Salve cured me" ll.U illy go ..I f. r bin na and all achea and pan... ih.li :' c at lloyden't drug i'-.r'. Ailvt-rti-.c citir ioods in Till-: TIMES. j J..I... ll..)iln, "..u 111 Hu, n i,k. j Vou -eiitue ro ritk when you buy 1 Chaml.erlain'i Colic, Cholera and Iiinr- rli.H-a Heine It. John ISuydbn A bun will refund vonr ninnry if you are not t.lla- fled after umng it. It i everywhere admitted ad-mitted to he the 'no. I itiiTeatfuI remedy in me for hur complaintt, and the only one that ntver Ml., It ja pleanmt tale and reliable. 1 People's Mercantile Company.. ; i: DEALERS IN General Merchandise.. ; ALMA ELDREDGE. Alnnnyer. ( j IliEiPfil f VisiblQ Typewriter s the Most Pracli'cal Typewriter for School or Business Purposes, BECAUSE 1 The writing is "right before your eyes" all lite time, which Iiuf. never been accomplished by a standard, htv'i tado Typcwii'tt ' until now. It is accomplished iu the UNDERWOOD atwoititeiy and practically avithotit the sacrifice of a single previous CMitting I advantage, but with the addition of many others never Itfute obtainable. aiaaavaM.atai4ataaaaa.aaa.a.at'9 j itaitafwttitia)wkei.ii.iliJ ' It hue 11 Tabulator which I. a putt of the initi liiiie IMIu-ra charge 1:' ett.i for Una. Ita Mnrgiiial Slop, are all In front. Ila ti pc aie clc.nn . - ill nil in. taut Hill t aoilinv the hillida. It 111 -a all I mill I1I1111I ki . ' , Tcn.ion which iiciunia nl the t 11 ll.11 111 Ailju.tinciit id all kca. lit ' cut 1 luce la lull I tall lie 11 injr. C01 icctioita cuii la- muilo in an in. tin. r Wilhi.tll coli.tillllig 11 w ale. No cuiruiKr to lilt to ace if Mill Inivi- lino..-M.urcoiiii lino..-M.urcoiiii tion In the liuht place. Ital.iKht Action. Euae of Ailtn-t lliettt and Mlllplicilv, make It the I'a.ieat to leitrtl, c.i.lct 10 opcl at 1 , lllHl ll-.i-t paite to get out of older. It ia the Mo.t Iltiialdc Typcwnl. . made. Opeialoia .ave fn.iu li, to kt cent, of then lilnc on 111 t. . t thc.e advalilii;ea. ,,,,,. . I . THE UNDERWOOD is the only typewriter that ever ita- i f I ceived the official endorsement of the Private ! j Commercial School Managers Association. j .; ' j ) I 'I he iilu.ve A.MH'iatiou ia ci.inpo.eil of the iiwiici. of the e.nljiiK llin .uui. I ' Collcyca of thn conn. rv. i j ! ' I-!.- It Is tint doing Justice to yourseir to investigate the merits ol the '. ?: UNDERWOOD Typewriter before buyln.it. I I e m:tvi2tia sta.sisiam ;s m (tim'R:tti.tetjt!i.itr j UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER AGE11CY j 1 i .Cieiieia.1 agents fur I't.ili, Idaho, Wyoming, Mniitati.i,. Ncv.ola, . j ! ( Ircon, V.ishiii;tou and Coloiado.' ; I 1 HMi U CultcLa Plniur.,rkpli Co'j. Product!. Write tor Ciictlnri. j 2411 Washington Ave., OGDEN, UTAH.1 j ? I ! Perfumed and Medicated Soaps ' ! I 1 tat . , For toilet and hath. A new E , - , Blb line; the most complete ever cits-- played in the city. 5 cts to 35 etc j per cake. j Try our "Crown Castile," 5 cts " John Bojden Son. |