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Show Hallway ItiilliUng la I'ssnris, ' The romance of railways la a thing which the poeta aro very properly trying try-ing to make people perceive. The romance ro-mance of lions and rhinoceroses, on the other baud, In admitted to exlat, even by their worst enemies. When the two kinds of romance clssh, atlr-ring atlr-ring times ensue. Mr. II. It. Jlotea-worth Jlotea-worth mnkea this plnln In an article on "The fgnuiln Hallway." In the pages of Public Works. The progress f the work, he tells us, was much Interfered with by the depredations of man eating lions. At Twivo twenty-right twenty-right men were tnken by linns In a short time. There waa a panic among the men: trnpa were made; the coolies ilept In trees, In tho water tanka at the stntlnna. In covered goods wagons, and flnnlly Iron butt were built for them. Mr. Patterson, nn engineer on the Ilne. thnt several linns, and nmnng them two which were the chief culprits. A Hon entered n first clnsa carriage an tho siding of Klmaa Htntlnn In June, 1!XK), nnd carried away Mr. Ity-all, Ity-all, the assistant superintendent of police. po-lice. In July of woo four lions were killed and three wounded at Klmaa Htatlon, and two men were tnken by lions near Knl. A large linn wna trapped at Klmaa In Auguat, and then no more were tnken for aome time. Kneli minor troubles aa the telegraph being damaged by glrnfTei, and the train being delayed by running Into B rhinoceros, although. not usual In railway rail-way construction, were uot serious. London News, |