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Show An Inspector of the City Penler's stnlf In Chicago reports that the acales of one Ice peddler make a fifty-pound cake of lee appear to weigh eighty pounds. Tho man'a acnlcs had not been tested previously for four yenra. The Weather Hurenu reports that Point Itcycs, Oil., la the windiest place In tho nation. It Is hut fair In Washington Wash-ington to statu that the observations were ninde during the recess nf the Congress, comments the Washington Star. According to n report of the administration admin-istration of lloiimniilnn railroads. ;H'J locomotives out of a tolal of -ISJ are designed to bo llretl either with residue of petroleum or with brown coal: aev-enteen aev-enteen locomotives use residua of petroleum pe-troleum exclusively. Nearly H(i.iss) persons In New York City are said to bo suffering from trachoma, or granulated ejellds. The ill sea so la aalil to originate among the poor, who are badly nourished and pay little attention to cleanliness, though many of tho well to-do are Infected also. Mllnn Is In summer the hottest city In Italy, tho teuiperntiiiii not being In-(tUfiiccd In-(tUfiiccd by the ocean or the mountains, moun-tains, aa In Venice, Genoa. Noplea, Palermo, Pal-ermo, Ilolngnii, Florence and Home. Consequently there ale few villa near Milan, whoso wealthy fanillle spend their summers preferably along Como and the other llnllan kites. Boston Is suffering from the rc!lc hunter and tbo small hoy who likes to deface monuments for the sensation of dnrlng It gives him. Portions of the Moyd (inrrlson Hiatus and of that In memory of John IIi.jIm O'llellly and of the Nymph of the fouututn la the Public Garden have been wrenched or hammered off by vntnlaK Ijiborers digging an artesian well at Honestecl, 8, !., bain unearthed a human hu-man skeleton lltly feet beneaju the surface. The skeleton wna lu an excellent ex-cellent state of preservation, and la believed by aclciulala to be that of a prehistoric man. The Had Lands of South Dakota, In which lloneatoot Is situated, have been prolific In fossil. The Moorish Hultaii's army Is a wonderful won-derful affair. It lights by making a nolso rather than by killing the euoiuy. The army consists of llo.uoo men. Some are armed with discarded Ilrltlsh Martini Mar-tini Henrys, others with bomo-iunde Imitations of the Martini Henry, which Jam and refuse to tiro, while others have the old lllutlock muzzle louder, which la of doubtful habits. It Is believed that the battleship Massachusetts Mas-sachusetts dislodged the rock ou which she struck. One of tho pinnacles of Dry Ledge, off Har Harbor, seems to be missing, nnd It Is supposed thnt It was knocked down by the Impact of the colliding vessel. A danger to navigation navi-gation may thus lmvo been removed, but a .'..msi,doo battleship Is rather a costly Implement to be used lu ram , tiling dowu harbor obstructions. The Ilawuilnn Government employs agents who travel all over the Islauda looking for Indications of leprosy In remote plat es, llanlihmetit Is so dreaded dread-ed that frequently tho family of a leper will keep blm accreted for a year or two before dlacovery la mndo. A person per-son who Is supposed to have the dls-cuse dls-cuse la sent to tha receiving stntlou In Honolulu, where he Is examined by live medical experts. If a "leper" bs the verdict, money, position. Influence, Influ-ence, race or color cannot change the decree which sends the puUeut to Mo-lukal Profiling by the disastrous experience which has practically stripped the older settled States of their original magnificent magnifi-cent foreata, tho Interior Department haa set aside Uoou square mll-s of laud la Alaska as a timber reserve. Lumber Lum-ber Is un article of such varcltr In Alaska that there haa been Improvident Improvi-dent culling of trees lu thn timber hells for mining and building purposes, lly establishing u system to enable the lumbermen to use matured trees, without with-out destroying Immature growths, the forests may bo so conserve! as to yield a conllmilng supply. Tho Governor of the Island of Bt. Helena shoos lu his annual report, Just Issued lu LoiiiIoii, that while the presence pres-ence of the Boer prisoners Improved the llmiiKial status nf the Island, It Increased In-creased tho coat of living and the rule of wages. The Island, too, was deforested, owing to the heavy cull mndo for wood fuel for tho prisoners and troops. Large numbers of the laboring class, thu report continues, have emigrated to bouth Africa; "should cuiisliloru!'n cuiUrntlun take place, It would quite, paralyze any progress pro-gress lu public works being uiado" In tho Uluud. |