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Show LOCAL AND OTHER HEWS. j Oiif mletionarj letter will ba printed ieelt Keek. Tht Co-op receieed carload ol floor, bno.Mc , ill If week. Joeeph Hall aamo doen Iroin the I'ark i Tueedajr morning to vol. U Hung Cheng, Uhlna'a grand nld nan, died tmIwiIhj morning. Horn man war hart VVtdneaday repairing re-pairing the railroad traltl at Ihe depot. A lew will go down (rum bare to attend at-tend Ilia tpat lal conference si Halt Late Hundar. Ueorge Arbotala ol halt Lak wet heielodtjr looting Hilar tlx wauiaol . our oierchanle. Wl war nodrr the neceeeilr ol editing edi-ting tut lateral nee llama tlili waak on account ol a lark of apart. There wiil baa dance at Ilia Opart Home nail Friday night, Hit 16lh. Keguler price.. Kvervbody invited. Mri, Jane Welch and feoiitj Lava nioerd duon Irom Iheir ranch op Weber and art now loraltd in thair home hart. liavid Moore latt weak made a good N aala ol eotne toung blooded rattlt to Wyoming rattleinen, Tht price reel-Iced reel-Iced wat good. W. H. Branch It building an 'addition Vj tilt chimney on (lit Tabarnacla. When ll,ia ia dc.ue )it bealtr- will draw ouch battrr and there will not bt inch Irooblt getting the building warmtd op. Ttit county comuiifiiont'i wtr In Mrlon Wednredajr and trantacled reg-ular reg-ular roullnt boiiooaa. An approprla--"" lien ol 1260 wat made to com plait tht toad through tbt Barrow t brio Hen-tar. Hen-tar. Tba city council oiti Monday night In regultr taaaion. Several blllt wtrt allowed, al-lowed, report mada, tic, end eo adjournment ad-journment wat taken to next Monday night wbtn tht election relume will ba canvteaed. William Wilaoa ana family ol Hie-noadvilla, Hie-noadvilla, Robert Wilton, Jut Clark, Jot Haluon, Archie Uurhanan, Jr. and Br Jauitt Clark, Frtd Kubiuton, aod tararal othtrt Iron Cumberland, Jotepb Kara, Mil.ee Ada and Kwtoa Wilaon i Irom Evaneton caait In to attend tht j funeral ol William alerehall. The Sunday tchool contention which will U bald in t'oelT.lla on Bandar, tht 17lh, piouiitri to be one ol the moat In teracting tvente iter bald here. Kldert UJuhn Nutlell, lletry 1'etereon aod Ciooige I). I'j parol Rait Lake will be in attendance. A fine pro,rein will be rendered and much valuable Instruction Instruc-tion will be given to Sunday tchool workt't. 'latt winter an Infant child ol mint had croup in a vuilenl form," aayt Eliier John W. Kogera.al britlien Kvaugeiiet, ol Kill?, Mo. "I gave her a lew doet a i ol Chaiubcrlaln't Cough Keoiedy and in a ehorl time alldatiger wat peat aud the I uhlld recovered. " Tult remedy curat I i roup, but when given at toon aa tht fiitt ' eviupUiine appear, will prevent tbt at- j taik. Il ronlaint no opium or other . baruiloll lubeunre and way be given aa i ountideutly to a baby aa tu an adult, r'ur aalt by John Hoyden Jr. Son, rug-irit The KrMo & l'ark City train ia now ruining on llieold line card,thtchaiige I taking place latt Saturday. The change la (really appreciated, but the ttrvict , fur pattrngt ra going rit Iroui here ia ' n l ao good. A uew liuie card hat beeu 1 I ul intorBi'Cl on tht luaiu line ol tit II. I. and i bote hu aant to to to rail ' Lake and wettern poiutt niuat leave Echo either at 11:10 at night or & . 40 in tht morning, three bring thtonly traint j toal will ttop at Echo. |