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Show A MEDIEVAL TYRANT. BRUTAL FEUDAL WAYS REVIVED BY A GERMAN NOBLE. VlM Holds Himself A bora he Cltll Law and Com in Ita CrimM with leapeally Hla fold tlloodad CrlM Plata aa A rniy Neeeeaary. la thla ax a ba.-on who set out to ml kla estate aa though ha were a ktag and hla property of eeveral hundred hund-red acre a klnidnm, maintain ao aria ar-ia r of retainers and tenant for pro-teetloa pro-teetloa and k.lle crvnta and thoae wko provoke hla anger aa ha please. Mesia to ba an snachrolsm too obsurd to exist outalde of a norel. But, Improbable Im-probable aa It may seem, auch a character char-acter docs eslet In the personage of ; Baroa tun 8teltencrun, lately of the German army and now proprietor of the estate of Oherweller In Germany. Thla eaUte le near property owned by tka Kalaer In Iorrnlne on which atandt Ue Chateau of Urvllle. A regular medieval noble la the Baron von flteltencron. Feudalism when It prevailed In lie greatest degree) de-gree) In the c mniry which the kaiser bow rulea never had a more devoted adherent than thin Uerman baron, and the peaamlry never had a more exact-lag exact-lag overlord nor one who held more lightly their right to the enjoyment f lire and liberty. In the baron' little lit-tle domain the feudnl Idea aa It wa developed In mcdli val Euroj e la atlll cherlahed, and crime, It would iwm, are commuted by the baron with an Impunity characteristic of a former ago. Above the CI. II Law. It la becauso of hla soivtce In the army which rntltlra him to be con-alrierrd con-alrierrd aa b long ng to the reserve that tho ha'on holda himself amenable amena-ble to none of the law of the community commun-ity In which he live. Only to military mili-tary tribunal will the baron submit himself, and thoie apprara to be a lingular lin-gular unwllllngncb among military autkorltlra tn bring him to terms. A correspondent of the Mllwaukeo Bentlnel rrccntly paid a vlalt to the part of Germany where thla atrange character holili sw.iy to Investigate aome of the etnrlea regarding hla Crimea and Idloayncraclca. Moat of them be found weie thoroughly borne out by the fa: tl. It wus Juat after the baroa had executed hla second victim. A In the first case. It was, 10 thla visitor says, nothing less th in murder oa the part of this subj et of the kaiser, kai-ser, and murder It would have been adjudged In moat countrlea calling themeelvea clvlllfd. Hut to the baron his act was simply removing from thla earth, almost without warning, a peasant peas-ant who bad been found tr s;aislng on his domains. Aa In all other caaes, the barun went unpunlahed for hla crime. The ettate on which thla curious eoadltlon of aff.dre obtains covers 8U0 acres. In tills tma 1 domain Ha ion von Bteltencron malma'na an establish-, ment patteincd as nearly as pusslble after those kept by hla unc.atora when feudalism flour she). Ills errvnnte and laborers make up his army, uniformed aid armed by the baron, and drilled aa carefully aa though the poaaeaalun of the land depended upon the prowess - of hla men. Finds aa Army Necessary. Of this furce of retainers be is the general, while to hi valet he has delegated dele-gated the duttea of adjutant, with hla forester as the colonel. The baron flada much need for this army force and he keeps his m n constantly do- J Ing sentinel duty about the estate. On Sunday he hoi 's a rev.tw of his mm. appearing b fore them In murb tlu same manner as the emperor appears at the grand military maneuvera. Sunday on the estate at Ob.Tweller la also a trial day, with the baron as sole arbiter of the Ia:e of those who recognise him aa their overlord. The baron ha. varluua mo lea of pun-lahiag pun-lahiag hla men. It is a common thing for him to consign offender to a dungeon dun-geon on the premises with hungor thrown In to make them a little mure obedteni tu his pleasures the next time, and la aome ji the lh Is resorted to. Even the baron's wife has known what It la to be a prisoner In his dungeon, dun-geon, for disregard of hla will by on ao near him la visit d with no lets heavy a hand than In the cose of more menial offenders. |