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Show vreatera t'eltlemee Will Oppose LMiag I'ublle Ijiaoa, An organisation of the cattlrmenof Nebraska la being effected lo co-ops-, at with cnttlrmco and aheepmen of Wyoming In nppodtloo to a bill pm-vldlng pm-vldlng for tha leasing of governintsl landa. The (Imaha Commercial club haaly resolution announced lis oppositions tb asnre. It has been stated tUt Senator Millard of Nebraska will In-IriHlute In-IriHlute 'he bill, but In an Interview Mciiator Millard devlnrra that he Kis not yet decided whether or not ha will present the measure. Helm tor Dietri'h haa announced hleaupport of the measure. meas-ure. The National Irrigation oongrlka, on tha other Imnd la oppoaing It, It ia understood Unit a bill bss bean prepared by a prominent linstock lin-stock uisn In tha western part of tie slate which has met the approval of the Interests which are supporting the bill, a id that thla la th bill which will b preuuted. Th Interests which ire behind tha measure are th largo est-lie est-lie and aheep-ralsera of Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Moa-taua. |