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Show feberllTi laic. COALVILLE TIMES. fXMLVlI-LK- Pi.Ui, I'tX'. , District Court of the Third Judicial District of the Bute of Cub, county of Summit. Coalville Co operative Mercantile Institution. a corporation, plaintiff, v Tinman Dixon, defendant. To be sold at sheriff's (ale at the front doer of tbe county const bouse, in the city of Coalville, county of Summit. State of Utah, rn the 2nd davofJan-- 1 un, t. D. 1903, at 10 .o'clock a. m. of eta) Hay, all the right, title, claim and t of said defendant, of in and to th teal estate described as follows, to-- 12. IMS. COUNTY NEWS. Utds cl Interest Caibtrei tij , Coalville sis the Pisifs Our - Co-o- p I ink-ren- Toms of County. - KAWAt. Kama, Utah. Dec. 10, 1002. Editor Timxs:' The ftng situate in the southweat and ths .oiitheast quarters of the northwest quarter and the northwest and the northeast quarters of the southwest quarter of section nine (9) of township two 2) north of range five (5) east of the Salt Lake Meridian, and ia the townsite entry of Coalville City ; and described aa beginuiug at a point that ia four hundred and ninety-fiv- e awl thirty-ninone s bindredths (439.95) feet south 50 e of a isthirty-tlxewest, point that (33) feet south, 88 degrees 20 minutes east, from tbe atone at tbe inler-sertjof the center of Cemetery and Stmon street and running thence south 88 degrees 32 minutes east, one hundred seventy three and feet; titeure south 19 degrees 33 minutes -- ast h and oie hundred ixty-mn- e (W9.1) feet; thence north 83 degrees 06 minutes aest two hundred forty and (240.22) feet ; tnty-ttkence uort b 60 minutes east one hun-drefifty-eig- ht and (158.5) feet to the place of beginning and containing 32,858 9 square feet, more or less, nil in Summit county, Coalville, Lion t0-Wke-- olJ Hr. Bert Pack died will le buried today. Mr. Filch has had a big fore of men t work on onr new church and the hinging will be completed tbia week. blelghing be been pretty fair around town but not sufficteattodu much team lug to and Iioiq other placet. Mra. Mae Lambert baa been suffering considerably from asthma (or tome time. She will leave for bait Lake today and it is hoped her health will soon be (really improved. Mee and returning the Lion heads, cut from the packages, to Woolson Spice Co., Toledo, O., you get a fine assortment of valuable presents is no advertising of any Free of Cost-th- ere kind oh 'them. Retire for IliblleutUn. N. 5i Rock roar, Utah, llec. 10, 1902. Editas Times: Rea) o turner weatl.er bare the paat few days. A number of our citizens are suffering from la grippe. Eider Don E. face of Karoaa waa a rion of tb M. visitor a he conjoint I. Association on fcunday evening last. Ite gave some very encouraging inatrue-tlou- s to be young. Was. Reynolds of Park City wa in eur !cwn a few days last week. Mis Mary 1, Smith, who baa been engaged teaching kebool at Orangeville, Emery county, Utah, ia horns to apeod the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mra. William A. Butfith. Mr. and Mrs. William 11. ((taker art pending a few weeks at Provo, where probate Get your Temple Souvenirs, Temple Handerchiefs and send to your country friends ,old e min-give- NOW and on and guardianship notices you will be in time for Christmas. one-tent- Consult County Clerk or the respective signers for further information. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Bait lakcCitv, Utah Decenber 10, 1902. ) Notice is bertty fivco tht tlie following-nmrluten-Uo- In Ibe District Court, pro batedi vision, d in and for Summit county, State of u ottlr have 8!el Dotirs of their Utah. fl o.l proof, in mppon of their U. In the matter ol the estate of William cUIom, and that Mid proof will to nal before the County ( ten of huii ait Couuty, IUh. nt II. Roy, deceased. Notice. Coalvtll, Utah. on Jauuary Kth, HAM. vix Tbe petition of A. B. Sawyer, adminie-trato- r Leonard W l.aad.U, U E HOST, for UK S wnd of the estate of William H. Roy, I and Vi AW H is, Tp 2 N. of Kunge S K. 8. five-tent- hs r.as Afii you mill (or Sanla Clans al Utah. Purchase deceased, praying for an order of sale ol u prove hi. m met the fuUowms personal property of said decedent, and oootlottou. upuii and cultivation of that all persons interested appear Mid laod, vti Ueoig. II uS n an, Kn hard Saxtou, the said court to show cause why J.weph Kandali, K N Bailey, all of tpton, an order tboulJ not be granted to sell rum in 11 rouiity, I' lab a mo the following described personal prop Juwpb It Kandali H E 150 fortbeNWt erty of said deceased, NA1,. h1, NW, and St1, NW toe JO, Tp S N of shares of Five hundred and sixty-fiH I E, 8 L, M II. uaiam tba follow lu witne.Ma to prvvt hi. the capital eteck of the Roy Mercantile continuous midenee upon and cultivation of Company, corporation under the lawa aald l.nd, via W illtam Staley, Leonard Ran- of Utah, doing business at Bark City, dall, K M Bailey. tcore Huffman. all of tp Summit county, Utah ; has been set for Ion, Summit county, Vtab. on Saturday, the 20th day of hearing ALSO A. D. 1902, at 10 oclock a. December, Charles D. Paxton H. E. 121 forth 8i 8Eig w., at tbe county court house in the and Sit 8W4 Boo. a, 1 p. 1 1 BK, 8. L. M of said court in Coalville Me uaaei ibe followint wltneaM to prove hit court room eontiaiaon. rexideuca upon 'I,' vation of City, Summit oounty, Uuh. Mid land, via John Sailoo, Wm. Paxton, Loon Witness tbe clerk of said court, with ard Hinds'll, Joaeph Kmiall, all of tpton. Sumteal thereof affixed, this 8lh day of the mit sounty. L'tab December, A. D. 1902. Frank D. Hobs, Register. P. H. Naiutv, Clerk. (Seal.! L 11 price payable in lawful Bouey of the United States. Dated at Coalville, Utah, this 26th day of November, A. D. 1902. C. W. Main. 11 ridete j be-fir- e By to-wi-t: Sheriff of Sumniit county, Utah. J- - W. Wilde, Deputy Sheriff. eoAisViisLE Foils a Deadly Attack. ve My wife waa so ill that w Christmas is Coming. good phys were unable to help her. writes M M. Austin, of Whinchester, Ind.,but wss completely curid by Dr. Kings Nsw Life Pills They work wonders in stemach and liver troubles. Cure constipation, sick headache. 25c at John Bo. den A Sous drug store. eo-o- p. Ir you would like Old Santa Claus to come, just call on M. R. Salmon and sec the Beautiful Holiday Goods. the former la receiving treatment for a cancer growth on hit (ace, that haa been troubling him for tome time past. Their The Pride of Heroes. son William took them down and made soldiers in tbe last war wrote to comfortable Many for arrangement quarters every dollar iu cash you get one chance on the four for them during tbair atay. siy that for scratches, bruises, cuts, BEAUTIFUL SOFA PILLOWS, or one chance on the LARGE wounds, eorns, sore Jeet and etiff joints, " BRONZE 'CHARGER, Biihop Jams Vernon wai ttf file A laved at (.ratVi Brink. Buck tens Arnica alve is the best in Dec. on HsUm to Tueeday, 9th, by Creditors. antly surprised tie world. Same for burns, rcslds, boils, I knew I would long ago have been the Primary Religion Oiaee and their of William deceased. H. Estate skin eruptions and piles. It cures ufcers, Roy, Newwrites Mra. 8. H. instructor meeting at bis home and in my grave, Creditors will preaent claims with or no pay. Only 25c at Jokn Boyden & of ii bad not it som, Decatur, Ala., pending the afternoon and avening. 816 Sen's drug store. been for Electric Bitters. For three vouchers to the undersigned at No Lake Salt Salt AT Building, City, Progress 1 suffered' untold years tgony from the Lake WAKSHlr. Estrajr Retire. county , Utah, on or before the 29th wore! forma of indigestion, waterbrasb, KtATS or Utah, In Coalville pre Warship, Utah, Dee. 10, 1002. stomach and bowel dyspepsia. But this lay of March A. D. 1903. Cot ntt or Summit cinct efBaid county. A. B. Sawyer, Eniroa Twit : me of excellent medicine did a world I have in my possession the following Administrator of the estate of William Mrr. Rachel Frailer want to Coalville good. Since using It I ran eat heartily detenbed deceased. H. Roy, estray animal, which if not and have gained 86 ponnda. For Inthis week on buaintaa. Date of first publication November claimed and taken away, will be sold at 1 oas of Mora t digos on, sob, Appetite, 1902. Miaa Ethel Curtis has been visiting Liver and public auction to the highest cash bidder Kidney Trouble Electric 28th, ths city lot, on Main street, in Coaltt relatives in the couth end of the county Bitter are a positive, guarantetd cure. ville precinct, on the 16th day of DecemIN TIIE DISTRICT COURT the paat week. A 60c Son at John Only drug Boyden ber. 1902, at the hour of 2p. m. : dummit County, State of Utah. ore. Wonship' will celebrate Christmas by Four head of sheep with o and slit n Leou Mrybur, plaintiff, j Raving a program and Xmas tree in the vs. Summons. ear. right Gmthertntf. Mra. and Santa Ssdal Claus forenoon ith Mr. Kate Msyhnr, defendant.) head of sheep with crop ent of Eight Th Msae (.rare and Blanche Young The State of Utah to the said defendant: to diatiibuto the presents. A dance wilt o in and tip off left ear. ear, nght imbe given In Rigbys ball Xmas tvs and entertained about ten couple of You are hereby inmmoned to appear of sheep with o, elit and head Four mediate friend at tbeir home on Tuee- within aa enjoyable time is anticipated. twenty days after tbe service of tip off right enr and tip off left ear. at a social gathering. Tbe this summons upon von, if served withMrs. Lee and daughter are visiting day evening Two bead of sheep with o and slit in waa opened by prayer, and then in the parts county in which this action is both ears. Mrs. Eskelspa at HoyttvIUe. at) mingled together and indulged in i Five head of vheep with t:p off right brought, otherwise, within thirty days C. A. Caliit and wife visited tbs Mu- - gaums and conversation; having a gen- after service, and defend tbe above en- and notch and tip off left ear. Two head of sheep with tip and notch tuns Sunday evenings Both spokeTery uine, Jolly, pteasahtlime. Miss Virginia-Muii- title! action ; and in case wf your failure right and tip off left ear. entertained with inatrumental so to do, judgment wilt be rendered (ffTwo Interestingly after the conjoint prog i am head of sheep with uppr crop bad been rendered. aelectioni, and the guests sang many against you aetording to the demand of of right and tip off and slit in left ear. Ono head of sheep with lower crop off Frauk and Karl Hixson made a trip songs; merriment was the feature of the the complaint of which a copy is hereand o, slit and tip off left ear. rvht contests, evening. Guessing appropriate with served upon you. Globe I to Salt Lake last week. head of sheep with notch out tips One j and unique, were introduced and proved C. A. Cai.lib, of bot h ears. to amuse. Mrs. Hansen was One bead of sheep with two notches Plaintiffs Attorney. Advertise your goods in THE admirably For a Stjlisli Hair Cut ths best gueaser among the ladies and P, Coalville, Summit coun- ot of right and notch and slit in left Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold ia bulk. Addres, (. , TIMES. i . ers. won tbe first priae; while Mr. tiobaon Beware of tbe dealer who tries to sell Utah. n49t6 ty, Clean Share. On of above animals with Eon light 1 something just as good. raptured the gents prize. Delicious reri'u. NOTICE. freshments were served, after which the seewre me to held are Council Said animals City Mooting. Y. S. JOESSTOJ, Prop. . by Tbe city council met in regular session the payment of (1.50 damages, done by All persons having uncompleted bus- guests chatted and sang uulil half past Stops the ( ough and works off tbe Cold. ! nimsls npon the premises of Joi n iness with, or claims against Summit twelve, when they were cilled together Tuesday evening. Mayor Croft presiding and dismissed by -Wilson on prater. a sod first the Tablets cure's day jptDccembcr, j Laxative Bromo-Quinm- e quorum prerCut. county, vriU kindly present the name offered was 19)2. to the Board el County ouihsitww odd in one day. NoUum.do Bv, Pike by Dr.yer CouncjtmsB W.D. Robinson, MISSIONARY APPOINTMENTS. IUchin an) minutes of tbe last sioa on or before the 20th day of December, 26 cents. werts real and approved, after which the Peundkeeper for Coalville prevcinct 1902, so that all matters contracted for Subscribe for THE TIMES. service; equipment Tb iJUoaing home missionary ap- - followisg bills were allowed : by the present administration may be s run imfore ami pres-settled the passed upon TBACK.5 rointments have been made for next Thos. Bewrd, flow rs for cemetery. .1.60 ent lent of office expire?. Welter fowl Co., coul Piles produce moidure and 2 80 Itching of of Board Dec. the By order County 'tin lay, 14th; Mr. S. Euglsnil, feeding vsg 50 cause itching, this form, as welt as Blind, Commissioners. , IMI.Neelet, W. E Chappell, water niasier q.no u Peoa Thomas John fcy-tBleeding or Protruding Piles are cured J, Bowen, County CiesW' (Seal) 225 hauling coal. . Pile Remedy. Stops iur. nt Tbo. Re, cem-7 25 by r. T a Tlm.Jy U Im t tisnefev Levi Pearson, E. R ehft J. H. Salmon, work on abutment 9 00 H'thing and bleeding. Absorb tumors. This it tbe season of tbe year when 4,to 50c a jar at Druggists, or tent by mail. Wanehtp John K. Lemon, Wihism J. L. Mitchell, mdse .75 Twastise free ; write about ij.Dr. V. Wilde, feeding vsg the prudent and careful housewife re- Archibald. your case. French, quarantine service .. 9.00 of her Chamberlains B. Park James plenishes supply Parleys tr. Boeanko, Bbilada. Pa. For sale by Itheai.Geo. E Jl, Riieml, iDAkin(i deed Cough Remedy. It i certain to ba reed Smith. F. H. Wright, recording deed,., L5pl John Boy den A Son. j 1 before tbe winter it over, and results Upton Wm. Hodbon, Ed. Rees. After benediction by Councilman PtCT0vV are ratuh more' prompt ami satisfactory Hoytsvtlie Silas M. Pack, Lonsdale Clark council adjourned to neit Mon - J T A I I yu when it is kept at hand and given as Allen. dav night when considerable unfinished The noon at the cold i contracted and before Grass Creek Robert Walker, Thomas business will be RESIDENT diepcd of. it hay become settled in the system. In Beard. FOR ALL almost every instance a severe cold may Kama Enoch Brown, Robert lild Wanted. be warded off by taking tbi reined v -Coalville, as the first In JicatTbn of C Vde Rock -- F. l l7 w r ig hr, Kepbl Bealed bide ior constructing a rock freely as THREE TB1IIS DAILY -coiii no is In There the ilUr Sill bait CeiiYlll danger appear. . Sargent. calvert across Spring Canyon creek near children' for to Chicago, CABS no contain THEOUGP to it it C. Joha 19. giving Rockport ra.kett, Samuel Summit Conaty Marble Works, Hoyti-vill- e, loadij, Sept The Aristocrat among harmful substance. It is pleasant to Brinton, SL will be received at the county tiasu Cltj, take both adults and children like it. East Coalville Araoi Sargent, John clerks office of Summit count, Coal-vill: Old of the . ; MWhiskies tpollt the O. W. D., ' FRENCH, Uortln. . Buy it and you will get ths best. It alUtah. p to and inclnding Decem-- wrreBench Creek Ward E. Pack, 0car ber 17, 1902. Plans and specifications on ways cures. For sale by John Boyden Pkytlclnn and Snrireen, School, Withont a peer. Dlrect CeBiectiou for U11 East A Bon. , - Wilkins. file at tbs said office. , OFFICE AT RESIDENCE : Cnntrilk SontkeuL ty in Tec Sat ud Woodland Marion Frasier, JohnE. of order f - Cewlvill. he. board of conaty By furDetailed Year return . card printed on Lemon, Jr. information cheerfully . BxtTLav McDonocom, Office hours from 2 k 4 p. a, , A XjXu J-nished on application. HL . , too' envelopes for 7j cents" at Ernncie Stephen Welker, James Attest : All whocan should obeorre these hoars Chairman. I. C, WHEADON, Agent, THE TIMES cEce. WoolstenhnlsM. P. H. Kbsut, Clerk. ns sear M poesible. Coalville, Utah 1 .. iFor nrmrir inrrrnriii'it!a',iri M. R. Salmon. , BOYDENS DRUG STORE Is the place to get School Supplies. We have an excellent line of Note Books, Pencils, Inks, Text Books, and everything that is needed by a student at school. Barber Shop ltd . n 1 cn r? ko . 4 f S CK Union Pacific Dentist. el. Eastern Points. Utah aisd .n e. ' n |