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Show f t ' ' ' 7- ' I ' oa.ooe.o....j Philosophical f . I r j Observations Lj . ) : ' f , : t T"" 1 By KYPON VILtlAVS. ''" ' J ' : I V. y : ((iilatttoitiiKi liaitiiiiiaii , Hnve you cnnnlil. i, ,l the luliire ntntn of your hudy ns wi il an Hist of your olT Have ynu plmuu d w nut i hnll bo dune with the elny when you have slmf. t. ll' d off Hits mortal col; ami He uu li'inilipite mnns Crave Subjrrt tipproiiciiing ileterluriitlon? Will you n.-nln your i la body to the burial ground where the gnphers may ' Considered. gt'tiw ynur tocsT Will nur aiinlumy he rreniatcd nn, I ynur nshes preserved In nn urn or, like tha bodies of rcitnlii Indluns, will you be hung In the Iter tops whcie tin- crnwa niny enw nt you and Hie hii..urils pick nt yi ur remulns '.' x Tlie scici, title m. inliers of Hie rremslory loHctles tell un H In tu iirr to la b Ituinern'rit. more romlm-ho to the general i rulih el the pr,i,li. wa le.ito beliltul, nml vnslly liuire ceiinln nf one very ilesll fl'le liui -Hint the person j trriucil H ileiid, clrnr .i.ii.l nml no mlstiike. Aft -r Ihe ciriiiniuiy gels thrnugh I with Ihe In.ilv llicre In no Imminent ilnuger nf the ciiipsr rising up In tlx I ci, Illn nml nskltig fur n dilnk I'enple who hnve i. horrur of being burled nllxa will do well In ntder creniiltlnn 111 their wills Tile only rent nhjrcllon to I crruiiiiloti in Hint II l.i frntiully hard on the gophrtn! Nntni.illy ihr 111:11,1 In nppallril nl the (In, m ill nf h, nig Iiiiiii, I. evn In a rrrmiilury. life In 11 pnluliil Ihliig, and creinntlon hints s 111-h nf hell lira nml Ii hi piii'lslimeni thut one hcsliuiis hetore cuiinuliig a loved one's hudy to the pi,... ss Hul whni the lite Is guiie. what uintt. r .' Theie no snffcrliiR. no pain, no n nii'iiu, 11, no tioiliing. All In a dm k ntid pluti iilnn vnciium. a Iiuiiciility. n nihility, n nullity, ihe hnilv Is nnly wnnte Ihe si, ill, llni ll-ht, the bring ii, 11.1111.. Why thru mil iln nwiiy with the drosn. Hie bunk. Ihe I. nil. the si, '11'.' In It not Ii I'm Hi. I) hrllrr Hian tu nloi" Hie I. ii.lv nwny In the gin' Hul where vermin niai nil It. where ruilnitii 11111 v il. siroy II. where rot may il.v.i.mn U, nild- unl nppy ihomil.t- whi te Hilrven tuny hrrak Hie sniirtlty n! el, n tba linil linnow house ni',1 stinl II ? In t hm e one who n nnhl prcf ir tn lia ve Ii in dry . U, butu's null, , I I11 a si nuird prolcsi.ur hetme a cla. s nf daiiip nired. a. loirs. j, cent nml ciillnw nn , lical atoileiiia, tli.-ni in knuw hln n.ihes siiiml in a binntlfiil urn nn Ihe 111111,1 lr, I. ,. where Ins wlduw's srruiul Inisliiitid mil) refer '11 tin ill In Hints of iliimcHlte ItitrlltilyT Will ynu he hurled, tun ueil, quick limed, niummllleil nr nuspriidrd In a tree Hhe dried llllll? There is no tine III evildlllg the quel. Hull. It Is rlllitllltc yoiir dimr l ell! You muni imikc a choice- or leave II 10 t'i,,sr who nurvivi! ynu. I'rrhnpn II In as well tu pnieriiMliiate, nn a cornne Is ensil) natlnflrd and nut given in philosophy or atguimiil! liiVil Now Hint Hie scnniin for iml.lim "How wuuld you like tu be tl." Ice man?" Is off, a more modern prol, lent Is prKiiimlr,: "How would you like in be a turtle, farmer?" If you are 1u11lrcl1l.1l. you mm' Inven. Being a Dissertation llriiie hy mi, Hug Texiin pupern, which me telling of n a mnn nnir Orniign who hnn a turtle farm. When h The Snapping Turtle, the nlden of bin purne begin to erei te frlctlnti by I ruhhliig tugcthcr, be gets out liis diai. net mid hauls In a h w hundred pounds ol turtles. The bit: snappers am 1 Incnl In a pen ' and fed iinill tiny in, lut uml irmly fur imiikei. He ilmls 1 n-ndy mil" fir Ills pruiliici in New llrhniin. whrin Ihe fiislldluiis lire foiul of turtle wmp of ariniocrntlc nume. livery American vuuth has caur.lit turiltn. He r. fiiHn, with some degree of elitliin.iiisni, nlrclillous hnlllen with the old nnul nhlil. Ihe smiipllig tin I le mid Ihe nofl nlu II turtle. Mnnv a Hull Isile and line have gone I tlie way of debris Ihtonuli a hatlle ruin I with a "whopper." and tunny "an i awlul bile" hns dwindled Hi a Hi'.ugiilniiry nffiiiy wiih a bendy-eyed reptile of Hie deep. limn. Ihe Allielirnll who is remllllscriit will nmlcr oil till' propusl- tluii nf like uml dlnllke lur tlie hillle riilslng business. Nu tiny now gruwii !'. to iniinliiNiil who ever gut his linger or bis big toe In the 11111111I1 of a snapping I turtle will look fnvnrnhly iimhi the scheme The tennclly wiih whlcli a imp liuiils tu a runt or a bull dog to a leg, Is iiuililng when oumpured tu a hardshell . Riiid'turlle when bis punnluna are uruuned and he grips any purt of the 1 analomy. He never Ids go until his head If oir nml even then he Is apt to ' tnke his bend In bis mouth and slide Into the water with stubborn mien. Hn Is a lighter from the Had l.uiuls and quits only when the odds ugulnst him lave completely niinllillglcil his rhnttc's. A turtle farmer must run all nnrts of chuiiccs "fc. dliiK bin smelt. " If ever a snapper gets a hnhl on tho calf of his ", leg the Joys of a turtle harvest are uiuilo tu look like the proverbial thirty ! cents. In raining plginiiin one enn go Into tho loft, catch a dove or two and stroke tli-lr i r. l l heudn, but the turtln fanner who 1 o-s Into ihe head petting ; business will need a crow- bur ami a lever to dlnenguuu himself. The Texas papers any there is big tiiiiney In the luinltiean, but line gets much srtisfnc tlnu fruni a pencefui life berelt of riches these duys. As fur us we ilnu'l like turila soup, anyhow. Bunio hiw-lirowcil, pci.slmliitii al siutlnihiuii ban nrrlvcd nf the dnluctlnn that ptlmpkilin are gruwitig nearer yrur by )nir. Thin luriinn, uf cuursii, i Hint by Hie t liie city full,,! g,i a snruilim mid Pumpkin Pie hurry Into Ihr punlornl rouuliv. the pumiil.ln plen will lr. be ull gnlil. Siime tine ngn the glellt priihlrlii Wns Growing Scares. "Sliull we open ihe liituta tu the Tree coinage uf sliver." etc. l ater Hie iiiieslluti nf "How In he huppy thuiiHi liuiriiril." n'lltutril Hie cuiitnullw cull h. Nnw we me up ugnliint the , rt'iil thing, if we tuny be alhiwixl thn slung of ruuiiiinii piiiiatice. "Ii. the pumpkin pie to tii'C'tme otisulelc?'' relish Ihe ihnuiiil! lluw we luive revoled In the Inn-Ions piniipl.lu slice! It reenlls Ihe ,nlcyun duys, Ihe days of asplfn-' Hon and fallh. belnre the rude ImiiiI nf experience blue penciled a few thing on Ibe page of life. I'p tn the pr'netil time, we have been permitted In recall this Jiiyuun period by im-chsIiiiiuI .-niiiu union with pumpkin pie. Now we are tu ho furever cut oft - the pumpkin In grow lug smaller ami smaller, fewer and fewer ciicb iiensnn. nml will sis. 11 he a mere ciitiosliy fur tin, sideboard. TI11111 wan whi n nt cutile shows pumpkins were fed Hie limine henuiies to keep their hnir sleek , mid the man who ruth.il ihn blrgcni pumpkin can I". I off tnu llncst prl.e. Alun. one by one ibe Hilt as of youth are bring nwrpi nwny ami Ihe piiitipi.lii rolls Into the dim beymiu along W illi oilier Ih Iov, ,1 ihlngn, a inoiinu il luxury nf the old IiihIiIoiu iI il.ivn. S0111, lu,w t u se stiitlnlK luun are deprcnnlng. ' They shaiter iiuitiy a liuppy meiiinry mid cteaie huhgohllnn us children liinl 111111I hniimn Vale the luiiiphln pie! I tut we mill have plenty uf luatcilul J left fur until plea. I'eitiapn we should l,e iliankful fur thut. f , T'ii . v. The liblqilltuilB lypngrnpnlcui ennr hnn lung been Hut object of qualifying I adjitilves passionately expresnei! The liuim,iisl. who sees fun in miic-a' I scIkiiiIc . ntiithuneen, quules Willi glee each startling I Typewriter Gets nml uiu i -irctnl iitteraiice' mude when ihe types gut f a twisted. After a time the vleilm sinllin. uki, at the i Plugged Latter. Hilng wiii.ii su Incensed him Nut long ago Hie bti.ir f, "e" on i,. typewriter lieciime enamored nf the letter "u." 'TIs said niun and woiimii. 1 ,:ng t igeiner. gel Hie nume facial expression to a greater or lessor extent. II v ns evi 11 no wiih the "c" which, when clogged i Willi love, and lint, iiimle 1111 Inipn sl,,n as r.iitml un a nllver dollar, with nury a tongue in the nild, lie or n bre.i. In the circle. The result wnn aliirniing. '' It reminds us now of Hie nlllor w..o lost nil his letter i n"- ull nur "en" wera ' "o's." At the I inn. we were angry, retiring lent imr cilinlll uency wuuld nail 1 ; prmif on us uml net us down as a rude, iiniliihiheil fellow win, hud never lie.-n Io spelling school. The result, huwevcr, bus nut been lieinhled Io us, and 'we uro coiululiiil Willi tlie llioilglll thul pcrhiipn llolHidy reud Hie artlelru ilfler ' all! Anyhow, nurs Isn't nn hnd us Ihe experience uf tin, editor who wrme nf a fashionable. Kia lety lady of qiu ni lonnhle nge, and over It phiied this In n, I: "Has tioiie Io Wtihanh." . f When Hie ahscui minded piisdreuder piisneil 011 ihe Hue, It reud: ' "Hug (ione lu Wuhunh." ) The edilnr Is nllll lu Hie Iiiiii i niont rccessen nf the Wlnid. Wlllllllg for tlio I society lady to relent. There Is alwtiyn Joy lu cnmpurlsnn with ntbers' wne! . Shukenpeure called nllenHnii in nhul 1111 llillnlte piece nf wnrk Is 11.1111. The bard uf Avon hud In iiiiiid the gruiiuun. gallant, honest, kindly man. the I mail wl.n iloe.y Hiliigs. Ilr 1 re,,', , t the !;,.,,t,: .,n I Shakespeare's w 1,1 hud hive lur ins lellnw men. Ingersoll s:t love I Man In the nnly llilug tluit will puy " r. .,-r ecu,. No I is C'insidered. mtii win Is ... II proiul, linilrr thiiiilhoii. ., . Mie I'li-nl mnn. M' n kb I'liuiit sinllltig V" -iisl .! ,1 . In their set. and amwllng at the limn nir.iin tn-eu-A . - t,,, ..- j: to the 11 ly when 11 word ui syiiipiiihv mui foll ivv Ini. , ,IH itii,.,i,..y j belter Wnat Is 111, , m y to the n who nr., I- .,iv,.ip : mi,,s iI-i t clevair? It helps rm- u pain v l our or n ,.,..M ... , ,,,,,, M J or lilllidsl.nl.". hns grniler 1 1 ii'l '1, , !. 1 i., , , ,,ie' I.ungiy. hut it will el.'.. it. in. -l,iij. ! s," ,1 , ut wh.it giva but what v.e .i..i'r. I.uw. ' a", t -,. . snillrn. 0111 linpeo, our , asplru'lons. out , i'"ui 11 '"'n enhnm r our lirip lenfuid, mni uiilj a '.vl ....!.. Hi i. .mipuliinn iiud put uvviv s, if pride. i |