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Show ( COALVILLE TIMES. SAMOAN DEATH OF SPEAKER VOlCANOtl ACTIVE. R. JONES, Bairril Editor onl Btnloon Kaitaier. PottoOn to CmWII. )i4. M Jwwuad-- t lw HHM. M th Mv 7, tl. TIKM orHOWKIPTIO. Oh U r.p.bl. la .111 MmIIm flUM OUl IlHIIl... CopiM run vie. In Iwrnr roi. Fi.rtfc lrgi MuuiiisJn distim.i ihtirn emit AI1IK report from the United Ktxte naval station at Tutniia, Samoa n A Islands, i.nder date of l.i ember 24 says: On November 1 'he Bemoan, at the weaieia extremity o' the group at tho Island of Hava1! were startle. steps have twt taken at Richfield to provide water orko for that place. The reported coining of the Moffat road la causing considerable activity In Uintah county. advanced' W The price at an gar-hcent per hundred pound within the paat two weeks. Prealdent Roosevelt will vlelt Utah n March or April, while on hla way to the Yellow atone Park. Brick & The plant of the Halt Tile company waa destroyed by fire lam week, entailing a loaa of f 10,000. The rabbit bunt near Goahen last week reaulted In the sladghter of 611 bunniea, the winning aide bagging 2o8. Since November 1? not a alngle day haa paaaed without one or two earthquake ahocki being felt In Pine Valley. Hyrum Parra more of Charleston nad bis band blown off on the night of tne tilth, by the accidental dlacharge of hla gun. While working on a new building at Lehl, Monroe tfllsoo and H. J. Stewart were Injured by the falling of scaffold. It la aald that the wife of Frank Jlinadals, who eutelded at Schofield, la Icing cloaely watched to keep her from following hla example, - The Utah crop of potatoes Is ahort this season, because of the drouth, and already a few potatoes are being shipped In from Idaho. The rural free delivery service haa been Inaugurated at Lehl. The route supplies residents at the sugar factory, Junction. Bego Lily and association The Utah baa named 100 delegates to the National Livestock convention to be held In Kansas City from January 13 to 18. The report of the state treasurer shows a balance on band Pec. 1 of 1181,997.69; receipts during November, 1157, 124.84; expenditures, 1121,168.24. Smallpox' la practically wiped out of Salt tailor City, but 'fottr-- r being ' Preliminary ' ttowou IffiM of earthquake severe bock whuh Dated throughout the ulght g-- morning Some .f the shot ks cuougi to tl .w jow i) a ton oth Crete ihui.h nu w : i. vs m m to nurst forth era. Then from several oi Ui muoouun peaks, and the peep lle.i ir t.ror to place they considered nafe Theso extinct volcaniK-8- , me toward the n. Tradition rqieaks ol went of Si'sr a violent eiuoi on oIhmii 150 years ago. whe;j thit portion of the country was of u.oR-a flowing s'rt-ailava, and ted at ths extent wond. Lave traveler of the erupt.on when they bavo had lock to walk over the Vide of the mountain chilled no R tin ir i aides tow m J ! st-The tin, ;i.iept me observably at four pe: . of l!it- - mountain r1d-,- e which form the backbone of the Inland, and o lung a the disturbance is confined Injt poition of the coun try little harm .an happen. It Is stated llint ibe other parts of Samoa, being of moie re ent origin than Sa vail will not lie affected by the outburst. Trevino to the piesent outburst the only erupt'.m known to the people now living occurred between the Island of Tat and Oloesega. In tho Manua portion of Samoa, about thirty-fivyears ii go, when the sea became greatly agitated sand and rock were thrown up. and the island of Oloesega beeamo devastated through the vapors arising from the ocean where the disturbance took place. At the tame time millions of fitdi weie destroyed, but the bank then foiraed which haa a depth of water over it of thirty fathoms, and is a favorite fishing ground for the people of Manila now. st-er- . e THEY'RE AFTER VENEZUELA. 4rmpj Hat Praaautad ) Great Britain and Germany have presented ultimatums to Venexuela, which will le followed by the seizure of the customs unless a satisfactory settlement Is forthcoming within a brief period. The ultimatums have a time limit, but the exact date cannot be asectratned here. The British foreign office states, with regard to the limit: 'it is a resonable time in which Venexuela can satisfy the injured governments. Both notes are practically Identical, although the amounts of the claims differ. The notes merely reiterate the continued disregard by the Venezuelan government of all our representations, specify our claims and demand Immediate action on the part of President Castro government In cannot Ion therewith. , The British Ut diltV.j'thaJj gov HxmlttprivtlcAU . Me. xt tran- ties! with' tho statements made In premonth, and three of these vious dispatches from London, In sients. The flowing well at the Oregon Short which It was first announced that the action was contemplated. Should the Lines Lehl station, which has for so British ultimatum meet with a hostile many years furnished water for the reception, the British minister, W. II. company's big tank at Lehl Junction, D. Haggard, has been Instructed to go aboard a British warship, or If that Is teems to have become exhausted. to go Into the neighborGeneral Manager Bancroft of the Impracticable, ing British colony. Oregon Short Line announces that on January 1 that road will establish a Ftbr mt CMM Cmnatoii In Thatr llm fire destroyed the general store and pension system for employes who have been with the company twenty years dwelling of Max Manthey, at Colgate, and upward. Wis. Mr. , Jlanthcy, In attempting to John Marshall of Panguttch lost 600 escape, fell from the porch and broke sheep in this last snowstorm The hls neck, dying a few minutes later. In sheep bad not left the m""atns wnen wasthe excitement a child 8 years old forgotten, and was burned to were the snowstorm came, and they death. Another child was fatally and anowed In. Several more herds are three others seriously Injured. The In the same condition. mother and two other children were A Tribune special from New York the only ones to escape uninjured. Mr. was over 60 year old. The City says that it la stated on good au- Mantheyconsisted of the father and family thority that a new line of railway mother and seven children, who. with haa been surveyed from Salt Lake City the servant, were lu tho building at to 8an Francisco many miles shorter the time of the fire. It Is thought the than the Central Pacific," fire was caused by an overheated furi While at work In the Annie Laurie nace; Snow McDonald mine at Kimberley, SIIImI. Two Xlnan laJarmL Bagla came near losing hla life through the Peter Peterson, a Santa Fe engicaving of timbers, which, fortunately, neer, war Instantly killed and two firestruck him on the head, throwing him backward, lie fortunately received no men were seriously Injured In a head-o- n freight collision on the Santa Fe permanent Injuries. near Peach Springs. Ariz. Both en. City Marshal John Adams sad Peter were wrecked, and several Anderson, of Americas Fork, were gines were cart A. G. freight smashed, up. , both shot by the accidental discharge of tha marshal's revolver, which fell Wells, general manager of the westfrom hie pocket The ball paased ern lines of the Santa Fe company, through Adams left ankle, and lodged aya that from the advices be hod received the wreck was not a serious in.Anderson'i left leg, , " UEjSaiekT one; except for th death of Engineer ' While working la the sugar factory Peterson. at Lehl, Morgan Lott waa caught In Trsllay Cww tom. tie mammoth beet wheel and carried Two Inter-urbatrains collided to the top of the room. With rare Seven miles from Tacoma Monday preeence of mind he grasped sn Iron afternoon. nine persona Injuring rod and hung on while the wheel tore lightly and breaking the legs of Gusthe clothing from hla body. tave I .arson of Seattle. The accident Tha fish and game warden of Ban-- - was caused by the motorman of the pete county reports that native trout, Tacoma train running past the switch suckers, carp and eastern brook trout Where he should have met the Seattle are Increasing, but that has are not train. The injured were able to d to Tacoma and Seattle, where doing well Sage hens, ducks and quail are on the Increase, but deer are de- they received medical attention, and Larson was taken to the hospital at creasing, owing to poor range. " Kent F. Lb Hinsdale suicided at Schofield, Will lw IswMIisattus nf l.iwrllna taking an overdose of morphine. HinsIn was dale wanted by Salt iJtke officials Judge of tienver has disCarpenter on a charge of .obtaining money under false pretenses, and it is supposed a charged the gmnd jury dtawn to Inrealization of the disgrace he had vestigate the alleged elm t ion frauds brought upon himself prompted the In that city. This aition sag taken deed. because of tbe uncertainty as to the A passenger engine running at a validity of the constitutional amendhigh rate of speed or the Rio Grande ment abolishing Arapahoe rounty and Western jumped the trsrk at a point the and county of Ien-ve-r. creating city C. near Westwater. and the fireman. will b no investigation There C Read cl. was killed. Engineer John until the court decides Cummings had one leg broken and whether thesuiyrme shall stand. Mall Clsrb Bennon bad his shoulder Its decision isamendment expet ted to be glren la brokaa. , about six weeks. Wool-Grower- ... H of H tprsiif lo III Hod Hal hen h IaMMl ay rfully lo tha (grant j Thomas TBra'Ktt Red, forty of represeafi speaker of the houb-tlves, and for many jeais one of ta most prominent fhsrartera in pi&jc life, Is dead, hls dath occurring ju Washington. D C at 12:10 ockjol Sunday morning after a short llliija, the Immediate lause of death btjs uraemia At the bedside shea he fill were Mrs Reed ami Miss Katharjn) Bootois Gardner. McDonqfi, Reed. Bishop and Goodnow, and the nun is. Mr, Reed passed away peacefully sd xpparently without jiain. Thomas Brackett Reed was born 18, lO, in Portland. Me, aid received hi eaily education In fie rommon schools of that city. In Ml he was graduated from Bowdoin :d lege, winning one of the highest liners- the prite for cxiellenre in lig llsh composition The next four yirs were spent by Mr Reed in teading and the study of law Before till id mission to the bar be was appoint'd In fie paymaster siting assistant United States rmvy After his disihaige in 18G5flr, Reed returned to Portland, passef (he bar and entered on the practiee of hls profession. Three years latw he was elected as a Republican i the legislature of the state of M&lnt, In 18C9 he was to the louse and In 1870 made state senator .pissing from the latter position to tlat of attorney general of the state the same year. Retiring from this office after effective service in 1873, he waijthen made solicitor of the city of Portland. In September. 187G. he was elected to the Forty fifth congress of th United States, which assembled la DeHe lmmediately.be cember. 1877 came prominent through a speech, one of the few formal ones ever defivered by him. In which he argued against the paylment of damages b tha United States for Injuries received liy William and Mary college at the hands of United States troops durinji The subsequent policy of the war the government In relation ta wai claims was largely determined by the defeat of this measure, to whlrh. Mr. Reed signally contributed. He was afso one of tbe minority member! appointed to investigate the eleetlm o President Hayes In the famous lUyes-Tlldecontroversy. Hls skill M i debater was at once recognized, and hla Influence becoming more atrmgly marked each year, the leadershb of Mb party was finally conceded tdhlm, th and 1 the Forty ninth congresses the complimentary Aon: nation to the speakership waa tendered him by the Republicans. In the Fifty-firs- t congress, that parly having obtained the ascendancy, he was elected speaker on the first ballot In the first days of hls admlnls-tratleof the office much opposklon was made by the minority to the enforcement of whnt Mr. Reed believed his constitutional to count iwer, members present In the house u participating In a vote, despite their refusal to use their privilege. The qnes tlon of silence on such occasion constituting legal absence, and the destruction thereby of a quorum, waa, however, set at rest by the adoption of new rules by the house, February 14. 1890. In September of tbe tame to the year Mr. Reed was cc ess by a large majority . Mr. Reed proved himself an Indefatigable worker, even while in congas, and aside from hls duties ae eongressman and speaker he found time to contribute to several magazines of tho day articles pertlnert to the various political and economic questions whtch "were from tlm to time agitating th country. LOADED WITH SILVER. n antr-FAn- Fifty-secon- d I ltrom ;d hy tin Weight HI Per, mt Teh) Ins'ant'y. I'll Nm fiiMil lbmtPfrMtoa WH Bill Wltbil The house on Saturday passed pension appropriation bills carry Ug 1139 fiMUmo without a word of deb. Mr. Barney (Wls.l, in charge of he measure, explained that the appropria tlon It carried, aggregating 139,847,. P0U. were practical' with Identical those for the current year and that it contained no new legislation. The htli was then passed w ithout a word of comment, exactly ten minutes havtig b';n consumed In Its confddcratlon. Utaaar Prm lalttag ltn Mat b Wnrltml CAPTAIN SHOT BY MUTINEER. Kipertrd to Conium Kiitlr th k W It Is expected that the mine workers will consume all of the week In presenting to. the anthracite coal strike commission their side of the controversy with the coal operators. It Is estimated the employers will take about ten days to submit the Information they desire the commission to have. The romraission will ask the attorneys for Imth sides to present what figures they already have prepared, so that the arbitrators may study them, and those who are not yet ready to present their figures will be requested to make an extra effort to expedite the work. The commission has no desire to unnecessarily hurry anyone, but feels that all Interested should work as rapidly as possible. The arbitrators are dally receiving letters of adviee from persons In all parts ot the country. Nearly a major Ity of the letters make pleas for th men. protection of th non-unio- n THOMAS NAST IS DEAD. ViMoot Cartoooltt tactanlM to as AlUeb of Tollow fvr. Thomas Nast died Sunday noon at Guayaquil, Ecuador, after three days Illness from yellow fever. He was Interred at 5 p. m. The funeral was attended by the governor, the consular corps, the American colony and by many friends. The coffin wae wrapped la the etars and tripe. The British consul recited a prayer In the cemetery. The death of Mr. Nast Is deeply lamented by the natives, who held him In high esteem. Mr. Nast was appointed consul-generat Guayaquil this year, leaving New York for hls post July 1. He was born In Landau, Bavaria. September 27. 1840, and ram with his parents to the United States six years later. As a caricaturist and cartoonist he became famous. Consul-Gener- OotB bo Old Conntry tn The annual exodus west and the middle navians who returned land for the Christmas Upend Chr1stmr from the northwest of Scandi- to the mother- holidays. Is unusually heavy this year. A special train that left Chicago for New York Sunday carried 600 of these excursionists to Norway and Sweden. Tbe train, which was elaborately decorated with the flags of the United States and of Norway and Sweden, carried a brass band. Practically alt of the excursionists will return to the United States, and a large number of them have arranged to bring kinsmen with them on the return trip. RICH STRIKE IN WYOMING. fl LmI Ui tb ,. Ay Which Torn la Gold SO One of the richest strike evei made In southeast Wyoming Is reported from the Silver Glance mine. In the Hartvlll district, where a threwfoot lead has been opened .up which assays 4, 223.60 to the ton In gold. The ore from which the returns were received was selected rock, but It la said the vein matter is very-riccontaining. In addition to the gold," about 15 per cent copper and some silver. Star? afw!l i TU Dm(IiFmllif ef H4 MwMtlietrL th Annie McMahan, a domestic employed in a Springfield, Mo., hotel, was ound deed In her room Sunday. William Pittman, an employe of the Fris-t- o shops, slightly wounded, was also found In the room. Pittman asserted that the girl. In a jealous frenzy, shot him and then committed suicide. Examination by the police disclosed the act that the girl had been shot in the Pack. Pittman was held for lnvestlga-lon- . v N w Mnlra. annual The report of Governor A bill ha been passed lv the hKf Dlero of New Mexico to the secretary providing that when ill lands are V of state saj s the territory is unusually rated as placer mining the g. prosperous. Irrigation work hax taliatL nual assessment labor upon - surp great strliles. new mines are opening clsue-may lie done uion any or each and new towns and cities are springof a group of claims lying rontiguoxs ing Into life. The net bonded debt of The astnd owned by ihe same person or tar the territory Is Jl.034.054. valuation of property In New sessed net five claims Ir, exceeding poratlon. Mexico Is now J41. 107,745, which, ok all. provided that said labor w ill tead tbe governor says, is not of to the development or determine the Its actual value for taxable purposes, II hearing character of such oo a fair estimate, he says, not falling tlgaoua claims. for abort of tl 50.000 ,m)0. , Amid. Proprtjt one-thtr- E4 IN WHICH POEMBft 104H04N FAKTIC1 FATED. TB4GKGT OS COAL STRIKE COMMISSION. MIm Worker NEWS SUMMARY. Colorado, A special to the Salt I.ake Herald frpm Aspen, Colo., says: Th recent slump in price of silver is virtually a disaster to this once prosperous city, and has brought great distress to for At the present merly happy home price of the white metal not a mlna In the camp can be worked at a profit, and almost tbe entire population of the town must give up old associations, many of them-o- f a lifetime, and seek other place to make a livelihood. In this exodus, sons, daughters, parents and children must necessarily b separated, and there Is great dejection over the prospect. Every outgoing train carries people who have forsaken their homes here, being unable to sell them at any price, to seek work or make a new start in life In other sections of the country. Aspen haa been known heretofore aa - the greatest silver mining ramp in the United States, and at one time the greatest In the world. The city Is situated In a pretty vhlley surrounded by three huge mountains, which abound In the while metal which may never see the light of day. During the bustling days of 1SS7 to 1X93 Aspen boasted of a population of 15,000, but After today scarcely 1,500 remain. the panic of 1892-9and until a few weeks ago. all of the large properties have been worked under lease and the miners made a little better than wages, while silver was between 60 and 60 cents an ounce. M Thr A peculiar drowning Is reported from fanarsle. Img Island. Flth 13'W In silver In hls pockets, which ha had aaved for hls wedding, Edward Porter was knocked from his tbop while returning to port and van drowned. Owing to - the storm, hla crew could render no assistance, tnd weighted down by the coin. Porter, although a good arrtnrmer. sank alnyvst n pro-ceee- lit , a Therir lliliuBtuma at Itrytiurt. by OrMl HrtiAln nod ) R(ltg Uai ( onlltawtl W i e - He iTimsAX MIOKT II.LXMg ! lornn HMk wen-sever- e DTAII STATE NEWS. 00 rropro!u City Arp, hi l)Mrt4Nl. 1 aft C TOWN ALMOST DEPOPULATED. REE& d Ma Start Trouble or m YmmI and Leave tb biip la oat Raft Mbleh Probablj Went ta Piaeat. TkfM Three thousand people perished by Mari volcane the eruption of Sant at Guatemala. Representative Cooper of Wisconsin has Introduced a bill to promote th efficiency of the Philippine constabu lary. The Brlnh ship Leicester Catle It Is authoritatively stated that th from San Franeioco has arrived at Ohio miners will demand an increas Queenstown Her commander reported 2o cents a ton in the scale for of that three American seamen had muoal tinied and Captain leattie and hi The Ohio Valley Stove Manufac second officer sere shot, the latter association at a meeting dean turers with encounter tbe fatally, after mutiners, who left the ship on a raft in rided to increase the pru e of stoves 6 per rent. 'Captain Peattie gave the names of The house committee on appropriathe mutineers as W. A. Hobbs, Ernest tions has agreed upon the pensions Sears and Turner They were all It appropriates bill appropriation shipped in San Francisco The second 139, 847.600. officer, Mr. Nixon, wa shot while atFive English shipping firms are the captain. In the tempting to a new line ol darkness the mutineers pot a few planks combining to lorm v New ioik between to steamers pi and formed a raft and launched it from the ship, which was then about 300 and the far east ten persons miles north of the Pitcairn islands. At Bochum, Prussia The captain searched for the raft the were burned to death and other we:, next day, but it wa not in sight, dangerously injured as the result of and it was surmised that it went to a fire who h broke out in a bakery pieces. Captain Pershing has located what Captain Peattie added that Hobbs is left of a fleet of small guuo..atwaa the actual murderer of Mr. Nixon, which the Spaniards sank m Lake whom he shot through the heart. I.anao Island of Mindanao in 1R99 The captain himself was shot twice, Dr. Ellis S Duncan, who is chained but had quite recovered when he arwith shooting Bruce Head of l.cnii-- . rived here. When the chief officer discovered ville, Ky.. several weeks ago. wa- - re that tbe three men had mutined be leased from Pittshuig. Pa jail on mustered the rest of the crew on the Head will reiover poop, intending to await daylight and 120,000 bail capture the mutineers, but the latter City Marshal Felipe Ilaca of So escaped in the interim. The captain is corro, N. M shot and killed David unable to account for tbe mutiny. He think it was the intention of the men Baca, a prominent citizen, at the to murder the officers and others who Windsor hotel. There had been Pun refused to join them, and take the ship ble of long standing between tho rie-- i to Pitcairn island. A bill was introduced in the hou-It Is said that liobbs came from Illinois, Sears from Idaho and Jamei authorizing the president and the- - sn Turner from Portland, Ore. thorities of th state of Texas to mark Foarteea Mt la Hotl Fir. the boundary lines between Oklahoma Fourteen men met death by suffoca- and New Mexico and the state of Tex tion in a fire which occured in the Lincoln hotel, in Chicago. Thirteen The statistician of the department of those who lost their lives were stifled of agriculture estimates the aitu.c while lying in their beds. One victim of cotton in the I nited Sturo growth was taken from tbe building before as 10,417 noo hai- in the year 1902-0life was extinct, but be died in the of an average net weight of 4'' 7 ambulance on the way to the nearest Corner Traeger, after in- pounds. hospital. A Panhandle work train and a Tospecting the building, united with Fire Chief Mushatn in declaring that tbe ledo, Walhonding Valley & Ohio n building was a veritable trap, and never glne and caboose collided near Co should have been used for hotel pur- hoctou, 5. Engineer Veo of Toledo poses. Chief Mushatn declared that was instantly killed and seven tiain there were such wide cracks In the floors that the smoke poured through men hurt. tbe building in clouds, rendering escape Mrs. Elizabeth Manahan, a cousin extremely difficult for those on the of Secretary Stanton, is dead in Beupper floors. loit, Wis., aged 87. Mrs. Manahan CHILDREN SUFFOCATED. woe the only surviving daughter of Boy Dead, HI 81tr la revolutionary officers In Illinois or Du(WM Condition. Wisconsin. A a mult 0t thoir ottampt to go to When the president comes to take leep in a trunk, John Alien, Jr, the np the question of the succession to son of John Allen, a resident of Anchorage, Ky., is dead, and the vacancy caused by the death of d hU sister is in a very Minister Buck at Toklo, It Is under serious condition, though she will re- etood that he will name John Barrett cover. The children, according to the of Oregon. girl'B story, were playing in the attic of their home when the boy proposed Tn Amsterdam a general strike has that they get into the trunk and resL been proclaimed by the Dockers union After they bad done so the boy pulled the lid dow n and they were unable to In consequence of the Insistence ol Their cries for help the dock companies In undertaking ojien it again were not heard, and when their mother the work of a company whose emfound them, about an hour, later, the ployees are striking. boy was dead and the girl unconscious Shipments of currency by New York Ktouu Jolnt-8angialn Reiarrectt to western and southHer lUtrhet. western points for crop moving pur Mrs. Carrie Nation, the saloon smasher returned to Topeka, Kans., Thursday poses thus far this year aggregate and Friday morning made a tour of the 118,135,000, a decrease of 1804.000 saloons of the city, preparatory to compared with 1900. another smashing tour, as she The Jury In the case of William J. expressed it. The crowd following her Nelson, on trial In Judge McEwen's grew so large that the police arrested Mrs. Nation on a charge of disorderly court, Chicago, for the murder of hls conduct. She was giveu a small tine in wife, returned a verdict of guilty and the police court. Mrs Nation has anfixing the defendant's punishment at e nounced that she will repeat her for life. Imprisonment in before this city long. exploits President Roosevelt Is assured that Tried I aider ttpuntah Lew. If the negotiations with Cuba for a Edward Johnson, a citizen of California. though hls attorney, has peti- reciprocity treaty are concluded sattioned the supreme court of the District isfactory by the state department the ef Columbia for a writof habeas corpus treaty will be ratified by the senate Johnson, with two others, was con- daring tbe present session. victed of robbery on the island of Guam At Marshfield, Ore., Doc Engl, a and sentenced tp long terms. Th: shot and killed "Thomas three men were seaman in tbe Ameri gambler, another Barker, gambler. can apvy, and Johnson's petition state Collector Cbuster Customs Manila that they were tried under ibe laws o' Chinese rales that residing In th in 8pain, spite of the fact that Guam United. States enter the Philipmay was American territory at the tlmeof pines. the commission of the crime. As a result of faithful service BerHi ( Kit Carson Dnd. N. Baker, former president of nard Aged Sam Carson has been found Atlantic the Transport company. Baldead In hi hut, in Santa Monica cantimore. now a part of the InternaHe had California. been bitten yon, by a spider. Carson was about 83 yean tional Mercantile Marine company, will distribute nearly half a million old and claimed to Jre a son of tbe re- dollars among hls former employes. nowned scout, KlU' Carson. For many estimated that 15,000 persons is It years tbe old ni&o lived at the head ol Rustic canyon, with only his horses and attended the funeral, in New York, of the rich Italian banker, Raphael Before taking up dogs for companion. Bove, known as The King of Mulhi abode In the mountains tbe stories berry Bend. Thirty" policemen were are that Carsod had a most picturesque required to preserve order In the great career as a pioneer gold hunter, Indian throng, unruly only because of numbers. fighter and adventurer. Investigation into the causes which Irlitmd Kfi( n mm bkH laylan. to the explosion on the steamer led The papers of Vienna allege that the at the Fulton works. San Progreso s. former lieutenant of n.inieil Francisco, by which thirteen men are Msar!-- , h, ln ekqied with supposed to have lost their lives ana IjotHe of Coburg everal years ago, others are badly maimed, has showff rctili ru-- i U lo four years That the quality of oil which exploded , mm poor. liiiiri-oouiri- it for forging the signal urc on tbe steamer-wa- s ol riiH Senator Hoar has presented to the lViiice Ixuiiees lecei.riy made an inrffrelual senate an amendment to the Immit I'rinves lenilse fix-Ilo gration bill, providing that the wives the I II aim i loin near Dre-dcwhere and children of aliens who have dehe has hero o.oi ei , mv the elopo-ineu- t. clared their Intention of becoming s Tin-o-t shall be admitted without tax maintain tbai he U sane. Jfitl-Otn- pick-mine- mid-ocea- - Ith 3 ld eight-year-ol- lr old-tim- . liu-Mr- -- 1 r. atlv-ilip- n, dt-laen- |