Show I Tilt PROFIT OF A FARM II It tltnatn a llrl 7hlni in lour pule The prollt la I that whMi la left over I after all expenaea ore mid which Include In-clude rent or lnteret on land nnd building capital invented In Mock i labor and food but tho opporlunlt offered of-fered the farmer ot telllnc hla own libor In Ilio form ot tome product mint ho ponildereil < na ono of Iho advantage aajntlio Uner Pleld Mad farm Whero a farmer mako only n enroll profit but has derived n fair iiihi for the labor 1 I I II If 1 lip has pernonally bcalowcd his ealn II greater than the dial profit On ho farm I olio Item of labor muet bo con IderMl urrorillnn ta Its actual coil as an exiicndlture I Though tho labor of lie nirmrr nimacii IA an lien 01 con and nuiet lie I paid for yet he pays It to himself noel It 1 realty la profit be cause of the employment Kectired by him on this farm For that roanou n small farm or n small Hock or herd will alw a > n pi > more than larger area or Increnvti of Block Thin pet tonal atipi nlilonnf thin farmer farm-er nr the Inlcrpit taken In thin work lerformed by him will also mid to thin film iKHuiirc of oho closer application hon nnd thin economy prnctlced In ever department The labor on Hi farm therefore IH I lie hOllY of all pxpeniea I 01111111 la thin principal 1 Hlnitd Iwont mint tram which nil iirollla most bn allmntptl llxpciincg l mire ipdilted when lie yleldii I nro Incrcaietl because In ninny Imlnnoea II require but little more that n rnmll one lahnr rannat alnuo mako n crup The aoll mint bo lilted to derive de-rive the largest 1 posilblo product by the proper me nf plant food which permit the application of labor to the belt nd antnip Small forms em be mado to largely Inrreaio their ylclda moro easily and rapidly than Urge areas The protltu nnd recclpla from n farm cannot bo easily computed for a angle ipr Labor liven thin season may bring In remits for a pear or two alter the work Ix I done < Manure on soma unlit It laatlng and tbo bencllclal cffccta of soiio fcrtirxera are nitro appirent the nacpnd year than the lint A crop of alfalfa that give a yield I ai hay may leave In the roots and all1 much valuable valu-able nllroRen M a aupply lor ionic auc cpedlnR crap all of which loien ex penned In the future by reducing oho proportion of mnnuro or plant food that would otherwlto be required wllh the necewar labor Profits on the farm nrv con enupntl > much greain when the liverage for several years are comparoci oa well year mutt bear Its proportion of expense and n fnlliro tome to-me a profit IliU year may not be a l Des because there may be n corre pandltm reduction ot exp mw next year The bent modn of rwlucliiK expenses li to ciiltlvnle nn more land thin ran bo I kept up to III lilgheat limit of fertility ao at to secure the Urgat yield poa tlble |