Show Jetty WVIITII IT 11111K CITY TIIII TIO hope all our clll en s oho contemplate celebrating independence will how their hay uy Iron home appreciation 01 home enter print by ti lot to Irk Oily oil that date Eaten give prcpaMtlumi have been tnajo ID enlcnnln visitor from all parts ot Hum mil county i Turk City li anxious toilo her I hAle towards making n social inc fU PI Hell na a creditable celebration Commentlnz on nn editorial note whlth ippe > re < In Mir TI > u two weeks ago the licranl shows this spirit with which they propose to conduct the oinlnj event In lion following WON 1 The followliiit cslltorlnl note taken from the lot little ot Tun Comma law > shows a Spirit nlkl n ilinpixltlflii lhal t we like lo MC nnl nn behalf of the i ile ol ark City mil Die fourth ol July roinnilltre the Ilircnril iitemli 11 most cordial Invitation lo the illlMlia < il I oalt Ille and ol the northern mill ot Hit i ounly to join with in In olwrvlm thaI glorious Ir l Pock City i procession i may nut be oolong nn the carnival turnout turn-out In Mon nor ids Irnppliivn < Ulto 10 gorgeous but Hi enlhntlatm still gent > Ine enterlalnmunt feature will eclipse the twit point 1 that the carnival can friiliii 1 lt tho Lapin ill Muninilt rcounty come tu Turk n City and we guarantee guar-antee them A 1 genuine day limiting spurt TuaTiMrtatyt Inasmuch at Conlvlllo hat taken no action In celebrate tho fourth ot July and In all probability dims n1 Inleml la Tlllr fleas wonlteurgI iris 1 the m1 grac Iul thing for ourpeople lodo would be to jolll hand In hand l with Park City and help make their coming celebration a grand tucccm Icy a hearty cooperation coopera-tion ol all the towns In the county It will virtually be a Hunuult county cln Uratlon I l course 1atk City wilt std should receive tko credit for they have put up the money and are dolnj the necetury work to make It a tucceio but It I li practically a home celebration bill and It the proper spirit li shown all will get credit and a better feeling will prevail I pre-vail throughout Summit county drat In all things The Patriot alto joint In and toys Many thanks Brother Ilnneo for the abuse neighborly declaration Polls Clly extends II cordial Invitation lo her fellow iltUeni ol the county mat mn tIn tI-n the oilier rill I olllulllu1I county and prouilio lo treat you all white Ho come along and bring all the I neighbor with you Them will be plenty ol rout for ill We assure HIP Patriot that we al predate the aho e compliment and are a tiling at all times 10 lout I our best I efforts 1 ef-forts tn anything Hut will lie tu t the Interest 01 Summit county |