Show IMJllY AND IOIJIrRY iNTBnBBTINO OMAPTCRS FOH OUt IIUHAL READERS I thou Cole 11 1oeeee epeeat TIt IlepettseI f Ie ts tllta a 10 lk510000110 Mk a Ioallry IIM filled cheew if Mil which passed r Ue house last lilt m pd4y Imposes an annual Ui of HIM i en og avry maaufai fun of fiord cheese I2W per an DUB on wholesale deslrrand f12 pw year on null deal ensile and payable on the 1M d Ur of July garb year lAnll arturer falling to Iy this In ore subject tn a line of from 100 10 I 3000 wholesale dealer falling In JIIIY It are abject to n fine of from 160 to i000 and relaller omitting lo pay It Ire iiibjeel lo n ono of from 10 III I00 Manufacturer mint file filth l the com mltUttier of Intern revenue a alat ment of the bastion of the taetnrr and mint conduct It under sari ear velllanre of revenue officer ss the commlmloner may require and file a 1 hand 1 of not lew 1 than 5W to rom ply with the regulation of the depart mrnl and oho provliloc of this net allli falling to ilo no hall us Habit to n fine of from 500 to 1000 Filled cheete mint he Jacked br the manufacturer In wooden JIIIecKII only branded with the word filled cheese In blaekfaced letters not teas l ban two Inchwi In length on the top bottom and Ides of the packge the raml lo appear In four place on the side at equldltlanl point from < > arh other Thee mnrka or broods mint Le placed both upon the cheese Itself and upon the wooden package In nhlch ills I packed and aolil and all tale by lie manufacture mint be In the orlg Inal damped package Retailers mint sell only from the original stamped package and iliall pack the china when old In package marked or rnnded under regulation lo bo prescribed pre-scribed by Iho cotnmltilonor of Inter nol revenue livery person knowingly idling or ffcrlng filled cheese In any other form ban In now wooden or paper package properly marked anti branded or who mcka filled cheese In any manner contract con-tract to law or affixes n ttamp denol tug a lees I amount of tax ban that rc ulred by law Is I Rail tn a tine of from 50 to 500 and Imprisonment of from thirty day to one year All wholenalo and retail dealer must liplay In a completion place In their talrtroom a urn bearing the word Il flit aw wlttotrI iluinlael tteTTnot let lharttUlncneit > In ngth and falling lo do to may boned bo-ned 50 to 200 Fvcry manufacturer or filled cheese U I required 1 to nfllx by totaling on each package a label 1 on which hall be printed betide the umber of the manufactory and tho district and halo In which It Is I situated situ-ated lbeo word Notice Tho manufacturer of tio lied 1 cheese herein contained baa coin IlIe1 with nil Ibo requirement of the law Ktcry person I s cautioned not lo clan either thl packngn again or tho tamp thereon again nor to rcmoro he content of this i < ntkace without destroying Mid Mainp niter tho pen ally provided by law InUuch cane livery manufacturer ol tiled eheeo who neglect to ant lucl label to any package containing filled cheese made Iy him or old or odertl I for ale by him and every pcrwn f ho remove any such label 10 nfflxll 1 from any ouch package hall be lined 50 for each package In reipect which lIch offenio is I committed I The bill also provide that In addition addi-tion to the annual take uTimljr I named there ball bo ane ed aik aleeted aIn a-In of cno rent per 1 IHMI I 4on all filled cheese manufactured too raid by the manufacturer thereof lid any frnc llonal part of a pound d a package hall bo taxed lIa a pond 1 The tax toiled by this eellon > hil I bo rcpro tented br coupon slant ps qul t the Ito vltloti of cslitlng law Rternlni time engraving issue ale 1 niiintnlilllly effacement and delruril < of utamp relating to tobacco and tnq nl far lIa practicable l are made If npply to Inmirt presided l for thlniurpoM Whenever any roanufiietn r of filled she tell or remor flr sale or ton iimpllon any filled rl4 1 aim upnn which the lax la r iuln < dl be paid b > itninp lthout payln l ti It lax It become the duty of the coiinllnupr of Internal rctenuv upon il rnctory proof 10 Nllnlalll the onus I of lax which ha teen t omitted to ln I > aid and to make an aweMinout itnilor and certify the Mine lo the colbNr Tho tax M aeued shall bo liliJitltlon I lo the peualtle Imposed bjjaw for inch ale or removal All Klltil cheese Impurted ftm for elEn countrle mint In nddltnlo any Import duty Imponed upon 41 nme pay nn Internal mcnuo laiOf eight real JeT pound uch lax a JI rrteuted by coupon turain I such ImiMHlid rilled 1 cheeie ands package pack-age containing the nmo Ill bo vamped marked and brand as In the tttt of filled cheer man Rjlurcd i Ui tbo United States f Any p riwn Mho knowingly chan cha-n or recclves lv mile any lUI 41 bees wild bat not bout branded or aped according to law tr which It clt Inot In package not branded or > rked according to law ibiill Bo Ilik ID II penalty olUO for rich uch of e Bt ry linen who KnuwliiR turn chare or receive for Bale an lied cheese front any manufacturer r Ito porter who baa not paid Ibo Ial tax beieln pro I liia for hall be Ile I I fcr each Inch off nic to a pent or 100 an lo n forfeiture ot alt article 10 purchased or received or of the full value thereof miry Itoot nn ronllrr IKIta Doot start depending I tlrly An an Inmbator unless you liave bud ei perlenee and alAn have on hand capital capi-tal enough to make Rood the nlinwl certain lass It would give In Die hi < lot l-ot a beginner Hut get n row goal bne warranted erljr layer ami stirs filer fi-ler Procure eggs for hatching hum sons reliable dealer who will wrrat them fertile to In the breed l 1 dont know of say llroiiml good general purpose hen better than the Wynndollo One can never slag lIa prnltw loud rnongli They are twx 1 layer and the iblc grow rapidly and art toon ready for broiler which ho I an Imporlanl pr of the poultry btuldwe Have > oat chicks on Ihe market when othn p v pie are Jllol halehlng H la I a cleat rae of tic early bird every lime In I poultry railing 10 gel Ibo tartest prot live the fowl nanuc well lighted house where neither ergs nor water will Illue with n covered run If roaM ble I and feed In the morning n ntih uf NIIII I part wheat bran mlililllain and barley chop cooked the night before be-fore At noon give ttenmed wheat tea toned with unit and scrape from the tail and ocenilonnlly n little flatly hopped meet or liver with the noon or evening feed I n pound to every 150 tvflve hen It I about the correct quantity quan-tity Then nl night give corn snot 1 wheat fullered among tho chaff or tiller of leave on tho floor or on the ground ouUlde A wlda range and plenty of exerclte will do nwny wish Ue romplalnt to many people make of Ibo large breed rating more food In proportion I pro-portion than tho smaller one and not giving U good rcaulta In egg and to they will If not properly allended to Corn especially la I n warmth giving food and for that reason lIa a winter night food bUlio cqunl In largo flock of poultry the utmost diligence mutt bo exerclted In order lo keep them free from vermin and ills en no either of which will thin out a flock In n very short lime A good plan II I to commence with clenn premises and clean Ihem dally Utmost cleanll licit should be the watchword ot the poultry man or woman Select after careful contldernllon the breed you like best anti can care for hat and work on that line until lout can Improve on It Poultry farming ahoiild to Ie I tuc ccwful to I commenced n mall way one can then learn by experience without with-out 10 much loa The belt reiulta any oblalned by keeping no cock except for bridling purpote Keep I I one cock Ibo very lest 101t cnn get to eight or ten hen whose only biiilnct for thin lime h nt Mg Js to 1o1ag for tatehiR If they jutf ho confined In a yard have It a good gen crow one and keep them iupplle with fresh gran sod nnd green cabbage or other vegetable and by all mean have their drinking vessels cleaned and Illled with fresh waltr dally Margery Drown trllrholiM fur lIe Many ear ago I was lIhbd 10 rake arllchoki for my slack My first crop wsa planted In 190 The yield picked up wax 1200 biiihel per acre or at that rate There were enough 10 tuber left In the ground la reiced It The plat has not been planted since mil the ground teema lo be full of them I keep the field highly manured and plow and cultivate every yrar lat year I raised nearly 100 bushels It Is claimed by tome tint after the first year the hogs get more exercise than artichoke and that they soot become a mean weed but I do not find II to when properly prop-erly cultivated 1 and thinned Romo also ay they are difficult to crndlcule Thus I rind 110 hard tool I know of many that Ion all the first year Two men that bought teed of llm writer and Marled Marl-ed I piitchCB havo nol ono now on account ac-count of the sheep I breaking Into the patch 1 Shell cut off Ibo tops and no lop no tiller I feed them to my brood sows Initenil of mill feed They do fine with mile grain added All stock ant them oa do aim the poultry They mature In the fall when all other vege tnllon Is I al nn end and are ready In the tprliiR na lOon nt the front II I out of Hut ground Thawing and freezing doe not Injure them while III the ground I da not know of ray other crop Hint will give to tnuih good food AI will artichoke Slrnou Cox ulcer 1ryadoll I My experience with fowl cover six leers I now keep the Silver Vnn dolle excludvely and Ihlnk there is I I nolhlng I like them I have owned tbe fallowing f Middle Light IIralIIa Dark llrnlima Hurt Cochin American I Dominique Indian ianie Silver Penciled Pen-ciled Hamburg lloudani lilark Lane ihani all candle of Leghorn Ply I mouth Itoekt and varieties of these My 1 poultry house It I 12x22 feet and li I laihed and platlered I rflll In the morning corn and oil grouni cooked and fed warm At noon they set only water and at night whole mm Our market hero are very poor and prices ajo very low I have got elI every day this wlnler I have been very for tunatu In regard to the health ot my fowl 1 believe that If one baa the right kind ot AI home alit led proper food l hli fowl will keep well I hive doctored and tome haw cured fowl ot roup and of canker mouth o H Mcutniw In Fairoer Itel low Dog Skin for Fur CoalsSL Paul works up M8000 doc tklo into tur coat every year The ilcg used It I Im I ported from China when > It II known by the name of monk The city also tnaktt tip about 4WWO coon akiaa into teals |