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Show no j HAWKS AND JAYS ARE RAIDING QUAIL Extermination of feeding quail by I the bluo "gosh" hawk and the wood I Or blue jav. at 1he state feeding grounds In the northern counties of j the state, is threatened and, as a result, re-sult, pame wardens with the sanction ' ,of Fred YV. chambers state fish and game commissioner, are shooting tho J 1 predatory birds In large numbers. In order to furnish sport for the nlm-rods nlm-rods of the state, some sitv dozen .Rob White quail were imported from Kansas City last spring. These and the native quail require feeding when the snow blanket! the ground. Food j for them is left at their usual places of gathering. Driven from the higher haunts In the hills by the severe weather, the hawks and jays, which are both om nivoroug types, have been swooping down and killing off the quail by cores. In order to replace the quail lost through the- raids of the hawks and jnyi and those killed off by the severe! weather, from 3000 to 5000 native quail are being trapped in southern Utah :tnd will be shipped to northern coun-ties coun-ties to furnish sport next fall. |