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Show oo ClIEflS DEFEAT THE K, S. P, TEAM With their first game on hand last! night, the Standard carriers defeated the K. S P. basketball team by a close score of 34 to 32, on the Pingree floor. For small teams, the playing was exceptionally good. The game was: very exciting, the score being within a few points during the whole games The Standard forwards made many difficult field baskets. The lineup follows fol-lows S. C. O. K. S P. Blackburn If Garner Shreeve rf. Gre and Bond Wilson c Gibson and DeJulian Jansen Ig Craig Oborn and H. Bond, rf De Julian and Bond. ; oo CHAMPIONS OF 1916. War Nobody' Peace Nobody Holdups Chicago; Bull Tex Rickard Checkers We don't know Roque Ditto Crokinole Ditto Fishing Ananias , Hunting The Undertaker; Jumping Les Darcy Forty-five Mike Conway Extravagance Tom Jones Darcy couid easily end the war by sending his army of managers to Europe Eu-rope to shoot gas. New York's boxing commish is living liv-ing up to Its name. It is always fighting about something. oo |