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Show CALIE01A MAN HAS A COAL MISSION TO PERFORM Stockton, Cal , is in the market for i tab or Wyoming coal, according to .1 H. Renter, manager of the Murphv Ice & Coal company of that place. Mr. Reuter arrived in Ogden this morn, his trip being made for the purpose pur-pose "i buying coal lo re ior bis home town patrons He reports excessive cold weather in the usually warm California Cal-ifornia city aud says that the coal situation has practically reached the famine stage When he left for g den, his company, the largest in Stockton, Stock-ton, had only 50n pounds in its bins. Willard t, Wilson, commercial agent of the Southern Pnciftc. took the Stockton coal and ice merchant in two upon his arrival and the two at a late hour this afternoon were hot on the trail of a siipph the much want ed fuel, that can be moved west in time to save at least a few of the Stockton residents from freezing. oo |