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Show ;is (VElftlUffi I For Infants and Children, I 0 PaImS Mothers Know That I fg fcftiJSJP Genuine Castoria 1 , ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT- j Jfl I P ! SffSSE Signature JT ir .4&.SW I M V gg- i a ,n In J! hcloful Remedy for ; I lOO K?fS and Fcwrlshness I l-JT I rcsim, jr For Over I I JA Thirty Years I itBCASTORH Exact Copy of Wrapper. THK oiwtauh mhnt, mm tor om. I I or cold I the tank's djkjmffl' I still there mk H I -No sweet Iffll HQ ftenpe. Dock frt rOj Intense Itching Of Large Blotches On Child's Head Face and Limbs, Red and Fiery, Could not Sleep. In Two Months Cuticura Healed Sound and Well, "My little daughter began breaking1 out on her head in small pimples or blisters which discharged a watery fluid. In a day or two these dried and formed a rough, scaly surface. This continued to break out about even,' two weeks, spreading out larger until her sralp, face, and limbs were co ercd n ith large blotches, red and fiery. The itching was intense wc had to keep her hands tied and she could not sleep or let any one else. It was a life cf torture. "We heard of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, Oint-ment, and began to use them. A wonderful won-derful change took place at once and in two months' time she was healed sound and well." (Signed) Mrs. Arch Lagle, Depauw, Ind., Oct. 4, 1916. Why not prevent these distressing skin troubles bv making Cuticura your every day toilet and nursery soap aided by touches of Ointment now and then to remove the first signs of pimples, rashes and dandruff. Do not confound these delicate emollients with coarsely medicated medi-cated soaps and ointments. For Free Sample Each by Return Mail address post-card- "Cuticura, Dept. H, Boston." Sold everywhere. oo SOME WONDERFUL PICTURES AT THE ALH AMBR A Tomorrow Kathhn Williams in a thriller. "Enduring Love." Friday and Saturday, Hershey takes you through his entire chocolate works and gives you a can of cocoa The gnat "Cossack's 'Whip" on the same program Following this great program pro-gram Pauline Fredericks in the 'Slave Market." Blanche Sweet following fol-lowing in "The Evil Eye," then comes 'Civilization," greater than the 'Birth of a Nation." for a 4-day run. The house that travels with the times. Advertisement. A SANITOL mouth bath kills the germs of decay and removes odors. The bad taste in the mouth is gone after using SANITOL. Il's While Because H's Pure j , Semi-Annual Clearance Sale I Wolfer s Semi-Annual Clearance Sale during January offers to the women of Ogden and vicinity the Final Clearance Clear-ance of all our Suits, Coats, Afternoon and Evening Dresses, Blouses, Skirts and other Wearing Apparel at prices phenomenally low. The stock is entirely composed of Wolfer's merchandise, representing the last word in style and workmanship. Satisfaction is guaranteed. The buyer who comes early will find a good variety to select from but this stock will not last long at the prices we arc offering. w Clearance of All Our Suits j Nk W Regardless of former price or original cost, our entire stock of Stylish, Handsome Suits must go. XjL Tne Clearance Sale prices are all reductions below one-half the original price, yet the styles are i fift exceptionally pood for rj,ir winter and spring r $25.00 Suits, Clearance Sale Price $10.00 JLAXL $30.00 Suits, Clearance Sale Price $14.75 WlfnJRs $40.00 Suits, Clearance Sale Price $19.50 ' l7 wVfc $65.00 Suits, Clearance Sale Price $30.00 IHHRBB 9 $85.00 Suits, Clearance Sale Price $39.50 , H R ( jjy $135.00 Suits, Clearance Sale Price $49.50 -jtBBPfc fejtff Final Clearance of Coals Wj IS? fj J With all the most desirable shades, the materia including thr J JtiK? jkHftP finest English Velours, Plushes and Mixtures. These Coats JLJ Jf yS PjS have the very stylish cape collars and chin chins, just exactly T 1 , j the kind you desire for this cold weather. ffl y 1 A If $25.00 Coats, Clearance Sale Price $13.50 ,i J 3 r $27.50 Coats, Clearance Sale Price $14.75 yfi 111 J M $30.00 Coats, Clearance Sale Price $19.50 j J ML $45.00 Coats, Clearance Sale (J $27.50 ' k AFTERNOON AND STREET DRESS CLEARANCE 7 We have only a few of these excellent Afternoon and Street Dresses which we are sacrificing in order to clear up our entire stock. A number of these dresses I are for stout women, excellent models. The prices: 1 Regular $12.00 Dresses, Clearance Price $6.75 Regular $30.00 Dresses, Clearance Price $16.75 Regular $35.00 Dresses. Clearance Price $18.50 X I 11 Regular $45.00 Dresses, Clearance Price $23.50 L J EVENING DRESSES INCLUDED JStf Our stock of Evening Dresses includes only one of each style r and design, wonderful dresses in beautiful crepe de chines, ,Vl Georgettes, silk, laces and chiffons. They are all included in yt 1 fffiw Semi-Annual ( learance Sal . some ol the prices being j I I $9 50' $19-5. $27.50, $39.50, $47.50 lf CLEARANCE OF ALL BLOUSES M vA-Y Despite our tremendous holiday business we have a number rj of excellent blouses, which we are offering at very low prices in order to secure a complete clearance. They include beauti- SFPARATF SKJRTS kw i fully embroidered Georgette, creoe de chine and lace blouses in . . rrmW dainty shades and also a number of blouses to wear with dark Uu,r Semi-Annual Clearance Sale 'LtwV suits includes low prices on new separ- WrVXL Regularly $3.7 5 to Regularlv $6.75 to Regularly $13.50 a skirts of fine black satin, f l U $4.50. Clearance $7.50, Clearance to $ I 5 00, Clear- fges. gabardines, poplins, ve- 77 V5 Sale Price Sale Price ance Sale Price t'nrnrT nrr 6 1 xGSJ $2.95 $4.95 $9.75 20 PER CENT OFF thi convenient, "lVmfl Wr nomicnl milk in nil fm;r 5JtJ WWW cooking Uht rHJre milk, or kK9 Waff rcam 'I r" diluted to wnj " MU detlred richnM or -onsitency. W mm It add n appearing: richneas. m BORDENS I Hit J?ilde in Ut!8B A MOTHER'S TROUBLES A mother's unending work and devotion drains and strains her physical strength and leaves its mark in dimmed eyes and careworn expressionsshe ex-pressionsshe ages before her time. A A "8 m.other 7ho is wear7 nd languid should tart taking Scott's Emulsion of ,TS Cod Uver Oil as a strengthening strengthen-ing food and bracing tonic to add rich-uesa rich-uesa to her blood and build up her Rmulaion today-its fame is world -de It 19 free from alcohol. Scott Bowae. Blootufield.N J. uW HASWELL'S I WIJCH HAZEL CREAM I |