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Show MINORS REQUEST MAY BEDENIED Class A. A. League Men Urge Dropping Draft Rule Will Elect Officers. Cincinnati, Jan. 1 Baseball men from almost every part of the country coun-try began gathering here tonight ir the annual meeting of the National Baseball commission tomorrow. While the commission meeting ha6 been called for 10 a. m.. it is highly proba ble that it will be hourg later before I the supreme court of baseball really begins its work, inasmuch as there has been a special moeting called of the club owners of the three class AA leagues, which has at? an indicated object the adoption of a suitable resolution reso-lution for presentation to the commit- sion asking that the drafting of play- I ers from clasg AA leagues bo aban doned. While nothing official has been an-i an-i nounced by the commission as to how j it will look upon this demand, yet it has been unofficially indicated by J President Johnson of the American league that the request would be denied. Minors to Press Demand. That the class AA league men in tend to press the matter with energ'. is indicated by the special meetin. called for tomorrow and while every club president of the American association asso-ciation and the International league in expected here, it Is hardly probabb that the Pacific Coast league will b represented by more than one man. Il is likewise probable that a lar? number of trie major league mag nates will be in attendance as a num In r of other matters that have to do with the relation between the major and minor league clubs are believed ; to be on the list of matters to be con. sidered by the commission. Herrmann Will Keep Sox. The election of officers for the commission com-mission also will be held, but it has become an assured fact during the I last week that both Chairman August Herrmann and Secretary John BS. Bruce would be re-elected the announcement an-nouncement from Chicago that President Presi-dent Johnson of the American league had stated that he saw no reason to make a change, putting an end to numerous rumors of the past six months that the commission would I have a new head in the person of some one not affiliated with either j major league. I Chicago, Jan. 1. B. B. Johnson. ! president of the American league, and several other baseball offlelalf aft here tonight for Cincinnati to attend jthe meeting of the National Baseball commission tomorrow, j Thomas J Hickey, president of the American association, and A. R. Tear- I ney, president of the Three 1 league, ' were among members of the party. Tearney proposes to present his plan for the redistricting of minor league ! territory to the commission Presi I dent Johnson has assured Tearney of , his support. no |