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Show GULF RED WITH BLOW SLAIN London, Jan. 2. 135 a. m Sir! George Buchanan, British ambassador ambassa-dor to Russia, presiding at the annual dinner of the annual dinner of the I English club last night, said in part,' according to a Renter dispatch from Petrograd : "Between us and Germany a gulf is fixed, red with the blood of peaceful non combatants. We cannot grasp her hand again until the armies of Germany have been defeated and toe spirit of militarism permeating the whole nation exorcized. "The British government, when first approached on the subject of Constantinople Con-stantinople and the straits early in the spring of 1916, immediately expressed its whole-hearted assent. We want to see Russia largely compensated for all her services and sacrifices, we want to help her to the prize she has so long dreamed of; we want to see her strong and prosperous, and we want to consolidate for all time the, alliance which this war has cemented, for upon its maintenance depends the future peace of the world. That is the cornerstone of our policy." Sir George said that Great Britain I I during the war has advanced more than 600,000.000 pounds sterling to bei allies for the purchase of war matt-rial besides the materials she sup-.1, piled direct. i |