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Show uu Read the Classified Ads. . Read the Classified Ads. HilUfllH'iff Mr. John Culley submits his candidacy for member of the Board of Education for the Fifth municipal ward to the voters of that ward for their approval. Advertisement. OHIO WOMAN'S WISH Tor Tired, "Weak, Nervous "Women Bellefontaine, Ohio. "I wish every tired, weak, nervous woman could have "Vinol, for I never spent any money in my life that did me so much good as that I spent for Vinol. I was weak, tired, worn out and nervous, and Vinol made me strong, well and vigorous after everything else had failed to help me, and I can now do my housework with pleasure." Mrs. J. F. Lamborn. We guarantee Vinol for all weak, xun-down, nervous, debilitated conditions. con-ditions. SCHOOL TEACHER Wards Off Nervous Break Down Alburtis, Pa. "I am a teacher in the public schools, and I got into a very nervous, ner-vous, run-down condition. I could not sleep and had no appetite. I was tired all the time. My BiBter aaked me to try Vinol. I did so, and within a week my appetite improved and I could sleep all night and now I feel well and strong." -Rosa M. Kelleb, Alburtis, Pa. We guarantee Vinol, which contains beef and cod liver peptones, iron and manganese peptonates, and glycerophosphates glycero-phosphates for run-down conditions, Culley Drug Co., Ogden. Also at the leading drug stores in all Utah towns. (Advertisement) STANDS FOR Meimthe Lexeme Cold, Cough and Catarrh Medicine for Young and Old. You buy it of any well stocked druggist drug-gist in ty2 or. bottles and take it in tep-drop doses, or better yet, mix it with simple sugar syrup, made by dissolving dis-solving of a pound of granulated sugar in a half-pmt of boiling water. It is so easy to make a whole pint of cold and cough syrup that tens of thousands of mothers make it every year for their lovod ones. All agree that this home-made cough syrup is free from harmful drugs, and that only a 'few doses, are required for each case, so that a pint may last a family throughout the winter win-ter season. For m colds, catarrh, cough, and bronchitis, there is nothing superior for prompt, lasting relief. Guaranteed Guaran-teed by the Blackburn Products Co., Dayton, Ohio, to please or money back. .(Advertisement) Doctor Tells How To Strengthen Eyesight 50 per cent In One I Week's Time In Many Instances I A Free Prescription You Can Have ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of !f j Filled and Use at Home. many descriptions may be wonderful ij jjj Philadelphia Pa Do vou wear ly benefited by following the simple J j gla esfre you atauEVSS f ,G S strain or other eye weaknesses? If &,5;yftfen2Btnw ?? g0t a S so, you will be glad to know, that ac- fe1" ?hnPl0 ntaSS5v 3?rP 1ne $ cording to Dr. Lowls there is roplJ?f'0 i hope for you. Many whose eyes were t., Jat?,rmd Sft i' lth 1 failing say they have had their eyes isfn "qa Sul eleByAtwo 1 restored through the principle of this !f 'Tt y should no- IZlW'T thTstaM I KErf. Hii; tn r! ? f will quickly disappear. If your eyes SEES read thfnTwltho sTle TomToS Jf any glasses nfrJ iTll SST b ind time. It was like a miracle to me." cetd thlr eyes n m; , , "HO a loHtr wVm i,0H H nnvtt- "Tlip it- -Note: Another prominent Physician to n A lady who used it sas. ine at- whom the above arLlcie waa submitted. M mosphere seemed hazy With or With- said: "Bon-Opto is a very remarkable ! f. out glasses, but after using this pre- remedy. Its constituent ingredients are f confirm fnr flft(Ti Hnv PVPrvtMnir well known to eminent oyo speclallata and scription lor Illteen aajs eeylnlng wi(cly prescribed by them. Tho manu- ! U seem6 clear. I can even read fine facturers guarantee it to strenKthen eye- i J) print without glasses." It Is believed sight 50 per cent In one week's time in ! fhnt- tHmiRnnrit; whn woir phssp-; cm ay Instances or refund tho money. It i lj tnat tnousanas wno wear glasses can can bc oblainC(1 Irom any BOO(1 druggist ' i now discard rthem in a reasonable and is one ol tho very tow preparations I time and multitudes more will be able feel should bo kept on hand tor regular j fjj to strpnethpn thplr pvpr n n? in- ho uso ,n almost every family." Sold in ; 11 to sirengtnen tneir eyes so as to De 0edcn by tho Mclntyre Drug Co.. and jS Bpared the trouble and expense of others. Advertisement. ; H L , 'It Op 0e SM ; ! There is one sure, safe way to I ; i '' avoid a blotchy, pimply skin. A o ! I good or bad complexion comes from j I within. If you wantaclcarcomplcxion, B a clean skin rosy cheeks and good I j health, your blood must be pure and I i the poisonous matter must be carried off. 9 Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets I assist nature to remove all poisonous j ! waste matter in the system. They act I j j on the liver and bowels like calomel yet j have no dangerous after-effects. They J are reliable safe and cannot harm i are used by women folks everywhere. j I Constipation is nearly always the cause of all ailments of women. The in- : tcstincs must be made to do their work J J. as nature intended in a normal way. n Have color in your cheeks. Take one I 1 or two tablets nightly and note the pleas- j ing results. All druggists 10cand25c. I (Advertisement) ' S S SPEND YOUR EVENING 1 THE HERMITAGE I DON STEWART, Prop. I J DANCING 1 EVERY NIGHT I I AND THE FAMOUS TROUT AND CHICKEN I I DINNERS . I I The Hermitage Special leaves Ogden 8:15 p. I 1 Returning 11:45 p. m. 1 |