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Show 'wl f Footwear J L Milady i R There are no smarter styles In winter footwear than B MS those shown In our selection the very latest and most Hj j fetching Ideas are embodied and daily arrivals of new, U Hj effective things add constant Interest. m M Price, too, goes a long way toward the popularity en- HI HI Jyed y the Clark Shoe Store, for though It Is a well- H BR known fact that costs have gone up, especially on leath- H H fon90dB' y0uMI f,nd C,ark Pr,ces to be from $1.50 to E Hi 920 a Pa'r 'ess on high grade footwear than you've H seen elsewhere. . Here are ust a few of the classy novelties we're I I showing: H I ..,-f.r '"Stance A smart black vlci kid In button style, fl HI with medium low Louis heel, priced at $5.50 the pair. H r a CLasy. batt'eshlp grey kid with Louis heel, long price t0P""a Sh0C yU dUpMcate at I I TI16"' S?e this. trim E"9l'6h last with medium heel I I the pa!rP maho9any brwn calf and priced at $7.85 B whS"S-l 3 Ver ltrik,ng effect we. show a boot with SS!!derkLt $?P50and dU" b,3Ck kid Vam ,ace 5t"e- 1 I I TOYS! GAMES! I I AT TOYLAND' IN LOWE'S BASEMENT I I I Geo. A. Lowe Co. The Importance of Cannot Be Overrated. Over-rated. Let the Dundee Dress you better for Less Money. SUIT OR OVERCOAT UNION MADE Our customers come back They're satisfied. 2431 Hudson Ave. By the Alhambra Theatre. oo- Francis Bushman and Beverly Bayne in "The Wall Between," five smashing acts, and two acts of corking comedy. Utah theatre. Phone 1800. I MIRRORS 1 PARISIAN IVORY. I EBONY, WALNUT, I I ROSE WOOD J i All Medium Prices and of the 2 BEST MANUFACTURE. j ' j McBride Drug Co. $ J The House ofQuallty. jp jjt tttmmm "mimm op m B I EXTRA-ORDINARY SACRIFICE SALE ! 1 r-T " rY OF FINE j MILLINERY OPvO TOMORROW ONLY S"'"'""""'"''?- Trns SALE includes all pattern hats late JBliBSS u3ui, ancj up.to-date arrivals values (Pyfl AO 2T up to $15.00, at H"0 m e?itfgffik ther values up to E Q 06 I jfL QWy (P $lo.oo . tpOo 1 ; Values up to S All Children's Trimmed I ; Some as low as 25c and 49c. A "nO I COME EARLY FOR FIRST SELECTION. i Francis Bushman and Beverly Bayne in "The Wall Between," five smashing acts, and two acts of corking comedy. Utah theatre. Phone 1800. . i Coming to the Lyceum Sunday, : the $10,000 prize film, "The Se- quel to the Diamond From the ' Sky." Monday, the great detective detec-tive series, "Vampires." 5 c ALWAYS 5 c 00 Read the Classified Ads. oo Head tho Classified Ads. ' Read the Classified Ads. oo Read tho Classified Ads. The Electric Service has moved to 2530 Washington I p Averae, '(Globe Theatre building.) 11 The 24th Street Store will remain open to our pa- , fc tresis, the Sign Factory absorbing the space made acces- i ll sible by the Washington Aveisue move. , ' jp 2530 Washington Ave. Phone 88 jK tit ' JUBBjjjj . ftp |