Show Ullntn1 fnlrrallun Helena Mont June IIAt therele I irotlon nf the Wet tern Icderatlon of Miners Joseph Kreethy and Jomei Davy of Ilulte carried off Omit honors In drilling IS nilimlca with 41 and 1510 Incites to their credit coming within 014 nf tin Inch of the slate record re-cord made In Unite The tame team nade it record of 49 Inches at Hpokane acar ago Win Talltm end W I urham of lluttu madu the nccontl lest record nflHH Inchc Duly sad fallen were the men who came within a fraction of tin Inch nf carrying oil he honor id the great contcit lu Cripple Crecli In IU with S3 tonmi entered In a Icnmlmito drill Win Richer of Lump lutrh drilled lSt In ten minute single imanthed I winning win-ning easily Over looa miner from he iiirnmndlng camp attended the celebration |