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Show I. 'in ' The Coalville patrokize VOL DEVOTED TO THE X HTE 33.3SSTS OP home ihdustry. UTAH, FRIDAY, COALVILLE, SUMMIT COUHTY, IV STTlCMIIT COTTISTTY. myo( Utabc FREE COIH AGE OF SLFER, 16 TO 1 JUKE 18 , 1897 HO.lg rii THE COUNTY NEWS Rockport, Peoa, Oaklev, North Kantas, Kamas, Woodland and Bench Creek, the Butter Department of the Farmers and Ranchers QATHERHD BY OUR ALERT . good ntur reigned aaionjjst ttie ran-- 1 4quishod and the triumphant of 11 the It ia no uncommon thing to find ' among oar acquaintances that many gme which eentnbuW much to njoymetif ott he spectators. a ma1jnifi.,P'rson8 when asked aa to the kind cent hall in the evening closed one of the of breakfast they eat, reply that wotventful and inteiegting d sever they either eat none at all or only witnessed in Park City U. C. coffee or tea. a enp of It is true that the ordinary English to strike ter-- i j breakfast is calculated tot in the minds of the average Eu-- i perhaps drink A WORO ABOUT CONDOLENCE. The KvcnU of the Wee k From Nearly s butler ,, no running and is fully equipped to make a large amount of vary Town in Summit County vi The Time" Kepreeentetinoe Havre Iiunng the summer a rheese department will Ire established. In order to rui both departments e iirnl that we shall lued more milk than, under present arround to Write About. We would therefore rane- - meats, is produced in the vicinity of the Creamery. ask that you anange to produce at least ten times as much milk as you are now the Creamery that will grow producing. There are many acres of waste land near FLOA. the finest milk producing grasses in the world. Much of this land is for sale or rent. We pay the highest cash price for fmtier fat, or its equivalent in butter, of Iaoa, Utah, June in 1W)7 1 HI T L iKIlkJir.Ilk CO., any firm m Summit County. A. A. MILL', Manager. Editor Times ht ' , first-clas- ropean, and French people would he appalled at the idea of eating a beef, steak or a couple of chops the first kl UJ 1 T O I -- Si i a I i p: 1 - ' jelf , pcrfur.ctorr 4 simulated or w mit mistake to commence the day WoHs of eon without a foundations, meal a as good doleroent are Consequently m many jt may bave been noticed by those cases set Terms or trite sayings ut- who have no appetite for breakfast (gyd without thought or feeling, that even if hungry n retiring it is Und when that is the case they have of to a C: have Q PXception feeding ,, real '. no con ,u iH f'on' on awakening in the morn, hunger doloment with the Oscar 13. Young lias gone i to hlS spring- - , u is probable that during sleeps 11KM EFLK. WANSHIF of ranch in Weber canyon. naturailyont sympathy, has tl)0 fnnetons of digestion being in ing UJ di-Tim 1 sorrow is ; A soothing effect Hrswer. Utah, June 16, 1897. Mr. and Mrs, Watson tnuy same WAShttip, Utah June 17,1897. i o the stomach contracts, and abeyance, as it and were, sufthe chief vided, Pc friends from Park City visiting them. this is probably why some persons Editor Times : Editor Times: ferer op monrner feels relieved by cannot eat late at fcj night. The empty Sheep shearers are returning home William Jones and daughter of Ogden Quite a number went from here to having a companion in misery. No stomach, having no function to Cc thick and fast; they met with Park City on labor day. were visiting here on Sunday. such relief is brought by polite contracts of itsolf, and in the work While absent. Lake Salt to I. went Peter Hixson Charles Brew ar and Thomas Britton words of sympathy coldly expressed, morning it requires some little Marchants stwmill stirted up on this week. which every rnejitters us a matter nhition are huth very sick at this writing. for it to Vsigm its daily work. d now and out lumber is Tuesday turning to E. fe oung has gone Miss Clara Gibby o Morgan is visit- of form, ant ulncb no one takes as This is why so many, especially at a rapid rate. having sene as meaning. City to work. cannot take a heavy breaking her mtert Mrs Emelina Bond. of sympathy which A. ti. QUarchant and 8 U. Wat-o- n The expre-iwtoIf you want a goui time, tome fast. VY hare hal a fine ram storm which and roost gratefully refelt most went to Park Citv the nrst of the week is For those who can do so it is a was W.utstnp to iclebr ite the Fourth, needel, espemlly so for ceived is not always translated into to attend the teachers euvunu iinm good n i et t oi buggy riding is for the dry farming. plan to drink a little cold waof the hand or words. The j Will th6 citirens of leoa tdebratt on on ter to !i t rising. It washes out the and the other u bm uin The hills were covered with enorv acts of consideration may July 4th'' If K it i about uun the takes away any mucus stomach, Inis was a scene that reaching pretty w down mi the n,or' i kindly sometimes ! marc consolatory than that committee was appointed to .mange a vva- v hi have collected there in the may yyeek here. me i of It tube the hoped !th. ing any gpoben words. People of judg-- night and stimulates the digestive program an i appoint othei i miiuUtct-- . J .trili on the lGtl not freexe. went mont and consideration who wish to Nchiad conft rente will Stake Funday glands to give forth their secretions dimonn-e- i here Tin-.- ' ddnered Guod celebrate of console tho afflicted do so quietly and weie iens be held hete onj'vilur lay and at Loihol. prepare for that important act, ' Commutes haw on Sunday last by P. Paulson aud Win. and gently Theyjdo not attempt to t mi n a J . on Sunday. It is expei ted that a laijp- t,i Family Doctor. digestion. .ill c a l uuwi and a program lone, of ogden, UtaL. grief, but stop the torrent of nnmhel of pupils will be in atten btnee Uen " Mow' uml 11m Table of Stone. Miaa suhannah iMepliens of this place waiting unt.b has subsided exhibit PARK CITY, gotten up. It ia the intention to gel up at both places. f nets w in ill a lie giand than tiro probarather There on ever Did m Sail Livke on uch sympathy mied figure father omething new her you avcmip Miners Union Day drew quite a n ble size f.n 1 immense strength of To the farmers and people of to (.oiumew- - with. Tite the 11th inst. Mias Stephens will re-- words aawjll tend to soothe the crowd of our jjtixens to Park LUV on paradewill be on ' Summit rowing. The mourner at a death bod Moes, lm og your c m tow n some time. quite a feature in our County t Monday and they icpoit haying had celebration this vear. as wed as any adviser that tiro dim;n.i iw Y. tnows ' tahh i of who been lus ilving M.ssL.iy Bond, - We will sell for an enjoyable time, The good people Ihl 'next toars will avail jwtbing; ho knows Stone, as gnon b; tm Tolmudio in Peterson fo several yieeks, returned of ldik Cuy knoa Uow to eututaiuj arthe was inevitables that it v i ih rsV In tiro Tahnra.l (folio 138, theond tbnt days 30 following HOYTSVTIXK. home ou Sunday , the 13th. their guests and do it riut toy ally. for bees beat have we ticles d the ; of at tables e raid off the it that that is )!mnu 8) may Part of the Kin lav School from here bbotjW llnv ihui i k, Utah, June 18, 1807. Garden truck is yery backward tins, thankful for the compan- - stutHi upon which tbe command the irom regular price, are preparing to attend the Suudgy. season on account of the dry weather ionsbip of the dcpnrtod one during mwiti were written wore 6 ells long, but you must mention The Hoyt estate here was appraised on the Coalville conference at Grain is not doing as well as could be this week life rather than mourn over his loss, 6 ills broad and 3 ells hick. In the The Coalville Tiniest 20th. Much depends upon the weather All of these thoughts and ot Bible, Exodus xxxii, 13, we are told wished, some ol which had to be WOOL SHIRTS. The copious raius this week were a MENS The baseball club is having new suits, phrases bavo been rondo familiar to that Moses wont down from the watered to bring it up. Potatoes are ' lo the farmer. JERSEY blessing with;the letters Henefer on the breast him by constant repetition, but they mount, and thetwo tables of the lookuig.well and lucerne and wild hay M Ice 17th. WORKING , Heavy frost here last night make quite a grata upon his cars in tbe presence testimony were in his hand. of the same ll ia looking tine, the most of which lias on standing water. COTTON ' mind not bad a good irrigation. striking appearance at their next game, of bis own fresh grief and afford him hands, Hand, you, Mens shirts of all kinds. Nearly the entire erop of black of Henefer, no consolation. From tbe effusive though it must be admitted that it Charlie The road supervisor at Pat k City has formerly Jones, be a failure this will here in currant real friends without of a taken would have Boys Shirts of all kinds, sympathy strong pair done some' gtiod work on the toad her uow of Sal Lake has been called on season! through tbe frost a month ago but beuitY to abo thaAfiftiltvof their the to for of task hands carry perform old, up. X Knee tween here and Park City. The work a mission to'Colorado. His many friends Lira he turns for roSuF lug thenSevetf on tbe XeveL condole with from Mr. C. Mills T. Park returned children, .agra J pauts his a indicates that the supervisor underhere intend getting up dance for to some one whose real sympathy is we will put the Talmudic and the to' 14, Boys . lou pant.8, . stands his business and that he it the City Tuesday. benefit before he leaves. This is as it expressed in actions rather than liblical accounts together and apply right man for the business. John is Geo. West and brother were ud front should be Mr. Jones is a good, enter- words one who is silent because he the mathematical rule. The Hebrew ages 10 to ao. Mens socks , C. H. W. from 5c, up. Ladies hose" a whole team in himself and a jolly Morgan prising young man and is worthy of en- feels the hollowness of mere profesell or cubit" was, a its least esrom good fellow, with all. Long may he couragement. up. First-clasions of sympathy, and who is toler- timate, a measure of 18 inches, ECHO celluloid prosper. on in collar, Lake the Salt Temple 15c; cuffs, Married, ant of tbe passion of grief beoauae whiob would have made each of the Echo, Utah, June 17, 1897. Mens The mail failed to connect at W&nahip 9 9 Wednesday, June the 17th. Mr. J. S. he feels and Understands its force. block feet stone good a 35c; pants at liable long, All the boys have gone fishing. 'on Saturday, the train beirg late, and Fawcett to Miss Lillian Shill. The feet thick. If com- 55c. to $2.50; Mens duck Beal consolation is found in such feet wide and Jas. Hopkin was up from Croyden young couple have the good wishes of condolence, and little the consequence was that Tuc Times by little the mon stone weighed as much to the ined coats at $1.45. And all who know them for their future grief is and other mail matter did not reach yesterday. and then oomes sauare foot then as it does now the shoes and boots almost at assuaged, Mrs. Richard Wickelis now anxionsly happines. A family supper will be tbe period when the mourner finds tables would tip the beam at about Peoa until Monday afternoon. The your own price, as we have given ou their return, and I am inform- oonsolation in the talk that at first 28 tons ! Was Moses one of the gi- a patrons of The Times and Salt Lake waiting for a wet fisherman. great many large sizes ll A game of papers do not like such treatment, will be playedin ed a free dance will be given in the near irritated him. People who desire to ants of those days or has some one and they will Jgo at half W. B. which has been too frequent of late. Brim's park at Coons pitch, Sunday, fntnre. condole with others, even as a mat- mad a mistake in calculations or s. The trains should accommodate thepub-Ji- between the Echo And Coalville clubs. ter of form, should respect tbe peri in tbe statement of supposed facts? price. PARK CUT AMERICAS CLOTHIIG C0.. more and themselves less, to my way Ods the avoid Louis of City. and Republic! St wounding grief Ray Brim came home Sunday from Park City, Utah, Juue 17, 1897. seared heart by hollow expressions of thinking. Salt Lake, where he has been attending A Ualy Ths Buka. E. J. WOLTER, Manager. x of pbilosopbio comfort at a time Hollis, the eon of H. B, Williams, school at the University for tbe past Editor Times : for Orleans served s of Duke The when the monrner is ill prepared to who went through a surgical operation year. time in tbe English army, hut was Park City was visited with a severe receive consolation from such in SaltXake the first of the month is to bis connection A train load of binding twine for the snowstorm on tbe night of the 15tb. source. In the house of death all compelled give up reported as doing well;but I amsorry MachioeCo. of Tig Jen Wagon At the teachers examination held voices are lowered through awa. in consequence ofLis childish behavto say that it wifi take, so the doctor passed through Echo this week, and here this week Coalville pedagogues They should be stilled out of sympa- ior. Be played no end of senseless says, at least twoycars to make a cure. was photographed tricks while stationed at Aldershot, by Prof. J. F. were represented by Mr, Frank Evans, thy, at least until the passion of was most insubordinate as regarded Theboyvhad to be operated upon on Gullihur. Mr. Welter Boyden and Miss Annis grief has spent its force and tbe account of some ailment just back of the was forever taking adDan Heiner passed through heie Carrutb. mourners have begun to hunger aft-e- r disoiplina, Williams lost his Mr. has hip joint. vantage of the immunity due to bis yesterday with a train load of cattle. The pulpit at the L. D. 8. Church last sympathy and condolence. Time wife, a daughter and eon within the Some of the royal rank, and finally was compelsteers and heifeia Sunday evening was filled by your is the great curer of grief, and tbe led to leave the army for having cut last two years and this trouble added to which be yearling in Oregon will be versatile correspondent 0. F. Lyons. bent that we oan do is to intelligentlionght the others makes his lot hard indeed. unloaded at Wahsatch. the ropes anchoring a captive balHe delivered a most excellent and ly aid time by extending condolence Utah. The gentleman and interesting little loon in which General Sir Evelyn Summit Co., The photograph of the Sunday school practical discourse. in words only when the words can offiof the entire field of other have a the sympathy Wood and couple family be both understood and appreciated tea hers and childien was taken at the Mr. John F. Salmon has purchased a cers were taking observations durcommunity. ftfter district schoolhouse Sunday, by Prof, neat and th(J Q flf a fresh grief for nee. res.de Park a the how cozy mama! cottage ing a sham buttle. A strong wind O.-City boys J. E. Uulhhnr, The room was Oh, has subsidedBaltimore Sun. nicely After it F. was Blowing, and the balloon was undergoes soma alterations be waxed it to the Ogden dub in the base decorated w ith flow ers and girls. pretty occuand its into tbo move will carried air, his on the On the into up it. Coro. The ball game on Monday afternoon, Cologne It is a fine picture and Prof. Gullihur same street family General Dealer in All Kinds of Park City diamond. The Park City deserv es great credit. Elijah Hanson is busily The question is of ten asked wheth pants were unable to effect a 30 some of a distance at until cold engaged in erecting a commodious cr there ia any way of nipping a club did fine work ; the play ot Higson Jos. Stnrer is doing a big business In in the hud that is, of stopping it as miles from Aldershot Sir Evelyn place- and Kimbrough being exreptionaly duelling the sale of beef and pork. B. directly, not only to the M. A. C. the first club Y. the the while ak,9 complained good, The Marsac mill has not yet started but also the of Duke' Cambridge, of Ogden were not in it a little bit. The up, but the people here are hopeful that tom StlarlN. liked the I'u, never who herself, AND18 was of queen the slose score at ;the game it will again be in operation before long. 1). 18U7 and who June 14, C., immediately Washington, re duke, in IT no young to 2 in favor of th Park dub. The i Tpe big mill ha not been submerged bv Postmaster-Genera- l M f responded to Sir Evelyns communiFirst Assistant Ogden boj s looked green, presumably Health L ... made annual the cation by intimating to the Comte public over their defeat. I tell you what, the ; tinued ; silence rebuke to Isa th reclassifications of posts dices and the tions of cologne water. As soon as and Comtesse de Paris that she , , laiktiovsare no slouches and it Will lh ' of Presidental r postcould no longer permit their son to readjustment to them team lay If You 'ta e a mighty good masters salaries. These take ia the bead or cliost isome eau da continue his military training in her changes r out ; so h a team will be hard to find, if effect July 1st, and are based on Last Monday was Miners Union Dai cologne poured on a handkerchief army. School Books, are The Park me. lielieve can boys yon the receiots at the various postoffices and right r.u ally was it ceiebrut-J- . should he inhaled as energetically A Smart Toon Mm. Note Books, dandle aud no mistake. the four quarters pieceding The mines were closed down fur the dvv during Man Good morn nose or by the tbe Smart liy Young , and afternoon Paper,-night March 31 St. There are changes in ihiring Tuesday and the citv wore a holiday appearance. mouth aevernl the day. ing, Mr. Bullion - ..Envelopes, . timesduring we were visited by a gentle rain storm at only three offices in Utah, and Old Glory was in evidence, many of The inhalation of the vapors arising Mr, Bullion (irascible old gent)-C- m Tablets, which will do much good to the parched they ure increases. They are: Eureka, the business houses displaying large and from tbo eau le cologne should bo ahi Good morn. Remarkable Blanks, anddrysoii; on Wednesday morning from sf 1300 pi $1590 ; Logan, from $1700 biautiful flag. Patriotic atrs were sufficiently ample to either have with you. the foothills were covered "with snow to $1800, and Provo, from $1700 to $1800. played br the bands to a multitude of 1 Die nasal fosste or produce an in dog yon Siberian bloodhound j ter Pens, pharynx which remained on tne ground the There w ill be no decreases In salaries at appreciative ( lens Pencils, to ox obaln sensation distress of this athletic takes The people." tritation, ribly Mvsge; greater part of the day; the weather is other Presidental offices in Utah, as is garaeswer even of ing at first, but only lasting a short ; should one Ink, exhibition splendid if any tun, decidedly chilly and there Is every Ume, When in spite of this d 'look would , the case with other States, and no strang h and kili. Th contest wIih-Ithis at Rulers, ma, dog crossly followed that the storm will be changes other than those mentioned. keenest irrteret 0009 having been followed for tbreS tear bun to puxmvo, indeed. Im perhapthe Erasers, will does if it Come, by a frost, which, w a tbe Too danbetween the Ontario 01 tour days tha cough still COutin- - going to have him Slates, find tender plants in" proper shape to The K eely lntltut. ami Silver King undergroand men. Th j tJes. fha method roust be admitted gerous you know or anything in . Tackle, B. R. Vies. Fishing cut to the ground. Prof. W.S. Arnold, general counsel of former won after a short hard pnll ; but 0 have failed. New York Ilerald. - - ' I should say bo," j that line, give me a call before " . the exertmtl that one of the Not only nilesof, thievery 'worst kind he Jit'die E. Keeley Institute, falt loike, SO great Ya-a- a ; must doit in the interest A from I te H&& T 1D W : iU . h stimoQials flattering b!,trn itfci n can b6 cured by know. By the purchasing. 4 rosnv cf humanity, you T,,,rw tr-a er-- t scalds, herns, all clashes. On the eu ssfnl tieatment ZTLrt- t off Ih. Halve, but ecierna, Mr. Tim the under his tiehi. your daughter Bullion, at tha other skin being charge given way, farmers bruises, boils, ulcers and all bringing in g d t ttowadsvs has I have called Postoffico Buildingr, and me, accepted troubles can be instantly relieved by tbe Keeley- Institute. t Write him for ' parR great many And truehinf,de; it." ticulars. . - GTAir fet at same remedy. John Boyden A Son. to atk your consent. PEOA, ;but.fmr m are not. uPl .. He got iirlfefc thy i IS sometimes . o ft i v iifllH-bHl- u , , j e per-for- very-littl- ..... " V m-su- re 0 ft u 2 American Clothing Company, -- i i day-las- i t j 1 o ! 1 1 i - Q 1 n i 5 o j i i 11 i ( - -- bras-Li- sor-mai- 1 n iom 1 ifih , one-thir- , and-wi- a fr 7Cc.-w- , -- -- -- ss base-ba- C M . Co-o- Postofflce Store; p PEOA, LYONS, do-sce- nt i i , " 71 vTt -- to-d- r-- Want po-dhl- o sal-ari- 1 t 1 MY-a- . , tug-of-w- isre-eivm- g u - thThn8f'1.,, J tre&t-excite- q 1 mes-He-.- ', 1 s , |