Show THE COUNTY NEWS QATHEflKD UY OUIt ALERT CORRESPONDENTS COR-RESPONDENTS I Tli Kt nl iif the Wmk From Irmly 1eT Town In anunlt County1ll Thp TIoII Mein tattra II I rUIOI re tt rite Lout 1 Illlt II IKM Utah June 111 1MI I > KlIllOKTlMrK 011 II I Voting lint gone up I til hli I ranch In Weber anon Mr ninl Mm AIolI harm auto II rlcndt from Park City Ultlni Ilipin Sheep nlioirira nro returning homo thick mitt fut they hurt with wry I little nork whllo abient Murchanlt iiKinlll ilnrtal up on Tuesday and Is i nun turnliuotil luiuhvr nt n rapid rate A II Mirdmit niiil Ii U i Walton wiiit In lark City HIM tln > t of the IItIIIl to attend the teacher miaiiiliMllon Will tliu oitlMiu of leuta I cwlvbml nu Jult till II no It la i Iwilt tlaiB the roinmlltuo wan appulniml UtiirraiiKii a i program and appoint other eumiuitwoi Hmky Him Jay Hcbool IIrn will be held here onS timl y and tu Uuilvlll on Suiil ly It II l ui teil that a largo I iHMnlwr of pupllt will Iw In atunilnncw at bath plmiM Miller Union Ihly dr w quite 1 u crowd our cltltoni lo lark City on Monday aunt they re 110ft hat In i had nil enjyablu time The Rood people of Park City kiiun hun tu miKrlaln their Kuetle and do It right lojally I lnnln truck ll very Uiok maul till rmton account of the dry umther I Bruin 1i Lot tloini ill well in could he mm l liwl Bonn ol which loud lo Iw I watered brlnu It up Potato nro looUiuwtll liimrnu aunt will lily li luokliijj line tlio moil ul which Inn had u good Irrigation Tliu roil > Itorall < iik City hat d n Siiti foolwpjJontlhuru joo bo < tetcn keno mill Turk City Tliu work ludlcitei that the import liar mnltr eland lilt butlnoit and that hu ll 1 tliu rUht man for iho bUll null John It I wholo teuni In lilnnulf ami n jolly goal follow with all lunit may laD Inn jet Tho mull failed to connect Wauililp on talurJ y tliu train lielri late anil the conic < uoiiiu vrm that Tin TIMLS stud other mall matter UM not reach Ieoa until Monday afternoon The luitront ol Till Tiun and Salt Inko paper do not like such treatment which hat been 1 too frequent of late The trnlni ihould accommodate thepub > Jib moro end thcnuvlvci lore to my Hay ol thlnklni Hollli Clue ion ofll II Wllllamf w ho went through liturgical operation I In Salt lobe Iho tint of tho month U reported in doing well but I ant lorry i to tay that It alit tale to the doctor pnyiat Icall to year to makon cure flue boy hail tn be operated upon on account ol toma ailment Just buckol Iho hip Joint Mr Williams hat lost till tulle n daughter and ton ttlthln the hit two yean arch thlt trouble toilet lo Ihu others makes hit lot hard Indeed Tho niiilleman and lntoreitlni llttlo family have the tympiithy ol the entire lommunlty Oh nminal how tho Turk City buy raxiil 11I In tlm Ogden club In the bout ball gnaw 011 Monday afternoon on the ak City diamond Tho Turk City club did lino work j the play 1 01 II goat nod Klmbrouch being oxrepllonnlly gaud while the the Y M 0 A club of Ogden aero not In It llttlo bit The coro at thu aloes of lice glumuu omit 1H tn2ln favor ol tin tart club Tlio Ogden lays l l looked urion pn > umably ocr belt tofaat I toll you what tliu luik law I mu no lunches and It will tui u mlxhtv gad l tDiim to lay them out mm li a till in nil bo hard to find if I Mill can lwlleu nif Tlio Park boy aro Iolldloa 111I1 nu mUtnVv IHirinnTnt l y Hlrrnoon and night XMHviuxliUiil u K < > iitlu ruin itorm wlilcli 11I1 Icinutnh good tn Iho pArello1 nml dry null oil WeJnel y morning thaouthllli acre onterwl with now which remalne1 on tnu ground the greaser part ol the day j the weather It decidedly chilly and there U every In dilution that the Korin ttlll U ollowe hy II front which II II IDOl 0011I6 will find tender plants In proper hope to cut to the ground H K K VlKii Not only nllwiof JlieTveryworit kin I ll cnn to I curoil by UeWltto Wltih liar l HUu but ectema walte burn bruise boll ulcers nllli nil oilier skin tranblet can lie 1lIllantl relived l by thin eaiue remedy John Hoyden fc ton |