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Show NORTHWEST NOTES, Cock-fighting wa tha.popularpori In Virginia City, Nov., on Christmas. W. IL Uo of St. Clair, Churchill county, Ner., ha shipped 310 cases, 7, 483 pounds, of holler to Indianapolis, , Ind. At Bcllsh, Mont, on tho Flathead reservation, Peter Lucler wn dangerously danger-ously wounded by the accidental discharge dis-charge of n shotgun. Jamc llurkv of Steamboat, Nov., reminds Callfurnlans that gold was discovered on January 18, 1613 and that making tho :3th the anniversary Is wrong, fteport from Ducknater Ner., state that the range cattle In thai section aro In poor condition, and a number have died during the recent cold weather. At Wllbaux. Mont., John Nettleton and William Moore, cowboys, foifght a duel with pistols over ft girl whom both loved. Moore wa badly wound" ed, but Nettleton escaped aevcre In-Jury. In-Jury. Mrs. n. Krdman, living on Indian rrcck, north of Lusk, Wyo., committed tulclde recently by taking concentrated concen-trated lye. Mra. Krdman tried to klT. her Infant child, but fatted. Tho woman wo-man hat been tick for some time, and had become deranged. Jamea Corbett, ft New Yorker, went to llutte recently after Kdna Diamond, because she failed to return east on ; transportation furnished by him. After an Interview he knocked her down nnd It then alleged to have drawn ft silk handkerchief from hla pocket and attempted at-tempted to tie It about her neck an't i strangle her. Her crlea brought help. la a saloon at Hockey Ford, Colo., : on Christmas day, 'Hex Inyard waa. i whirling it six-shooter on his linger ! ' when It slipped and fell to the floor, V , exploding. The ball patted through the neck of a man named Hoglo of ' Pucllo, making a dangerous If not t fatal wound. Thla la the third or fourth , i man Inyard has gotten with his six-thoter. six-thoter. Tho body of Harney Flannagan, who-dled who-dled from Injuries received In a rail- ' road collision In Wyoming haa been I laid to rest In Kurcka, Ner. The ex- lent of his injuries were not realized until tho coflln was opened, when It k wa seen that he had received the full f force of the escaping steam from tho I exploited boiler of the train on which I he wa riding. t The wolf hunt on Hush creek, Wyo- 5 mlng ended In the party Jumping up 1 teven wolves near the head of u small J stream on the other side of lluih creek, f but the snow wa so deep tllal It wa Impossible tn make any headway In tho I chaaa. The anow was nearly three , ffet deep In maty placea "indTt wa ' f J nut of the question for either hounds f K or horses to run In it. I At Miles City, MonL. n dullChrlsf , mat wound upnt night with a mur- v-... ) dcr. Two bullet were fired hy an un- "L ' known person through a window In I the Wong Chong laundry, The first bu'let atruck the floor nod the second IT struck Ling (lee In the loft temple. U He was Ironlngclothcs when shnL It II Is suspected Lee (lea's murderer waa ft f fellow countrymau. (lilbert Kitchen, of (Jreat Tails, MonL, employed nt tho lloston and Montana mill, was worked up Jo n high state of nervousness by adversity at hi Canadian home, had u premonition premoni-tion of danger and thinking It would , happen h the mill loft In his under- .Jt shirt nnd overalls and walked all . "' ' Ij night Howes chilled through next II morning when he reached Tort Minw, twenty-eight mile. Uu thlnktmm he I' v. aa hraded for Canada. Trlvntee Davis nnd Murphy of Tort Yellon stone, who wero detailed for tho winter nt Mud geyser, JlonL.stnrt-ed JlonL.stnrt-ed on ntilnct'en-iulle tramp for mall, v but Murphy gave out, while Davis kept on. Murphy reached tho Lake hotel the next morning, having Wen out nil nlghL Tho (umperaturu was' !S degree below xero nnd his ears nnd feet were badly frozen. Davis wa found frown atlff. .. -.J (lovernor Hlchnrdtof Wyoming ha till to saynnrnttho coming meeting of cnttlomcn in Denver: "IVIillo tho value of cattle la greater than that of any other kind of llro atock In tho western atatea and tcrrllorlc at the preaent time, sheep are a close second. The returns for assessment purposes In Wyoming for the current year show that during the past ten years tho total valuation of cattle hat decreased 00 per cent, horses have decreased S3 per cent, while sheep have Increased K93 per cent and twine havo Increased S17 percent This has been n good year for those engaged In either the cuttle or sheep business, and both branchet of Industry should bo equally well represented rep-resented In this convention." The elovetlon of William B. Tlgott of O-eat Tails, Mont, to a position on Jin su promo bench created a vacancy on the state board of education, which Ihe governor tilled one day during the post week by appointing M. J. llarretl of Lowiitotvn, An uuknnwn masked man lapped tho till In tho Steamboat Sprlnga (Nevada) (Ne-vada) hotel recently and robbed th loungers about the place. He secure? very little booty. Albert Watson, supposed sup-posed to be tho guilty party, haa been arrested ou suspicion. |