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Show Western Vslei ml ller Question. Washing n. Jan 4.t&oepnflereon-grrss 4.t&oepnflereon-grrss Tcoinene". an effort will be made to find out juit how thn MoKln-Iy MoKln-Iy llepubltrans from the mountain slates really aland "H tho kilter ijnea-tlnn ijnea-tlnn now Woleolt. 8lmcp. Carter, Warren and Clark will put on record n proposition to adopt Ihctitanley' Mat-theirs Mat-theirs proposition as an amendment to one of the epproprlaltone. This wll probably be offered by Henator Teller himself. This resolution waa passed In 1878 by llrpnbllean voles. ILilcclnrra that "All the bonds of the United' Htatca, Issued or authorised to be Issued (under (un-der the refunding of l7(),thb act to provide for the resumption of apeclo payments of lv. etc.,) are payable, principal and In terest, at the optlonof the government of the United States, In silver dollars of the colnnge of the United Htatca, containing (15X grains each of stsmlard silver, and that to restore re-store to Its coinage such silver coins a a legal tender in payment of aald bonds, principal and Interest, la not a' violation of the public faith nor In derogation of the right of the public creditor " |