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Show DOLO TBAIN HOLD-UP. llnl.11 lUfnre II ll.d l-slant llfToml IMS CllrUmlUuriisnul tllr- Kansas City, Jan -The eiprets ear on the Kansas City. HtUburg & (lulf railway which left the depot here at :ll last night was robbed before It had passed beyond the elty limits Two men, whom no one but the express ex-press measenger seem to ham seen, ellmbed Into the eapresa ear as the train left llm dewl They overpowered overpow-ered the messenger, bound andgsgged him, and rilled the car before the train eame I" a atop When the train slowed up at railroad crossing known ts' Atr f,tna Junction they cllmbvd out ftf the car and dlssppeareil Nothing waa known of the robbery until a negro train porter entered tha ear and found the helpless ei press tneuntiger. After the train had Wen stopped and othera of the crew had come forward for-ward and released the expresa messenger, messen-ger, It was found that tho robtiers had rifled Iho local safe, taking from It everything of value. 1 hey made no I (Tort to disturb the through safe, which Is protected by ft time lock Croin Air t.lne Junction n telegraphic report of the robbery was sent to this slty. and tho train proceeded south At the express company's ofllce It waa staled that IJ00 or 1300 would probably proba-bly eover the company's loss, In police circles, hawover, the Impression prevails that tho roblera secured aer-tral aer-tral thousand dollars In money and (cwelrr. The robbera entered the exprraacar M the train was pulling out uf the fanU, having fcirct-d the rear door with a Jimmy. US. llvde of Kanaia City waa tho express messenger Upon turning from his work he looted Into the barrel of a six shooter. The inrs-longer inrs-longer olTcrcd uo resistance, though ho was well armed, and lifter the robbra had hound lilm ono of them stood ruardnrerhlin while the other rifled the aafe. Though last night's robbery la tho Orst that haa occurred on the I. & (I. railway line, It la the sixth crime of tho hind perpetrated In Kansas City within fifteen montha. There have leen aeveral arrests pf alleged train robbera during thla limn bnt there has not been a alnglo con-miction. |